Binnie, I am always on your side (50% Mattwoong)

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Hanbin and Zhanghao sleep and cuddle comfortably ready to have a nap until someone disturbs their peace

"Hanbin Hyung .. Hao Hyung can I come back to the room and stay with you guys?" Matthew asked from behind the door. Hanbin get off the bed to open the door for his friend looking at him with full of questions on his face

"Can I stay with you guys?" He ask once more. Hao got off the bed to see what is going on. Hao peak his head behind Hanbin "Come on in, Matthew. You can certainly stay with us but is everything all right?" Hao says in concern for the younger as he could see Matthew does not look himself

Hao doesn't like seeing his members sad especially Matthew and Taerae as he feels they might be a bit strange like Taerae was not particularly close with any of the debut group and Matthew's best friend whom he relies on has been kinda snatched away from him.

Although Hao would love to have time alone with is boyfriend especially after what just happen he cannot just ignore the fact that something probably happens with Matthew

"Thank you Hao Hyung, sorry if I interrupt anything," Matthew says in an apologetic tone "No, not at all. You don't interrupt anything" Hao replies as he pulls him inside the room Hanbin tails the two males who just walk past him like he is invisible

Hao asks Matthew to sit on the chair and hands him a bottle of juice as he sits beside him. Hao signals his boyfriend to join them as he thinks Matthew will prefer having Hanbin over him anyways. Hanbin complied and sit in front of the two boys across the table.

"So, what happens?" Hanbin ask while Hao holds Matthew hand to comfort him.

>> In Gyuvin, Yujin, Matthew, and Jiwoong's room

"Jiwoon Hyung, is it really okay to sleep with you?" Matthew asks "Sure, Matthew. Why not" Jiwoong respond while texting on his friend with a big smile on his face. "Thanks" Matthew reply as he get ready to have a shower.

Jiwoong was talking to one of his close friends and was asking about Matthew. Jiwoong always has wanted to confess but has insecurities that Matthew might not feel the same way. He likes talking to his old friend Seobin who knows about his sexual orientation and especially toward Matthew.

"Should I just tell him I like him?" Jiwoong asks in the text. "Jiwoong Hyung maybe try to read the room and just confess. I mean what can go wrong really? If he doesn't return your feeling then at least you have tried but not trying is never an option hyung" Seobin replies. "Then can you practice with me?" Jiwoong requested excitedly "Sure, why not" The other boy responded to the text.

Jiwoong has been anxious if Matthew were to actually not return his feeling, what would he do? Its not just as simple as how Seobin mentioned, Jiwoong really does like Matthew although he sometimes thinks if his feelings are not returned then he should move on and let the younger boy live his life and not bother him.

While Jiwoong was busing chatting on his phone Matthew has just come out of the shower wearing his pink hoodie and trouser, Jiwoong looks at him briefly and turn his head the next second. "So freaking cute" Jiwoong screamed in his mind.

"Hyung, I will take a nap can you please wake me up when Gyuvinie and Yujinnie return so we all can get dinner together?" Matthew asks. "Sure Matchu, have a rest" Jiwoong says as he pat the empty space on the bed beside him.

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