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I was standing in the hall with Adam, Bree, and Chase as we waited for Leo. I had no idea where he was, but we assumed he'd inevitably find us sooner or later.

"How's your rib?" Bree asked me. I looked down at my stomach before answering.

"It's fine, doesn't bother me much lately." I shrugged. It had been a few weeks since they almost died and Leo and I were buried alive. For some reason, I felt like I was healing quickly, but I wasn't complaining.

"Listen up, space fillers." Principal Perry shouted as she walked into the main hall. Her voice drew our attention as Leo walked up from behind her, joining the small crowd. "This is emergency preparedness week. An emergency drill can happen at anytime. So when the alarm sounds, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion. Like cattle, if cattle had acne... and braces... and a future filling up my gas tank." Perry laughed before walking away, her arms swinging furiously at her sides.

"Oh, man." Adam sighed loudly and I looked up at him. "I wish I had Brees super speed. Because you do not want to be stuck walking behind cows in an emergency, trust me on that." He shook his head and sighed again.

"You would trade your super strength for Bree's super speed?" Chase asked, looking shocked. "Man, if I had your strength, I'd just run out of the building juggling those cows." He shrugged, holding his hands out like he was juggling.

"Yea, and if I had your super intelligence, I'd have walked away from this conversation thirty seconds ago." Bree said rolling her eyes. I nodded when she looked at me.

"Hey, you know what would be awesome?" Leo asked, his face lit with excitement, or, what I would call his bad idea face. Honestly, I couldn't even say that because no matter the idea, I was usually in on it as well. "If you guys took out your bionic chips and switched your abilities." He finished, his eyes wide with excitement so infectious that I felt my lips pull into a smile. When I looked at Adam, Bree, and Chase, their smiles matched ours.

"Why can't we?" Chase looked at Adam as his smile grew.

"I call your super smarts." Bree said, jutting her finger out to point at Chase.

"I call your super speed." Adam called back, pointing his finger at Bree.

"I call your super strength." Chase pointed at Adam.

"I call good looks and charisma. Oh, too late. Already got 'em." Leo said, raising his hand. I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Since when?" I asked as I crossed my arms. Leo glared at me for a second.

"Since I was born." Leo defended, pulling on his backpack straps with both hands.


After our talk yesterday in the hall, Adam, Bree, and Chase hadn't let go of the idea. And soon, I was being pulled into the lab at six AM so they could switch their chips. I groaned loudly as I put my fore head against the cool surface of the control panel.

"If you guys are gonna switch your chips before school, don't you think you should run this by Davenport first?" Leo asked as I picked my head up from the control panel and sulked over to where he was standing. Leo and Bree were standing with their backs to the capsules, facing Chase with the control panel in between us.

"Or not wake me up until after six thirty?" I suggested sarcastically, resting my arms on the surface. Bree, Leo, and Chase gave me looks and I shrugged. "Never mind." I sighed.

"They're our chips." Bree replied to Leo.

"Well, yea but what if something glitches out and you end up with Adams gigantic head on Chases tiny, doll like body?" Leo asked, making Chase look down at himself in shock. I stared at Chase for a moment before he looked up and I looked away. I was so drowsy I kept spacing out.

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