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I could barely breath. I gasped for air and hardly any would come. The pressure on my chest wouldn't allow it. I tried to sit up but whatever was on top of me held me there.

"Leo?" I gasped as I finally took everything in. The large concrete support beam had fallen on Leo and I. I was trapped from my shoulders down. Had never been claustrophobic, but it kept everything in me not to panic. "Are you okay?" I asked breathlessly as I tried to look over at Leo.

"Yea, a five hundred pound support beam fell on me, but yea, I'm okay." Leo replied sarcastically. In a weird way, his sarcasm was comforting. It was how I knew he was at least a little okay. We both fell silent at the sound of distant talking, and got the same idea.

"Help!" We both shouted, although I could still barely get enough air.

"Dooley! Anderson!" I heard Perry scream and the scuffling of their feet run over to us.

"My arms pinned underneath the beam." Leo told them as if they couldn't see us.

"I can't breath." I said quietly, trying to save as much air as I could. Douglas said nothing as he bent down and tried to pick the beam up so we could get out, but it didn't budge.

"I got this, Dougy." Perry told him before they switched places. Weirdly, I had more hope Perry would be able to lift it than Douglas. "I once lifted a car off a guy's leg. It was the least I could do since I ran him over." She explained as she bent down to get a grip on the beam. "Oh! Oh, tough to get a grip. My hands keep slipping on what I hope is red paint." I looked at Leo and his horrified expression matched mine.

"The firemen are here. I'll go get them." Douglas told us, making me notice the fire alarm was still blaring.

"Okay, I'll stay here and take care of Dooley and Anderson." Perry shouted back but Douglas had already sprinted out of the door. Leo and I both let out a scream when she let go, dropping the beam just a few inches.

"Oh, I feel so helpless. What to do? What to do? Think, Terry, think." She chanted and Leo and I let out a scream of pain when she sat on the beam. It felt like that last puff of air I had was gone, and I was starting to feel light headed. "Sorry, sorry." She apologized after quickly standing up. "Shh! I'm thinking!" She shouted at us when we groaned in pain.


The fire department arriving and the ambulance ride to the hospital was a blur. I was in and out of consciousness the entire time, and I hardly remembered being in the hospital. When I opened my eyes, I was disoriented by the bright, yellowish light shining on me. I was strapped down to some sort of bed and Leo was next to me.

"Where am I?" Leo asked before he looked over and saw me.

"This isn't the hospital." I whispered as I took in the place. It was Krane's lab.

"This is Krane's warehouse. Help! Help!" Leo shouted as we both tried to unstrap ourselves.

"Somebody help! Please!" I yelled as I yanked the strap that was tied across my chest.

"Leo, Stas, calm down, calm down." I heard Douglas say as he walked over. Immediately, I was a little less terrified. I noticed Douglas was wearing a brace around his ribs, and I realized he probably broke a few ribs from his fall.

"Where is he? Where is Krane?" Leo asked as he panicked.

"He abandoned this place awhile ago." Douglas assured us. "The guys got hideouts everywhere. You should see his torture chamber in Palm Beach. It's gorgeous." He added and I blinked at him.

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