I want you (M)

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ZB 1 has their first every live performance at Japan. They were headed there as a group.

The airport was pack with their fans making the boys shocks as they were not expecting this many people.

They boys depart in a train like formation, Taerae leading and bebind was Hanbin, Hao holding onto both Hanbins shoulder then Yujin tailing along Hao, Matthew holding Yujin should in a protective way, Ricky follows behind, Behind him is Gunwook then Gyuvin and lastly Jiwoong.

Hao and Yujin were very nervous to meet all the fans, Hao holding tight on his boyfriend's shoulders. Suddetly someone from the crowd push Hao making him almost fly to the side breaking their train formation. Hanbin look back as Hao's hand got moved and once he notice he has been pushed he look in the crowd attempting to find who. Hao looks scare and Hanbin was not happy at all.

Hanbin took Haos hand and pull him never letting go of the other hand again.

Once they are done with the greeting they headed to the hotel.

As soon as they arrive at the hotel Hanbin asked the others if he can share a room with Hao. The staff had told them 3 rooms are booked so 3 people have to stay in one room.

🦊 - I don't mind sleeping on the same bed with Jiwoon Hyung.  Not knowing he had gave away his feelings like that. Jiwoong slightly blushed.
🦋 - yeah, Mattchu can sleep with me.

Gyuvin not understanding what Jiwoong means asked if 2 people had to share a bed. He has no plan to let Yujin share bed with anyone.

🐻🦈 - ?

🐈 - Gyuvin it's not like that. We don't share room. Hanbin Hyung needs some time alone with Hao.
🐶 - slightly dissatisfied, he wanted to cuddle with Yujinnie.
🐰 - okay then, Gyuvin, Jiwoong Hyung and Matthew Hyung can stay in one room. Yujin is not stupid, he can read Gyujin like an open book. Everyone agree so they all head to the  hotel.

In HAOBIN's Room
Hanbinna, I am fine. It was just a small accident push. Hao understand too well that his boyfriend is very angry when he got push. He was scared but didn't want to show it as he knows too well the younger will not be able to hold his anger back.  Are you really okay? He asked. Yes, I know that my Binnie will protect me at all costs so why would I be worried about such a silly incident. Although Hanbin knows his boyfriend was scared he let it go for now.

Zhanghao approaches Hanbin " Binnie, let's just cuddle up and forget about today's incident"his boyfriend answered with a nod. Hanbin pulls Hao in a hug one arm around the Chinese waist and one gently stoking the back of the older boy's head. Zhanghao always feels safe in HANBIN's embrace, he wraps his arms around the younger's waist.

Hanbin suddenly whispers " I love you, trust me I will protect you no matter what" his breath in Hao's ear makes the older boy feels chill and his heartbeat starts to race. Hanbin noticed, with a smirk he suck the older boy ear lobe earning a moan from him.

Got shocked by his own moan Hao pushed Hanbin and covers his mouth with both hand holding tight not to make anymore sound. Hanbin enjoying his boyfriend's reaction step closer toward the Chinese boy who continues to step backward until he reaches the wall. He realises he has no way of escaping the situation. " I need to shower first" and immediately runs toward the shower room.

Hanbin smiled at how silly and cute his boyfriend reacted.

He decided to arrange their staff to kill time while the older boy is in a shower. Once he open the older boy's bag a smirk form, he is holding out different sizes of condom and lube bottle. "Wow! didn't expect this at all" he said to himself looking at the bathroom door. He knows how his boyfriend like to be organise but this is just another level and he enjoy seeing new side of the older boy evertime.

In the bathroom Hao was having a hard time making decision. Should I prepare myself? Will Hanbin do something or am I just in delusion? Either way I should at least prepare in case something does happens.

Hao look at his slim body his member already eract at the thought of Hanbin touching him, his nipples starts to harder. I wonder if Hanbin will change his mind if he were to see me nacked, will he really be okay having to sleep with a man? Hao feels insecure sometimes, he has always had a special space for the younger since the beginning but just never imagine there will get to this point. Is Hanbin really sure about their dating? The older boy feels nervous to show his body to his boyfriend.

With a big sigh Hao bring his fingers near his hold attempting to loosen himself. Once he touch the entrance he stop. "I want Hanbin, at least I want him to touch me. Maybe he doen't need to see me. I want him to touch me" he mumble to himself then take a towel and wraps it around his small waist.

"Hanbinna, I need a bathrobe" he shout from the bathroom.

Hanbin took a bathrobe lying on the bed and knock on the bathroom door not expecting he will get pulled inside. Once he is in Hao close the door with a loung thud sound making his boyfriend jump a litttle. "Hao ge..?" Hanbin tilt his head in confusion as to why his boyfriend is so aggressive, he then start at the boy infront of him half naked blushing hard. Hanbin looks around trying to focus on something else, trying hard not to touch the boy infront of him. Hao is just too beautiful in Hanbin's eyes, he don't want to do anything that the older boy doesn't like.

Without saying a word hao pull Hanbin toward the sink. The bathroom has a long bench across the sink, a perfect spot to sit on. Once they get there Hao took the waist string from the robe asking Hanbin to close his eyes and tie it around the younger's eyes blocking him from looking at his naked body. Hao then sit on the bench, pull his leg up and proceed to suck his boyfriend's fingers. Hanbin flinch a little "Hao ge?" but the older boy ignores him rather looking at him with full of lust.

Hao open his leg more exposing his erected member and pink hole. He lead Hanbin's hand to his entrance and let him feel it so Hanbin knows where he is touching. Hanbin attemp to remove his eye cover with his empty hand only to receive a clear command "No! Hanbin don't remove" stopping what he was doing. "Hao ge, let me see you" he plead but got no response so he assume his boyfriend is not ready yet and just let him take the lead.

"Hanbin, I want you" Hao said as he place his boyfriend's finger at his entrance. Hanbin understanding what the older boy wants he push his finger in the older hole earning a moan from the latter. "Yes Hanbin, I like it.. Hanbin I want you" the latter proceed to plead for more. Hanbin start to push his one finger in and out multiple time before adding another finger. He can feel how tight the latter is around his fingers, he starts to sessor his two fingers making Hao moan even louder. The older boy's moan is a music to his ear and he is getting addicted to it.

Hanbin rest his other hand on the bench for support, Hao's both hands move away from the younge arm and wrap around the younger's neck pulling him close. Hanbin could feel Hao's breath. He then add another fingers in making the older arc his back in pain and pleasure accidentally removing the cover from Hanbin's eyes. You are so sexy Hanbin comment making the older realize the cover is removed but before he could react Hanbin connect their lips reassuring him its is okay.

Hao relax a bit and start to kiss Hanbin back, they were sucking and biting each other's tonge while Hanbin's fingers are busy lossing up the older boy. Hanbin finally finding the older's prostate he thurst his finger with force making the olde arch his back in pleasure breaking the kiss and exposing his hard nipples right infront of his horny boyfriend. Hanbin waste no time sucking and devouring the poor nipples leaving bite mark on them. With this much stimulation Hao could not hold back and he could feel he is getting close " Hanbinna, I am close....cumming...aaaAAaaa..fuck....Hanbin" Hao came. He falls in Hanbin's embrace right after cumming, Hanbin catch the older boy pulling him in a tight hug "Hao ge, I want you". Hanbin could feel his erect member, it's getting painful inside his pant and seeing his naked boyfriend doesn't help. He want Hao, he want his boyfriend to touch him.

How can I not love you // HaobinWhere stories live. Discover now