The tournament

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A week later it's finally the day I've been waiting for and also dreading. Miguel had convinced my dad to let me go and watch the tournament which i was very thankful for. My dad,Miguel,Carmen, and I all got to where the tournament was being held and once we get there me and Carmen found our seats. We sat a row above mrs. La Russo and Anthony. Me and Anthony start talking and since we have plenty of time Carmen and Anthony's mom said it was ok to go and look around as long as we don't get into trouble. We walk around for a little bit and talk about random things and act like last week never happened.

"So what are you doing this summer" Anthony asked.

"I don't know, I'm probably just gonna hang out with my friends, how about you?" I said while thinking about my summer plans.

" oh not much probably just playing video games and hanging with friends" Anthony replied.


We go back to our seats because the first match was starting. Sam won her fight and we all cheered. Now it's the semi finals and it's time for Eli and Miguel's fight.

They start to fight but then Miguel's hits the ground and then everything stops, Miguel doesn't get up. Eli and my dad help him off the mat and Eli was announced as the winner of the fight but that didn't matter now because Miguel was hurt and Carmen quickly ran down the steps and went to where they brought Miguel.

The fights went on and even though I was worried about Miguel I knew he would be alright well at least I hoped he would be alright.

Now it's a fight between Kenny and Robby, they start the fight and Robby clearly doesn't hold anything back. The fight ends with Kenny's nose bleeding and probably broken. Robby was announced as the winner and right after they stepped off the mat Kenny ran to the locker rooms. I couldn't help but feel a little bad for Kenny I mean he looked so upset and I would too if the person I looked up to just beat the shit out of me. Anthony stood up which interrupted me from my thoughts.

"I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom" Anthony said as he walked away.

Ten minutes later Anthony is still not back.

"Hey do you mind looking for Anthony cause it's been awhile and I wouldn't be surprised if he got lost on the way." Mrs. La Russo asked.

"Oh yea of course" I said as I stood up and walked down the stairs and to where the bathrooms were to see if Anthony was nearby.but when I got closer to where the boys locker room was I saw Kenny walk out and look at me and then followed by Robby. Then a minute later Anthony.

"Omg Anthony what happened are you ok" I asked as I walked up to him and helped him walk out into the hallway so we could talk.

"Yea I'm-I'm ok" Anthony answered as we sat down in a bench in the hall.

"Well who did this to you" I asked while looking at Anthony to see how bad he was hurt.

"Nobody it doesn't matter" Anthony said looking away and standing up and starting to walk away.

"Um yea it does matter someone just beat the crap out of you" I said while also standing up and following him. " so who was it" I kept pestering him until he stopped walking and turned around.

"It's not a big deal I just went and tried to be friends with Kenny and well he beat me up but it's fine Robby stopped him before he could do anything else"  he said so nonchalantly that it drove me crazy.

"What" I said totally shocked that he was so calm about this.

"Move on ok you should go check with your dad about Miguel" Anthony said trying to get me to stop worrying about him.

FIGHT Anthony Larruso x OCWhere stories live. Discover now