But hes my friend

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It was Monday and all the 8th graders we're going to the high school to take a tour. Me, Kenny, and Lia were walking down one of the hallways with our group when I saw hawk and Demetri.

"Oh hey guys" I said smiling at them.

"Hey Cass" they both said as we walked past but when Kenny and I started to talk again there smiles dropped and they looked worried. I brushed it off and kept walking.

"Hey I'll be back I just have to go to the bathroom" Kenny said walking away. We kept walking and after a few minutes Kenny came running back to the group looking shaken up.

"Hey Kenny what happened are you ok" I asked worried about what happened.

"This guy with a Mohawk and two other dudes just cornered me and told me to quick Cobra Kai and also told m- n-never mind." Kenny said but stoped before saying anything else. But i was mad. Why would hawk do that to Kenny?

"Omg I'm so sorry! Wait what else did he say?" I asked, wanting to know what else they did to my friend.

"Oh um they told me To uhhhh s-stay a-a-away from you ." Kenny said really nervously. I was really mad now first they threatened him to leave cobra Kai and second they told him to stay away from me. They are so dead!

"Hey I'm so sorry don't listen to them" I said trying to comfort Kenny. "Hey there letting us stay and eat lunch with the high schoolers that's cool" I said trying to make kenny feel better.

"Yeah that's cool let's go" Kenny said with a little smile. We walked to lunch and I saw Miguel, Demetri, And Hawk, when I saw Hawk i thought back to what Kenny had told me, Why would he want Kenny to stay away from me . Kenny saw his cobra Kai friends and went to talk to them so I went to talk to the myagi-do kids.

" asshole what is wrong with you" I said when I got to there table. I was looking hawk dead in the eye.

"Oh hey Cassie what are you doing here what happened." Miguel asked.

"Why don't you ask hawk" I said while I glared at him.

"Hey I was just protecting you! Cobra Kai kids are dangerous I didn't want you getting hurt ok" Hawk said while pointing at me.

"He's not dangerous, he's like the sweetest kid ever." I debated back at him.

"Cobra Kai changes people ok just trust me" Hawk said.

"Yea but he's my friend he would never hurt me"I said to hawk. I was so mad that I wanted to punch him but I could never he's like a brother to me and he just wants what's best for me.

"Hey cass listen i know he may seem nice now but soon he's not gonna be the same and he's gonna be mean and want to hurt people who did nothing wrong. like you." Hawk said putting an end to our argument.  It made sense I mean I saw how cobra Kai changed Robby, nut Kenny wasn't like that. sure i've only known him like 2 weeks but i could tell that he wasn't like that. I sat down and ate my lunch with them and after 20 minutes it was time for the 8th graders to go back to the middle school. 

"bye Cass remember that i'm picking you up today" Miguel reminded me as i left their table. I met up with Lia and Kenny and we talked the whole way back about what we thought high school would be like.

On the drive home

Miguel was driving me home and I was in the front seat next to him and we were just staring at the road in silence when he finally started to talk to me.

"Hawks right I don't want you hanging out with that cobra Kai kid" Miguel said making me turn to look at him.

"Miguel your just gonna have to deal with it cause I like him(as a friend )." I was starting to get annoyed by everyone telling me to stop talking to Kenny.

"No I don't care your not hanging out with him." Miguel said trying to not get mad.

"What are you gonna do it's not like your my actual brother" I yelled. I was so mad that I didn't even realize what I had just said. "Miguel I-I didn't mean that I'm sorry I just I was mad ok I'm really sorry" i saw the hurt in his eyes as we pulled up into the lot. we have gotten very close in the past few years and he is like a brother to me, he's sweet, kind and he always takes care of me, I can't believe i just said something so cruel to him.

"Hey it's ok your right I'm not your brother but I'm not going to let you hangout with a kid like that got it " Miguel said as he turned off the car.

"But tha- " I said  while following Miguel out of the car and to his apartment door,but before i could finish I was cut off again by Miguel.

"You can't hangout with him anymore end of discussion" Miguel said open his apartment door "I'll get you tonight at 6 for the movies" Miguel finished as he walked through the door.

"Ughhh fine see you tonight" I said walking over to the enterance of my apartment slamming the door behind me as I walked in . Why did everyone have a problem with me hanging out with Kenny? He hasn't done anything yet.

A/N:the sound on tiktok, hes my friend is all i was thinking of while editing.

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