The Dragon Valley Haunts My Dreams

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The group traveled through the dragon valley, struggling with the harsh conditions. The valley was a land of fire and death, where dragons and cookies lived in fear. The ground was covered with purple and red crystals, that pulsed and cracked with heat.

The trees were made of metal and glass, that glowed and melted with radiation. The sky was filled with smoke and sparks, that choked and burned with poison.

They saw many dragons flying overhead, some large and terrifying, some small and pitiful. They also saw many cookies of different shapes and sizes, some wearing armor and weapons, some wearing rags and chains. They all seemed to be miserable and angry, going about their forced labor.

"Did the dragon valley ever have this much shit in it?" Asked Purple Yam Cookie.

Milk Cookie shrugged. "My guess is that they're just used for work."

The group was horrified by the ugliness and cruelty of the valley. They felt a sense of dread and despair.

"This place is awful," Cotton Cookie said.

"It's like a nightmare," Milk Cookie said.

"It's like hell," Purple Yam Cookie said.

They all looked at the castle in the distance. It was a fortress of stone and metal, with towers and spires reaching into the sky. It had banners and flags with the symbol of a flame on them.
"That's where Fire Spirit Cookie lives," Purple Yam Cookie said.

"What gave it away? The fire banners, the flames, or-" Madeline Cookie was cut off by a punch.

"Ouch! What is wrong with you!?"

Purple Yam Cookie snarled. "That voice pissed me off. I've got more punches to spare big guy!"

Sorbet Shark Cookie groaned. "Shut up! Seriously, you guys are like preschoolers."

"You're one to talk toddler. Aren't you like 5?"

Sorbet Shark Cookie ignored the comment and walked on.

As they walked through the dragon valley, a treehouse appeared a couple of feet ahead.

"A treehouse?" Questioned Financier Cookie.

"No." Answered Milk Cookie. "A hideout."

A white and green dragonfruit warrior appeared at the entrance of the elevated treehouse. It stared down at valley below. He saw the group of cookies approaching him.

He smirked.

"Well, well, well," he said. "What do we have here? Some intruders? Some rebels? Some fools?"

He jumped off the treehouse and landed on the ground with a thud. He walked towards the group, swinging his sword.

"Let's find out, shall we?" he said. "Let's have some fun."

The group was startled by the sudden appearance of Dragonfruit Warrior Cookie. They quickly got into their fighting stances, ready to defend themselves.

"Who are you?" Cotton Cookie asked.

Dragonfruit Warrior Cookie smirked. "I'm Dragonfruit Warrior Cookie, the most powerful and handsome cookie in the valley. I'm Fire Spirit Cookie's loyal friend servant.I am Pitaya Dragon's greatest creation. And you are?"

He looked at them with disdain.

"You are nothing. You are nobodies. You are intruders who dare to enter our domain. You are rebels who dare to oppose our lord. You are fools who dare to challenge our power."

The Trials of Cookie Run: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now