The Trees Stare Back

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"I hate this stupid quest! There's no use for my new axe!" Purple Yam complained. Milk Cookie rested his hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. The smile was forced because Milk Cookie was terrified at what was to come. "Hey, I'm sure something will pop up." He said. Purple Yam scoffed. "You don't know anything. For all I know, I may have to start attacking YOU!" he yelled as he raised his axe. Financier glared at him. "Put that down. Unless you wish to be pierced," she warned. Purple Yam Cookie scoffed again. "Wanna try me, princess?"
Financier Cookie turned around and spoke to Pumpkin Pie Cookie. "Listen, if Purple Yam Cookie ever raises himself to me, do not resist crumbling him," she ordered. Pumpkin Pie Cookie giggled. Financier sighed. "This will I survive this next few hours?"
Milk Cookie silently watched as she led the group with fierce determination. He'd always wanted to be a commander. As they walked through the forest, Milk Cookie became more aware of its presence. He felt watched by something, but he didn't know what. "Guys... Stay on watch" he mumbled. Financier Cookie raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" she questioned. Milk Cookie became more and more scared. Something was starting at them, he was sure. Cotton Cookie appears behind him. "You ok? You seem scared!" she asked. Milk Cookie shivered as he turned towards her. "Where is it? What's watching us!?" he yelled. Cotton cookie backed away. Purple Yam Cookie looked around. "What are you seeing dude?" he asked. Financier Cookie drew her sword. Pumpkin Pie Cookie prepared to summon Pompon. But nothing happened. Financier Cookie sighed. "Such a shame. Mill Cookie, try not to cause another scare."
Milk cookie couldn't move. "I swear! Somethings here!" he cried. He drew his shield just in time as a wave of pollen swept the forest. Sounds of wood creaking and swaying educated the forest. Cotton Cookie was swept into a tree, which seemed to attempt to summon another wave of pollen. The pollen felt sharp, it stung at any slight contact. Milk Cookie heard Financier Cookie run to Cotton Cookie, he heard Pompon rampaging and destroying trees. The wave of pollen slowly decided, but the trees seemed to glare down on the group of cookies. "Evil trees!? What the FUCK!" purple Yam yelled. Milk Cookie stared at him in relief. At least he wasn't dead yet, but he was covered in scratches and blisters. "Are you ok!?" Milk Cookie cried. Purple Yam laughed. "These are nothing."
Cotton Cookies sheep ran to him, and the wounds slowly disappeared. Financier appeared, looking recently recovered. She smiled at Milk and Ourple yam cookie, "ok, so we're all ok. What an attack-"

The trees screamed and groaned. Roots shot out of the ground. Financier and purple yam cookie dove out of the way. Milk Cookie was grabbed and pulled away so quickly, that all the air in his lungs seemed to heave out in one breath. Financier and Purple Yan cookies silhouettes faded as he was now miles away. Then, he crashed into the ground. At first, he couldn't move from how stunned he was. Then he slowly got up and looked around. "Oh no! Oh, crap crap crap!" Milk Cookie chanted.

He attempted to walk around and find any sign of life. But nothing. He was alone. "Hello!?!? Anybody!?!?" he yelled. Nothing. On the bright side, the trees seemed to be calmer here. Still, Milk Cookie was horrified. If Madeleine, Herb, and Space Doughnut had gotten lost, at least he hoped they were just lost and not..., then how would Milk Cookie ever find his way out of there? He looked up at the sky. It was pure black. The group had left at sunset, and currently, it was probably midnight. Milk Cookie sat down on the forest floor, feeling defeated and overwhelmed by the situation. The darkness enveloped him, and the silence was eerie. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, knowing that he was completely alone in an unfamiliar and potentially dangerous place.

As he sat there, his mind began to race, trying to come up with a plan. He couldn't stay still for too long; he needed to find his friends and make his way back to safety. Milk Cookie stood up, took a deep breath, and decided to trust his instincts. He remembered the direction they were heading before he got separated from the group and started walking in that general direction.

The forest was dense and filled with towering trees that seemed to whisper with every gust of wind. Milk Cookie kept his shield raised, ready to defend himself against any unexpected threats. He continued to call out for his friends, hoping that they were nearby and could hear him.

After what felt like an eternity of wandering through the darkness, Milk Cookie's heart skipped a beat when he heard a faint voice in the distance.

The voice was faint, but unmistakable. It was Financier Cookie. Milk Cookie's hope surged within him as he quickened his pace, following the sound of her voice. As he approached a small clearing, he saw a dim light flickering in the distance. Relief washed over him as he realized it was Financier Cookie, huddled with Purple Yam Cookie and Cotton Cookie.

Milk Cookie rushed towards them, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. But as he got closer, he noticed something was wrong. Financier Cookie's usually composed demeanor was replaced with fear and desperation. Purple Yam Cookie had a deep gash on his arm, and Cotton Cookie looked disheveled and shaken.

"What happened?" Milk Cookie asked, his voice quivering with concern.

Financier Cookie glared at him. "Didn't you see? The trees attacked. Nothing more."
"Then where is pumpkin pie cookie?" Milk Cookie asked.
Cotton Cookie sighed. "She ran away. Pompon got wounded and she...she couldn't take it."
Milk Cookie's heart sank. The realization of the danger they were all facing hit him hard. The forest was no longer just a backdrop for their adventure; it had become a malevolent force, a living entity seeking to harm them.

"We need to find a way out of here," Milk Cookie said, his voice filled with determination. "We can't stay in this forest any longer. It's too dangerous."

Financier Cookie nodded, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination. "You're right. We need to regroup and find a way to escape this place. We can't let the forest consume us."

As the group gathered their waning strength, they realized that the forest had become their relentless adversary. Every step they took was met with resistance, as if the very ground beneath them wanted to keep them trapped.

They navigated through the labyrinthine forest, their progress slow and treacherous. The darkness seemed to grow thicker, making it difficult to see and adding to their mounting anxiety. They could feel the presence of the forest closing in on them, its silent whispers echoing in their minds.

With each passing hour, their hope dwindled further. Milk Cookie's mind raced, searching for a solution, but the oppressive weight of the forest made it hard to think clearly. Doubts crept in, and the fear of never finding a way out threatened to consume them.

" you think that they died?" Milk Cookie asked. Purple Yam Cookie raised an eyebrow. "Of course they did. They're weak, and only somebody weak would get lost in a forest like this!" He yelled. Milk Cookie stared at him, not knowing how to answer. Purple Yam Cookie seemed creeped out by the staring. "Dude, eyes on the forest, not me," he muttered. Milk Cookie turned away quickly. "Sorry!" He winced.

Financier Cookie chuckled as the two communicated. Cotton Cookie smiled as well, but she still had a look of dread looming over her. As Milk Cookie observed, he noticed some things. Financier Cookies sword looked bent, Cotton Cookie no longer had any sheep following her, and Purple Yam Cookie was the only once with millions of scratches. Financier and Cotton Cookie had some, but not nearly as much as Purple Yam. "Do those hurt at all?" Milk Cookie questioned. Purple Yam Cookie shook his head. "Stop asking so much questions."

Milk Cookie laughed as the venture continued.

The Trials of Cookie Run: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now