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"Ugh! This new neighbor has got to go!" Bree exclaimed after she shut the front door and turned to face Adam, Chase, and I. It was one AM and our new neighbor had been racing his car up and down the street. We were all woken up by the obnoxious sound of engines revving and tires screeching.

We were all in our pajamas, except Adam, Bree, and Chase all matched in their gray lab pajamas. I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and cozy, green and blue pajama pants.

"Why does he keep racing his car up and down our street every night?" Chase asked when Bree got to us. I spotted Leo walk down the stairs and realized we were matching.

"Ooh! I know this one! To get to the other side!" Adam answered way to loudly for this hour. The tires and engine revving sounded again from outside and I let out a groan.

"I'm about to go out there and let him hit me." I told the four of them with another groan.

"We get it, you aren't a morning person." Leo replied.

"Neither are you." I said with a scowl.

"Well, he clearly has no respect for our beauty sleep. It takes at least eight hour to look this good." Leo told us, holding up four fingers on both hands. "Ten, if you want that Leo glow." He continued, holding ten fingers up before caressing his face. I rolled my eyes.

"You notice we're matching?" I asked and gestured down to my pants.

"Yes, I remember when you stole my favorite pajama pants, so I had to buy them again." He replied with a fake smile. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I cannot believe I have to wake up to this." I heard Davenport say as he practically galloped down the stairs. He was wearing full cheetah print pajamas and a black sleep mask on his forehead.

"I can't believe I have to wake up to that." Leo shot back.

"Poor Tasha." I said, shaking my head solemnly.

"This is Italian silk. A cheetah wishes he looked this good." Davenport defend himself.

"A cheetah would have the decency to cover that up with a robe." Bree replied with a nod. Davenport glared at her before the car came speeding back down the road. He stomped over to the door and swung it open. We all followed behind him.

"Hey, pierce! Get your car off my lawn!" Davenport shouted at him before turning towards Leo. "Let's see how he likes my new high pressure sprinkler system." Davenport said to us smugly as he pressed buttons on his phone. He walked out onto the patio. "Okay, set to monsoon." He watched as the sprinklers began to turn on one by one.

"I guarantee you this will end badly." I told Leo as we both stood in the door way.

"Oh, I was hoping so." He replied as we fist bumped.

"Ha! He's stuck in the mud!" Davenport laughed. Almost immediately, the car sharply turned, sending a huge wave of mud all over Davenport.

"Not anymore." Leo said to Davenport.

"That was even better than I thought!" I told Leo who had the same gigantic smile as me.

"At least you can throw the pajamas out now!" I called to Davenport before Leo and I walked away.


"Leo, how'd you get to be first in line for locker reassignments?" Chase asked as Bree, Chase, and I walked over to Leo. It was locker reassignment day which Perry did once a year to "keep us on our toes." Her words, not mine.

"Oh. Since I couldn't get any sleep, I've been here since dawn." Leo explained. "FYI, you do not want to see the lunch ladies without makeup." He told us.

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