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"What're you doing?" Leo asked Chase as Chase walked around the lab, putting random office objects in a bin that he was holding in his arm. Leo and Bree sat on the counter, sad and moping over the situation. Adam was sitting on an office chair, kicking both of his feet up on the other lab desk. I sat in front of him, with my legs crossed, sitting on another office chair. Adam, Bree, and Chase were all in their missions suits, since being ban from everything normal. Normal clothes, normal school, and a normal life.

"If Davenport is gonna ship us off to some remote facility, then the office supplies are coming with us." Chase explained, harshly throwing a black cup into his box. Chase continued his search for office supplies to put in his box.

"We just got our first taste of a normal life. I was this close," Bree held up two fingers, close together, up to Leos face. "To getting a curfew which I was totally gonna break." She sighed, putting her hand back in her lap.

"Ooh! But maybe when we get to wherever we're going, we'll meet a sassy lab chimp named Bobo who will take us on adventures and teach us how to love." Adam said while Chase hopped up on the counter next to Bree. I gave Adam a weird look and he shrugged at me.

"Or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers." Chase smirked, anticipating Adams reaction.

"Hey. I create the monkey fantasies around here." Adam told him, rising from his chair and pointing a finger at Chase, and going to sit next to him on the counter. All of a sudden Eddie appeared on the computer screens and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, kids, I hope you've enjoyed your stay at casa Davenport. I know I haven't. Sayonara!" The evil AI laughed, continuing to terrorize us.

"Eddie, I know we've never been the best of friends, but we're gonna miss you." Bree told the creepy thing and I raised my eyebrows at her before getting out of my chair and sitting next to Leo on the counter, feeling left out.

"Aw, really?" Eddie asked and I laughed as they each yelled no and throw an insult at him.

"Where is this training facility anyway?" Leo asked the three of them, doing quotes around 'training facility.'

"Facility X? Oh, it's all the rage." Eddie told us, showing us a picture of a beautiful island. We all turned to look at each other.

"That's pretty nice." Chase smiled.

"Oops! Sorry! That's my screen saver." Eddie laughed before showing us a picture of a snow covered facility. "You're going here." We all groaned in unison.

"Forget about the office supplies, you should be gathering wood." I pointed out to them as Leo jumped off the counter.

"Man. I wish I hadn't thrown that party. I can't help but think this is all my fault." Leo said as the four of us got off the counter and followed him.

"Oh, that's because it is all your fault." Adam told Leo and patted him on the shoulder. I glared at Adam and he looked back at me confused like he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Leo, it's just as much my fault as it is yours." I told him sadly, feeling guilty as well. "But if Davenport asks, I threw the party." I told them all, pointing my finger at each of them.

"Why did you take the blame anyway?" Leo asked me and I shrugged at him.

"I thought it might soften the blow, considering he's not my step dad." I explained. I really had thought it would work, but I guess not.

"Adam, they were only trying to help us." Bree said to her brother.

"Well, yea, but they did the opposite, which is not help us. The not makes it the opposite." He explained to us proudly. "I'm just so bummed. It's the only place we've ever known." Adam finished sadly. The guilt from before washed over me again, but this time, it doubled. It was our fault they were being forced to leave and there wasn't anything we could do to fix it.

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