Our feelings

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Hanbin goes straight to his room and saw his roommate Taerae and Jiwoong but instead of greeting them he went to his bed covering himself in blanket. Concern can be seen in Jiwoong's face as he look at Taerae mouthing "what was that?" . Taerae answering him with a shake head, confusion can be clearly seen in his face.

On the other hand, Yujin amd Gyuvin decided to check what is going on in Zhanghao room. They were shock to see their Hyung in a verge of tear hand on his chest.

Yujin calls his name " Hao Hyung?" as he enter the room Gyuvin following from behind. "Yujinnie?" He call out softly as he look up to see the younger boy who has concern written on his face and behind him was Gyuvin with no better expression. Hao feels sorry to youngers as they have to see him in this state. Zhanghao pulling to overcome his current state with everything he has only to sob even more. Zhanghao feels mix emotion toward Hanbin "do I like him?"  He cannot seem to admit this new feeling but the thought of Hanbin with someone else feels like a knife stabbing his heart countless times.


When he was lost in thought Yujin had sit beside him on the bed Gyuvin sitting at the edge of the bed just besides Yujin. Yujin ask "Hyung what happens? Is it okay if you tell us?" Hao look at the young boy in-front of him and feels lucky to have a caring junior. Hao answer " not now Yujinnie, I have things to clear first before telling you about this" Yujin answer with a Hhm still concern as he never see his Hao Hyung Iike this. To Yujin although Hao is a very shy person he always knows what he does and always mails it and he is a confident person. Gyuvin tap Yujin on the shoulder gaining the younger attention, he signal the younger that they should leave. Yujin understanding Gyuvin's signal making himself standing up from the bed and give his Hao Hyung a final warm hug before leaving the room.

As soon as they leave the room Gyuvin suddenly grabs Yujin's face saying "you were like a Hyung, Yujinnie Hyung" mockingly. Yujin try to free himself by grabbing the older boys arm but eventually gives up.

 Yujin try to free himself by grabbing the older boys arm but eventually gives up

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Jiwoong climbs on Hanbin bed and sit beside him while patting that he think is the boy's back trying to comfort him. Taerae in the other hand sit across Hanbin bed facing the boy in the blanket. Jiwoong ask " what happens Hanbinna?"  only to receive no reply but a sobbing sound from inside the blanket. Jiwoong and Taerae look at each other and decide to get Matthew for help. Once Matthew heard his Hyung's state se zoomed to their room only to find Jiwoong sitting on HANBIN's bed comforting the crying boy. Matthew feels a sting but decides to let it slide as his feelings are not what matters at the current time. Matthew asking Jiwoong to give them a space which both Taerae and Jiwoong complys and leave the two best friends alone in the room.

Matthew ask " is it about Hao Hyung?" ( at this point Matthew already know hanbin feelings towards the Chinese boy and he himself has a crush on a certain model Jiwoong. Jiwoong is working as a model during all his trainee time)

Hanbin gives an Imm sound from under the blanket still unwilling to come out to face the others. While patting HANBIN's head Matthew reassure him that Hao will not hate him for his feelings encouraging him that at least the other boy knows about his feeling. While comforting his Hyung Matthew pity himself for not being able to confess to Jiwoong although he likes the said male since their first meet. Hanbin with a low voice ask "Matthew~a can I be alone for a bit? You should get some rest too after all it was a big night for all of us. I promise I won't do anything stupid and you know me". Matthew nodded and leave his friend to rest and get his thought sorted.

After Matthew leave Hanbin decided to  come out of the blanket. He is genuinely worried that Hao will avoid him for what he did, he is not ready for this. He sight over and over again until he heard the door cracking open revealing none other than Zhanghao.


Zhanghao thought to himself if he should confront Hanbin and assure him that it's all right. Honestly, Hao knows his friendship with Hanbin is more than just a friend but he did not expect things to happen so quick and only when they just announced their debut group. He is worried about the future and that he might ruin the younger boy's bright future ahead.
After a long thought he decided he should at least talk to Hanbin.

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