Part 28

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Theo's Pov .

"What the hell do you mean?" I ask Clarke, and she gives me an apologetic look . I would have known if my brother had a child.

"Roan had a son," Clarke says in a small voice, and I start to laugh at her words.

"I would have known if my brother fatherd a child ." I say through my laughs, but the look on Clarke's face tells me there is more to the story.

"Roan was in Trikru territory when he fell for a woman. She was a couple of years older, and she had a daughter. After he left, the woman came to Azgeda and told him she was pregnant. " Clarke whispers, and I furrow at her words. If all this happened, how come I never saw the woman?

"W-who was the woman?" I ask Clarke, and she hangs her head down in shame.

"Her name was Beth. She was Lexa's mother." Clarke says, and I think my jaw just hit the ground .

"You're trying to tell me Roans son is Lexa's brother." I breathe out with wide eyes, and I see Clarke slowly nod her head. Roan had a son whose Lexa's brother was. But wait, where the hell did the boy then go ? I never saw a baby , even tho I was a lot in my cell, I would have known if a baby would be in my mother's castle. And knowing my mother, she would have used the child against Lexa when she was heda , if she knew the true parentage.

"I never saw a baby," I say with a frown, and I see tears start to well in Clarke's eyes.

"Roan was young, and the boy was born a Natblida," Clarke whispers as tears fall from her eyes. Wait hold the fucking door, she's got to be joking me right?

"Nia said she would raise the boy as her own son." Clarke says, and I feel anger start to consume me .

"You're lying." I bite her way, and I see Clarke shake her head. She's trying to say I'm the boy . That Roan was my father and Lexa, my sister. It has to be some sort of sick joke .

"Y-your saying I'm the boy," I say with anger in my eyes, and I see the girl slowly back away from me .

"You're saying that Roan was my father and Lexa was my sister." I say with venom as I marxh over to Clarke and grab her chin.

"Please tell me you're lying," I ask Clarke as we both search the others' eyes.

"He told me the secret when we were at Becca's lab ." Clarke whispers, and I start to take heavy breaths.

"You're saying that the man I thought was my brother was my father, and he left me in the hands of that cruel woman knowing what she's done to me. You're saying that Lexa was my sister, and neither of us knew." I bite Clarke's way as my hold on her chin increases.

"I-im sorry Theo," Clarke sobs out, but I push her away from me.

"I trusted you, and for six years, you kept the truth from me." I practically yell at her.

"I didn't know how to tell you," Clarke whispers, and I scoff at her words.

"I've spent the last six years opening up to you, and you knew how hard that was for me with my past. And now you're telling me that my whole life was a lie ? That my father was a coward who left his son in the hands of that cruel woman. That I had a sister who's dead. " I yell at the blonde as I feel more and more anger start to consume me.

"I hope it was worth it." I bite Clarke's way, walking away from her she runs over to me and wraps her arms around me .

"Let me go," I say with no emotion in my voice as I try to pry the girls hands off my body.

"T-theo, please , I love you ." She whispers, and I laugh at her, prying her hands off my body. I let my emotionless eyes meet her teary ones .

"Love is weakness." I bite her way as I march away from her and into the darkness of the night.

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