Saving a Kingdom Never Goes Unpunished.

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As she rushed through the darkness, the air grew colder, and the walls seemed to close in around her. Panic welled up inside her, but she forced herself to stay focused. She couldn't afford to get lost in this treacherous maze.

As she and her sheep raced through the cavern for about 5 minutes her mind raced with thoughts. She knew she'd return safely but couldn't help but think that her friends were in danger. If Licorice Cookie had met her here, the others may have spotted them already.\

She spotted a large tunnel in the cave that looked very man-made. She ran into it at light speeds and rested as she entered.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she scanned her surroundings, trying to get her bearings. The cave had led her to a narrow valley nestled between towering cliffs. The valley was lush and vibrant, with a gentle stream winding through it. The tranquility of the place offered a stark contrast to the dangers she had just encountered.

Cotton Cookie took a moment to catch her breath and calm her racing heart.

With renewed resolve, she set off along the stream, following its course deeper into the valley.

As she ventured deeper into the valley, Cotton Cookie couldn't help but marvel at the natural beauty that surrounded her. Exotic flowers bloomed in vibrant hues, and the air carried the scent of the cave's enchanting flora. The sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling filled her ears, soothing her spirit.

But slowly the anomalies came into view. Chirping birds, beautiful flowers, sunlight, all deep in a cave? The cave had to have something keeping these things in, and Cotton Cookie knew it wasn't something natural. Her sheep rolled around in the flowers and grass, some eating it as a long-awaited snack.

Cotton Cookie continued studying the valley, wondering how a cave could hold it. When she looked up, she was blinded by sunlight, but the mossy walls still showed stone, most of it covered by flowers and blooming plants. She knew she hadn't reached the surface with how deep down she was, so how was sunlight right in front of her, blinding her eyes?

With a long pause, she continued venturing the valley. 

"You guys could stay here if you like," she called to her sheep. They ignored her, busy in the grass.

As she continued walking, she followed a bright blue sparkling river. The river looked incredibly clean. Her reflection rippled on the surface as the river churned downstream. As she continued walking, a large structure caught her attention. The structure was a simple hut, but the hut emitted smoke through a chimney. Around it, violets and tulips bloomed. The rest of the valley had different kinds of flowers, so it felt odd that those specific flowers guarded that specific hut. She approached it slowly, scared that some monster would lunge, but instead, the tulips and violets seemed to move out of Cotton Cookie's way.

"I knew this place was magic!" She announced. She continued walking towards the hut, now more shaky. For all she knew, this place could be a big illusion to make her never want to leave. She made sure to attempt to keep her brain in check as she approached the hut, just in case. 

Soon, she was at the door of the hut. 

"Well, nothing stopping me now-"

The door swung open and slammed itself against a wall. Cotton Cookie yelped in surprise. Nobody had opened the door, because nobody stood on the other side. She sighed and entered, her mind blaring alarms, telling her to go back.

Inside the hut, lots of murals hung around, showing paintings of cookies battling witches, and murdering each other. One showed a morbid view of a cookie eating the remains of a burnt fellow cookie warrior, their face manic and insane.

The Trials of Cookie Run: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now