Ember Cookie

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With the blueberry cluster defeated and Purple Yam Cookie's condition stabilizing, the group gathered their belongings and continued their journey deeper into the forest. The air around them felt charged with anticipation, and they could sense that they were drawing closer to their ultimate destination.

As they ventured forward, the forest seemed to grow denser, the trees towering higher and the whispers of the wind growing louder. Strange ethereal lights flickered through the foliage, casting an otherworldly glow over the path ahead. The cookies exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mix of wonder and trepidation.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, their silhouette illuminated by the faint glow of the forest. It was Ember Cookie, a denizen of the Fire Spirit's kingdom and a guide through the dragon valley. Flames danced upon their body, radiating both warmth and power.

"Before you can progress further, there is a formidable entity that you must face," Ember Cookie explained, their voice resonating with authority. "To prove your worth and earn the right to proceed, you must overcome this challenge. Prepare yourselves, for the flames shall test your mettle."

Purple Yam Cookie scowled. "Um, who the fuck are you?" He demanded.

Ember cookie's color shifted into a yellowish bronze. "I would not offend me if I were you. I have traveled from Fire Spirits kingdom. I've faced the Pitaya Dragon's army head-on. I have the power-"

"You talk too much." 

Financier Cookie glared at Purple Yam, and he stuck his tongue out. "Don't pout at me! This guy's annoying!"

Milk Cookie sighed. "Ember Cookie, I apologize. Please, let us face this trial."

Ember Cookie smirked. "Very well."

With a wave of Ember Cookie's hand, the air around them crackled with energy. The flames responded to their command, swirling and coalescing until they formed a towering, fiery creature—a massive, scorching monstrosity with blazing wings and searing claws.

The group's collective breath caught in their throats as they stared up at the towering inferno before them. The flaming monster exuded raw power, radiating heat that threatened to consume them. It was a sight that could make any cookie reduce into batter.

Purple Yam Cookie's jaw dropped, his voice barely a whisper. "That... that thing is insane! How the hell are we supposed to defeat it?"

Ember Cookie stared at him. "Isn't it obvious? Battle. I will watch, and then the flames shall know your strength."

Milk Cookie still had no clue what the flames truly were. Were they alive, did they represent something? He knew he'd find out somehow, but he was sure that they were far away. 

"Milk Cookie! Come on!" Financier Cookie yelled. The flaming monster dove for Milk Cookie and a wave of heat seared his body. He flew to the ground in pain as his dough burned. "Milk Cookie! Don't worry!" Cotton Cookie yelled. Her sheep charged, filling Milk Cookie with strength. 

Purple Yam Cookie slashed his axe, but the monster didn't flinch.

"Use your brain, it's pure fire." Ember Cookie chimed. Purple Yam Cookie growled and charged the monster again, this time being met by a beam of pure heat. His dough turned red as he was blown back. The sheep ran to heal him. Financier Cookie raised her sword. Light beams fell from the sky, but the monster didn't flinch. Her body was thrown into a tree. Ember Cookie observed as the group fell. Milk Cookie raised his shield. He raised his weapon and charged the monster. When the monster shot a bean of fire, he attempted to counter it. The flames bounced off but landed on a tree, which caught fire. Soon, the rows behind it followed all burning. "Oh shit!" yelled Purple Yam Cookie. He ran away from the fire. Ember Cookie sighed. "I see that you are not worthy. The flames shall not allow you into the dragon valley."

"But we're not going to the dragon valley! We're trying to"

"I did not ask what you wanted. You'll inevitably be led there, along with the trio that you seek. When you arrive, the flames will scorch you."

Financier Cookie glared at Ember Cookie. "Do not tell us what we are capable of, or what our fate is. Once we succeed, and you're proven wrong, we shall find you and kill you."

Milk Cookie became wide-eyed. "Financier Cookie, that's-"

"I know what I'm saying, Milk Cookie. This cookie is no better than Dark Enchantress"

Ember Cookie smiled at the quartet. "Very well. I'll await our battle. Until then, enjoy the flames."

The monster flew away along with Ember Cookie. "We've gotta go!" Cotton Cookie demanded. The flames nearly circled them now. The group charged away, trying to escape the flames.

As the group sprinted desperately, the scorching flames licked at their heels, threatening to engulf them. Panic welled up within them, fueling their determination to find safety amidst the inferno.

They raced through the burning forest, their eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of respite. It felt as though the very air was ablaze, making it difficult to breathe. Just when their hope began to waver, Milk Cookie spotted a narrow cave entrance nestled between two rocky cliffs.

"Over there! A cave! Let's make a run for it!" Milk Cookie shouted, pointing to their newfound sanctuary.

"Are you insane!?" Purple Yam Cookie cried. "That cave's probably a trap! I mean, a cave in a forest is-"

"Better than being roasted alive out here!" Financier Cookie interrupted, her voice filled with urgency. "We don't have any other options. We need to take our chances."

Cotton Cookie nodded in agreement, her sheep bleating softly as if offering reassurance. "Purple Yam Cookie, we trust Milk Cookie's instincts. We have to trust each other too. We'll face whatever comes together."

Reluctantly, Purple Yam Cookie acquiesced, realizing the truth in their words. "Fine. Let's go."

As they reached the mouth of the cave, they stumbled inside, gasping for breath. The coolness of the rocky walls offered a brief respite from the scorching inferno outside. They huddled together, finding solace in each other's presence.

Their eyes darted around the dimly lit cave, searching for any signs of danger. The flickering light of their courage cookies cast eerie shadows on the walls, amplifying the sense of uncertainty.

"We need to rest, and gather our strength," Milk Cookie said, his voice steady despite the fatigue evident in his eyes. "But we can't stay here for long."

"No shit." Purple Yam Cookie agreed. "I mean, we've gotta find Guardian Cookie and Ember Cookie, and rock their shit!"

"Would you quit it!?" Financier demanded. 

"Language, Purple Yam Cookie!" Cotton Cookie scolded, her sheep bleating disapprovingly.

Purple Yam Cookie shrugged apologetically, his bravado momentarily subdued. "Sorry, got carried away. But seriously, we can't afford to waste any more time. We need to keep moving."

Financier Cookie nodded in agreement. "We'll rest here for a short while, just enough to regain our energy. Then we'll continue our pursuit. But we must remain vigilant. Ember Cookie won't make it easy for us."

Purple Yam Cookie rolled his eyes. "Wow. I didn't notice when he told us the flames shall not allow you into the dragon valley."

Milk Cookie glanced around the cave, assessing their surroundings. "Now's not the time. Do you think we could wait here, or should we explore this cave?"

Cotton Cookie ruffled her sheep in thought. "Maybe we could send somebody to explore, but the others stay here? I've got a light, I can go."

The other 3 glanced amongst each other in unease. If they got attacked while up there, they wouldn't have their healer, but Cotton Cookie only had sheep to defend her. Either way, this was dangerous. "Cotton Cookie, I don't think that's a good idea." Milk Cookie said. Financier nodded in agreement. "It's too dangerous. And that cave may hold something too powerful. We'll just wait for the flames to reside."

Cotton Cookie Sighed. "Look, I may find something down there! Just let me go!"

The others sighed. "Ok. But please, stay safe."

Cotton Cookie smiled as she began walking down the steep tunnel that led into the void of the cave.

The Trials of Cookie Run: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now