Fire Kinda Burns

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The cookies left the cave and continued their journey to stop the evil witch. They had to cross a forest that was rumored to be full of magic and mystery. As they entered the forest, they noticed that some parts of it were burned and charred, as the fire they'd previously avoided had caused great damage

"Dear god this smell!" Purple Yam Cookie complained.
Milk Cookie rolled his eyes and smiled. "Oh please, you should be used to bad smells. Take one whiff of yourself and-"

"You wanna get beaten to death?"

Milk Cookie gulped and turned away.

"Either way, it's sad to see such a beautiful place ruined like this." Cotton Cookie said.

They walked through the forest, avoiding the burned areas as much as they could. They heard strange noises and saw weird shadows, but they didn't let them scare them. They knew they had to be brave and stick together.

As they were walking, they suddenly saw a figure standing in front of them. It was a cookie, but unlike any cookie they had ever seen before. It was blackened and cracked, as if it had been burned in the fire. It had red eyes that glowed in the dark, and a twisted smile that showed its sharp teeth.
"Who are you?" Financier Cookie asked, trying to sound confident.

"I'm a victim of the fire. I was here when it happened. I tried to escape, but I couldn't. The flames consumed me, but they didn't kill me. They changed me. They gave me power." The cookie said in a raspy voice.

"Power? What kind of power?" Milk Cookie asked, curious.

"Wow, that's the question that's most important? WHY IS HE BLACK!?"

Financier Cookie stared at him in shock. "Wow. I mean, seriously-"

"Now you know that's not what I-"

"The power to control fire. The power to make others burn like I did. The power to make you suffer." The cookie said, raising its hand and shooting a fireball at them.
The cookies dodged the fireball and ran away from the cookie. They realized it was not a victim, but a monster. A monster that wanted to hurt them.

"Run! Run for your lives!" Purple Yam Cookie shouted.
They ran through the forest, hoping to find a way out. But the cookie followed them, throwing more fireballs at them. It laughed maniacally, enjoying the chase.
"Stop! Leave us alone!" Cotton Cookie cried.
"Why should I? You're just like them. You're just like the ones who started the fire. You're just like the ones who left me here to die. You're just like the ones who deserve to burn." The cookie said.
"That's not true! We didn't start the fire! We don't even know who did!" Milk Cookie said.
"Liar! Liar! Liar! You're all liars! And liars must burn!" The cookie said, throwing another fireball at them.

Purple Yam Cookie growled and raced his axe. "That's it bitch! DIE!"

He charged towards the cookie with malice. The Cookie laughed as it raced their fiery fist and punched Purple Yam Cookie straight in the gut. He coughed up custard and fell over in pain.

"Purple Yam Cookie!" Milk Cookie cried. He raised his staff and shield and ran towards the cookie alongside Financier and Cotton Cookie.

Financier Cookie raised her sword as Cotton Cookie called her shoes to attack.

The cookie smirked and dodged their attacks. It grabbed Cotton Cookie's shoes and threw them back at her, knocking her down. It blocked Financier Cookie's sword with its arm, leaving a scorch mark on the blade. It kicked Milk Cookie in the chest, sending him flying.
The cookie laughed and said, "You're pathetic! You're weak! You're no match for me! I'm the king of fire! I'm the lord of pain! I'm the master of death!"
The cookie raised its hand and prepared to finish them off with a blast of fire. But before it could, it heard a loud voice from behind.
It turned around and saw a cookie. A cookie that was orange and green, with a staff that glowed with magic. A cookie that looked familiar.
It was Cantaloupe Cookie.
Cantaloupe Cookie shouted, "Leave them alone! They're my friends!"

He pointed his staff at the cookie and fired a beam of light at it. The cookie screamed and tried to block the light with its fire, but it was too late. The light pierced through the cookie and disintegrated it.

Cantaloupe Cookie landed on the ground and ran towards the cookies. He hugged them and asked if they were okay.

They were stunned and confused. They didn't know what to make of this.

" that...?" Milk Cookie asked.

"It is. It's Cantaloupe Cookie. The one who saved the kingdom from a dragon, but was banished to that hut by a curse." Cotton Cookie said.
"Strange. Is there a reason you're here?" Financier Cookie asked.

Cantaloupe Cookie turned to Cotton Cookie.

"Look, I cannot be here for long, I've truly messed up by leaving. But, I met a figure, they say they work for the flames! The flames, they saved me!"

Cotton Cookie froze. "The...Flames?"

He nodded with eagerness. "We'll, for the next hour. But an hour of airtime everyday, they say. This is amazing! I-I could, yes!"

Purple Yam Cookie cringed and turned away as he clutched his stomach. "You're a fucking weirdo."

Cantaloupe Cookie chuckled. "We'll, I'm glad this young lass has good company, eh?"

Cotton Cookie backed away. "Cantaloupe made a deal with the flames?"

He nodded. "Yes? Is that an issue?"

"The flames aren't really...trustworthy."

Cantaloupe Cookie raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Suddenly, a loud boom came from the direction of the cave. Cantaloupe Cookie's staff flew towards them and clocked Cantaloupe Cookie in the head. A Cookie made of pure fire landed down and laughed.

"Great deal man! I've got this sick staff, and you get an hour outside!"

Cantaloupe Cookie turned pale.

"Did you use me!? But you aren't..."

"It's Fire Spirit Cookie. Sup?"

The Trials of Cookie Run: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now