Evil Flying Cookies

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As the trio walked, they heard a loud roar in the distance. They stopped and looked around, wondering what it was.

They saw a giant shadow looming over the trees, moving towards them.

They felt a chill run down their spines.

They realized it was a monster.

A weird gingerbread Valkyrie.

A creature of the dragon valley's heart.

A servant of the Flames.

It had a humanoid shape, but with wings, horns, and claws. It had a brown color and a gingerbread texture, with icing and candy decorations. It had red eyes that glowed with malice and hunger.

It saw them and flew towards them, ready to attack.

Space doughnut backed away, and Madeline Cookie raised his sword. Herb Cookie summoned his vines. 

"I really am getting tired of this battles," Herb Cookie complained. Space Doughnut nodded in agreement. "Doo Doo DO!" he chimed.

Madeline Cookie swung his sword at the monster, but it dodged and flew higher. It circled around them, looking for an opening. It snarled and spat fireballs at them.

Space Doughnut rolled out of the way, avoiding the flames. He used his cosmic powers to create a shield around them. He hoped it would hold against the monster's attacks.

Herb Cookie stared in shock. "How the fu-How the heck did you do that!?"

Space Doughnut stared at the crystal in their mouth, and Herb Cookie understood.

"That crystal is important! Coconut Bar was wrong! Hah!"

"To be fair, they only said it wouldn't let him know their true identity," Madeline Cookie explained. Herb Cookie rolled his eyes as the monster dove down to attack.

Herb Cookie used his vines to grab a nearby rock and hurl it at the monster. He aimed for its wing, hoping to make it lose balance. He hit it, but it barely flinched. It seemed to be made of tough stuff.

The monster swooped down again, this time aiming for Herb Cookie. It grabbed him with its claws and lifted him off the ground. It roared triumphantly, ready to devour him.

Herb Cookie screamed and struggled, trying to free himself. He called for help from his friends.

Madeline Cookie and Space Doughnut saw their friend in danger and acted quickly. Madeline Cookie threw his sword at the monster, hoping to cut its claw. Space Doughnut used his cosmic powers to create a beam of light, hoping to blind its eye.

"Gah! You're gonna blind me dude,"  Madeline Cookie complained.

They both hit their targets, causing the monster to drop Herb Cookie and shriek in pain. Herb Cookie fell to the ground, but landed safely on a pile of leaves. He was bruised and shaken, but alive.

The monster was furious and wounded. It glared at them with its remaining eye and prepared to unleash its full fury.

They knew they had to finish it off before it could do more damage.

They gathered their courage and charged at it, ready for the final showdown.

They ran towards the monster, dodging its fireballs and claws. They reached it and attacked it from different sides. Madeline Cookie slashed at its neck, Space Doughnut punched at its chest, and Herb Cookie wrapped his vines around its legs.

The monster roared and thrashed, trying to shake them off. It swung its tail and hit Madeline Cookie, sending him flying. It bit Space Doughnut's leg, making him drop his shield. It tore Herb Cookie's vines, making him lose his grip.

 They fell to the ground, wounded and exhausted. They looked at each other, wondering if they could still win. 

They saw the monster looming over them, ready to finish them off. It opened its mouth wide, revealing its sharp teeth and fiery breath. They closed their eyes, expecting the worst. Suddenly, a loud child-like voice emerged. 

"Here! I tracked it down!" A little blue haired pirate styled cookie emerged from a tree and dove at the monster. It transformed into a shark for a split second and chomped the monster in half, the crumbs spilling over the trio. 

"Hey! Hey guys! You ok!?!?!" Madeline Cookie stared with his mouth wide open. "Sorbet Shark Cookie!? The kingdom sent you?" Sorbet Shark Cookie shook his head. "Long story buddies. But seriously, you've got a whole lot of hell ahead of you. Let's go"

He ran faster and faster, trying to outrun the gingerbread valkyries. He looked for a place to hide or a way to fight back. He saw a hill ahead, with a cave on top of it. He had an idea.

"Hey, guys, follow me!" he shouted. "We're going for a climb!"

He led them towards the hill, hoping it would slow down the monsters. He hoped the cave would be safe and empty. He hoped his idea would work.

They climbed up the hill, feeling their legs burn and ache. They followed Sorbet Shark Cookie, hoping he knew what he was doing. They reached the cave and entered it. They saw darkness and heard silence.

"Shit!" cried Madeline Cookie.

Sorbet Shark Cookie raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? We're safe, bimbo."

They rested for a while, catching their breath and tending to their wounds. They looked at Sorbet Shark Cookie, waiting for him to explain.

"Who are you? How did you find us? What's going on?" they asked him.

Sorbet Shark Cookie raised an eyebrow. "We literally live in the same kingdom bro. I just left for a couple months on an expedition is all. I found you by tracking the monster's scent. And what's going on is that you're in big trouble."

He told them that the gingerbread Valkyries were part of an army of monsters created by the Flames, a mysterious and evil force that wanted to destroy the dragon valley and everything in it. He said that the Flames had been experimenting with different types of cookies, turning them into twisted and corrupted versions of themselves. He said that the monster they faced was a gingerbread Valkyrie, a former warrior cookie that had been transformed by the Flames.

He said that he was sent by the kingdom to investigate the Flames and stop their plans. He said that he had been undercover as a pirate for a long time, gathering information and allies. He said that he had learned that the Flames were planning something big, something that could end the world as they knew it.

"Look, I don't understand the flame myself. Their story, their goals, it's like they constantly shift and change. It's adapting, changing it's ways just to kill you guys. To kill us."

"Who is 'us'? Last time I checked you were not apart of the prophecy!"

Sorbet Shark Cookie scoffed. "Well excuse you. But yes, I'm 100% I am part of this prophecy. Dumby"

"Wow, dumby. What an insult."

"Stop fighting," Herb Cookie demanded.



"Now, should we get out of here or...?"

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard outside, and the cave shook.

The Trials of Cookie Run: Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now