Wake up. Open your Eyes.

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"Fire Spirit! What are you doing?"

Fire Spirit cookie stared at the valley of fighting cookies around him. The Pitaya Dragon loomed over, dozen of enemy cookies rushed to its side, attacking. He'd gotten his home kingdom,, in the heart of the dragon's valley. He'd raised an army of cookies. He'd molded the kingdom on his own. And now the dragon wanted revenge. He understood completely, yet still couldn't come to terms with that. So why did watch he as the Pitaya Dragon beckoned for him to attack. Why did he flee. Why had he given up?

One cookie in particular was not going to give up however. As the cookie grabbed their sword, they attacked the dragon with swift technique. The cookie was Fire Spirits proudest creation.

"Kneel to the sword, Pitaya Dragon!" the cookie demanded. The dragon flew up and struck the cookie with it's jaw. The cookie flew into the ground. "Ugh! Fire Spirit!" they cried. Despite their pleads, Fire Spirit didn't help. They were gone. They slowly rose up, but the dragon shot a blast of power that shot them into a crater from a previous impact. The crater was too deep to escape. The Dragon seemed to bellow and laugh at the cookie's efforts to rise. The cookie threw their sword and tried to use their power. Through Fire spirit cookie, they had inherited a power that no other cookie to the flaming hot kingdom had. They screamed, a scream heard across the battlefield. The sky seemed to yell back, and lava began to rain.

"Gah! No!" The enemy cookies screamed. Pitaya Dragon roared in anger. The cookie chuckled in its deathbed. They had used all their power. They were bound to die. "I...I would sacrifice my life...for this kingdom." they heaved through heavy breaths. Pitaya dragon seemed to snarl, ignoring the lava slowly burning their skin. They roared, and flew off. The flaming hot cookies were immune to fire and lava, so they yelled in victory, unaware of who had saved their life. The cookie in the crater closed their eyes as columns of dirt and lava began to bury them.

"You see, this is how to you properly construct an axe!" Purple Yam cookie exclaimed as Milk cookie stared in wonder. "Truly amazing!" Milk cookie marveled. The axe glinted with purple, and had an edge filled with tiny blades. Purple yam cookie stared at it with pride. "Yes, yes, I know. I've always had a fondness for weapons..." He said. He clenched it and began to laugh. "Purple yam, do not-"

Too late, Purple Yam cookie had already run off, hammering at structures and trees. The kingdom's castle gleamed with sweet treats. The air smelled of pastries and candy, and the sun casted a beautiful glow onto the land. Milk cookie laughed at the sight of Purple Yam Cookie's rampage. A hand reached his shoulder, and he turned around. "Do not get attached to him, young one." Prophet cookie warned. Milk cookie raised an eyebrow. "Wha-wha-"

"I sense that you will be important soon. I feel a spirit of flames. Purple Yam shall fall to them." He warned again. Milk cookie froze. "He'll...What?" He couldn't believe his ears. He'd always feared Prophet cookie. Such a powerful cookie, holding such control and sight. How could he handle it? And now he warned of his best friend's death. "When....will this...no it can't, go away." Milk cookie mumbled. Prophet cookie shook his head. "If I elaborate, It'd crush you even more, it seems. Prepare for battle Milk Cookie. And do not fear the future. It may cause youre fall-"

"Then why tell me of it, huh?" Milk cookie said, cutting him off. Prophet cookie sighed. "Well, I am wise past my future sights. I know of how to complete this quest, and this information will make the sacrifice-"

"Just GO!" Milk cookie covered his mouth at the outburst. He'd always been calm and collected. He'd never had to yell before. And now his face was red with anger, and tears stormed his face. "I'm sorry....I just...."

"I understand."

Milk cookie simply walked away without a word.

"Gah! Hah! Ow!" cried Madeleine cookie. Space Doughnut screamed, and the spider flew away. "Ow...I...ow..." Madeleine cookie loomed over and stared at the wound in his arm. Most cookies were filled with custard, and his was spilling out, a golden white shade. He winced. Herb cookie rushed to his side. "Madeleine! It's ok!" he summoned sprouts that surrounded the area, and the wound slowly disappeared. Madeleine cookie chuckled as he healed. "Ah! Much better!" he exclaimed. Space Doughnut ran to him and offered a hug, which Madeleine accepted. Herb cookie still looked a bit timid. "I told you not to rush to that thing! You're lucky I was here!" He complained. Madeleine Cookie smiled. "I understand. But look, we defeated it, right? Everything is ok!"

The giant three headed gummy snake could've waited 10 more minutes, let the heroes have their celebration. Herb cookie stared in shock as it loomed over the 3 of them. It yelled, and the trees shook. "Oh no! Oh no no no!" Herb cried. He dove to the side as the snake prepared and attacked. One head dove towards Herb cookie but missed. It crashed into the ground, and a crater formed. Madeleine cookie raised his sword and slashed at the head that was stuck in the ground. The head flew off, and a green liquid spewed out. When the liquid landed on Madeleine, it sizzled. His arm began to melt. He screamed and ran towards Herb cookie, who looked around in horror. The second head grabbed Madeleine cookie as he ran to Herb cookie. "No! Get off!" Madeleine yelled. His sword fell to the ground as he was raised off the floor. Space Doughnut yelled and the soundwaves blew the 3rd head away, but it snarled right back up and roared. The Snake dove for Space doughnut, and Herb cookie screamed. He grabbed Madeleine's sword and closed his eyes as he slashed. He opened his eyes and saw the 3rd head in pieces. More venom spewed out and Space Doughnut and Herb Cookie dove out of the way. The 2nd head roared as it prepared to chew on Madeleine cookie. herb Cookie saw custard on the ground. Whatever the snake had done to Madeleine Cookie, Herb Cookie could not heal. "Put him down!" Herb COokie demanded. Madeleine cookie was pale, but through his fear and pain, he was able to nod at Herb cookie slightly. Herb cookie ran towards the 2nd head, and was immediately smacked by the snake's tail. It roared again and prepared to chomp down. "Space Doughnut! Roar!" Herb Cookie pleaded. In a second. The soundwaves Blasted Herb cookie up. He was right in front of the 2nd head, and he quickly slashed down. Madeleine cookie dropped to the ground, his right arm gone, his legs covered in scratches and custard. He winced. "Heal..me please!" He cried. Herb cookie shook his head. "We need to return to this kingdom! These wounds are beyond my ability!" he explained. Space Doughnut rolled to them and whimpered. Herb cookie looked up at the sky. It was a shade of crimson and pink. "Sunset..." he whispered. He threw Madeleine onto his back and trucked on with Space Doughnut. "Which way to the kingdom?" He asked. Space Doughnut didn't answer. They were lost.

"Great. Well, maybe someone will come to get us. Hopefully before Madeleine dies..." he muttered. He summoned some sprouts just in case, and madeline didn't flinch. They didn't work anymore, and he sighed in defeat.

At the kingdom, Milk cookie and Purple yam prepared for battle. Cotton cookie and Pumpkin pie cookie loomed next to them. Financier stood in front of them. "Ok, us 5 shall go and get the 3 of them. Everybody is prepared for battle, correct?"

Every nodded.

Milk cookie was terrified. If Prophet cookie hadn't lied, then this small little mission would go terribly wrong. They'd wind up, somehow, having to save the world. And Purple Yam cookie would die.

The Trials of Cookie Run: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now