Gunrae - Wrong Timing 🚨 M 🚨

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Gunwook and Taerae happens to take the top sleeping space.

The space is a bit too small for giant baby Gunwook so he has to sleep squashed up with his crush. The boy can feel his heart beat racing, it did not go unnoticed by Taerae. Taerae try to ignore but it just seem impossible. "Hyung?" Gunwook calls in a whisper "Imm? Gunwook" Taerae replies. "Can I put my arms around you?" The younger boy ask nervously as he don't think the other will allows it. Taerae unexpectedly took Gunwook's arm and put it on his waist as he turn around to face him. Taerae use one of his arm as a pillow and extend the other to cup Gunwook's face "Gunwook, try to get some sleep" he says smiling bright in the dark night. However, it is impossible to just close your eyes and sleep when your crush is literally in your embrace. The two boys end up having a sleepless night.

The shooting continues the very next day. They do lots of activities and all the members enjoy themselves. HANBIN and Jiwoong make sure to never put Hao and Matthew in a tight spot ever again. "It's not fair" Taerae complains "what is not fair?" Ask Jiwoong actually not getting what the younger means. "You guys keep protesting the other group and Gyuvin absolutely not interested in competing either plus Ricky plays to win" Taerae continues and Gunwook nodding. "We overwork" Gunwook added. The boys finish their shooting and are now getting ready to go back to their dorm.

" Taerae Hyung! Can I ask you something?" Gunwook ask as Taerae nods and starts to follow behind Gunwook. "What is wrong with those two?" Gyuvin ask actually not knowing what the two are on about. Hao lightly tap on Gyuvin's shoulder saying "don't waste your brain and help us out".

Once Gunwook makes sure they are far enough from everyone else even the staffs he stops walking and face Taerae who follow him with a question mark on his face. "You see Hyung, about last night.... Immm..... hope you don't mind" Gunwook says a he starts to blush "of course not! You keep me warm" Taerae states a fact. "So,.. what I want to say is...." He took a deep breath then close his eyes "I like you Hyung, a lot and for a long time" Gunwook confess eyes still tightly shut. Taerae didn't say anything just stand still which make the younger boy regret his decision instantly. Gunwook open his eyes and rush to say "I know you like Junhyeon Hyung... I sound so mean I guess, confessing when I know you have someone else in your heart" another silent fills the atmosphere then Gunwook continues "Hyung say something, will you? You can use me if to get over Junhyeon Hyung and even use me as his replacement temporarily. I know I sounds selfish but Hyung just give me a chance to prove how much I like you too" Gunwook starts to tear up as he finish his confession. "Hyung, just say something!?" He begged.

After a good silent Taerae decide to open his mouth "Gunwook-ah, who says I will use you. You don't need to be treated like a replacement. Junhyeon and I never even get to confess and what make you think you are not worth loving as a person. I don't take you as replacement Gunwookie, infect Hyung happens to like you too" Taerae open up his feelings to the younger boy still somehow feels wrong to like someone way younger than him but what can he do when the feelings are returned.

Taerae opens his arm to welcome the younger boy, Gunwook starts sobbing on Taerae's shoulder. "Thank you Hyung, thank you for liking me" Gunwook thanks him "Gunwookie you such a cry baby. Are you not?" Taerae tease making the boy in his embrace let out a loungh sound while cyring. Taerae pull away after some time and they start to walk back to the rest of the members. Once they get to the camp everything has been tidied up nicely so they two just walk toward the van preparing to go back to their dorm.

Once the boys reach their dorm they could not wait but to go to each of their room, get change and sleep on a proper bed. Taerae and Gunwook part their way once they reach the dorm however Taerae does not feel right to let the boy sleep alone on their first day as a couple. Taerae shower and get dress to go out although he is as tired as everyone else. "Taerae-shi, are you going out at this time?" Matthew ask as he feel the boy is too dress up to just laze around the dorm especially going out after a long day and its almost bedtime anyway.

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