Your back

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I was at the bus station with my brother and dad as the bus pulled up. I waved goodbye and walked on sitting in one of the empty window seats. Lucky for me no one sat next to me the whole ride so I fell asleep and was woken up by the the beeping sound the bus made as it pulled into the lot. I quickly sat up and brushed myself off. Even though I was sent back home from Mexico and it sucked there was one good thing that came from it, I got to stay with Anthony!!!!
As I got off the bus I saw all Mr La Russo and Anthony waiting for me with smiles on there faces as soon as we saw each other. I speed walked over to them.

"Hey Cassie how have you been" Mr La Russo asked me with a big happy welcoming smile was on his face.

"I'm been good" I say with a smile. I turn and look at Anthony and he smiles at me and takes my bag. We walk to the car and he sits in the back with me.

"So any updates on Miguel" Anthony asked me as he looked me in the eye.

"No the last update was that Miguel still hasn't found his dad but that was a while ago. If I'm being honest I'm really worried about him" I said looking at him while he listened.

"Hey it's going to be ok your dad and Robby will find Miguel" Anthony reassured me as he placed his hand on mine for comfort. I smiled and my face turned a light pink shade.

Once we got to the La Russo's house, we went inside and Anthony lead me to the guest bedroom and I set down my stuff.

"Wow this room is nice" I said taking in the very welcoming atmosphere.The room was really nice, it was painted an off white and the floor was covered in a soft gray carpet. The bed looked really comfortable and it looked like it was a queen sized bed with white and navy blue sheets. There was a dresser with a big  TV on top of it. Safe to say this room was a lot fancier then my room and a lot cleaner.

Anthony just laughed at how in awe I was at the room.

"So umm wanna watch a movie?" Anthony asked.

"Um sure what movie" I ask as I sat down on the bed.

"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi !" Anthony said with a big dorky smile on his face as he jumped to  beside me. He grabbed the remote and turned on the movie and put an arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head on his arm.

"Your such a dork" I laughed at Anthony as he stared at the screen in amazement.

"What this is like the best movie ever" Anthony said while looking down at me with a smile.

As the movie went on we fell asleep. I was laying with my head on his shoulder and his arm was still wrapped around me. The movie ended and it was now dark outside. I was woken up by Sam walking in the room.

"Hey Cassie" Sam walked over and sat on the bed.

"Hey Sam" I smiled tiredly and sat up which made Anthony wake up and groan when he saw his sister.

"What do you want Sam" Anthony said glaring at his sister.

"Just wanted to see Cassie and let you guys know dinners ready" Sam glared back at Anthony.

"Ok we'll be right down" i replied and Sam walked out of the room and my attention was brought to Anthony as he wrapped his arm around me again. "Anthony we have to go downstairs" I said while looking at him as he got closer to me .

FIGHT Anthony Larruso x OCWhere stories live. Discover now