Let it end...

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The group finally reached the fire kingdom, where Fire Spirit Cookie's castle stood. It was a massive structure of stone and metal, surrounded by walls and gates. It had towers and spires that reached into the sky, and banners and flags that bore the symbol of a flame on them.

The group approached the castle, hoping to find a way in. They were met by a horde of fire cookies, who guarded the entrance. They wore armor and weapons made of fire, and they looked fierce and loyal.

"What are shits like you doing here?" chanted a fire cookie.

Herb Cookie stood forward. "Look, we're just trying to-"

"Attack Fire Spirit Cookie, huh? Well, we won't allow that! He may have ran away from us once, but no matter! We are his loyal-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Complained Purple Yam Cookie.

They shouted and charged at the group, ready to fight.

The group fought back, using their weapons and skills. They tried to break through the fire cookies' defense, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. The fire cookies were too strong and too fast. They wounded them with their swords and burned them with their fire.

Financier Cookie slashed through a group of them and was met with a wall of flame.

Herb Cookie's vines were scorched, and he resorted to healing with saplings.

They were a formidable army. They were a dangerous enemy. They were a ruthless force.

They were Fire Spirit Cookie's minions.

The group was in trouble. They were losing ground and losing hope.

They needed a miracle.

They made one.

Cotton Cookie looked around in fear. She could try the tragedy she'd as in her dream, right? Maybe...just maybe....

Cotton Cookie rallied her sheep and ordered them to attack the fire cookies. The sheep charged at them, healing their friends along the way. The fire cookies slashed at them, killing them one by one. Cotton Cookie watched the massacre, sacrificing her precious pets for her plan.

She shouted at the others. "Now! Follow me!"

She led them to a gap in the fire cookies' formation, where they could slip through. The others followed her, trusting her judgment.

They ran towards the castle gate, hoping to reach it before the fire cookies noticed them.

They almost did.

But then, a loud voice boomed from the castle.

"Stop right there!"

They looked up and saw Fire Spirit Cookie standing on the balcony. He was holding his staff and wearing his crown. He looked angry and powerful.

He glared at them and sneered.

"Well, well, well," he said. "What do we have here? Some intruders? Some rebels? Some fools?"

He jumped off the balcony and landed on the ground with a thud. He walked towards them, swinging his staff.

"Always knew you'd come here. I mean, duh. Prepare Cookies, for the flames shall burn you alive!"

I'll try to rewrite the response.

Fire Spirit Cookie raised his staff and summoned The Flames. The Flames were his friends. His family. His power. They were the ones who gave him the gift of fire. The gift of destruction. The gift of death.

The Flames appeared as balls of fire that floated around him. They had eyes and mouths that glowed with malice and madness. They had voices that whispered and laughed with evil and cruelty.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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