First Day Back at Home

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*You walk up to your childhood house and open the door. You call out to your mom but she isn't there. You decide to go upstairs and into your old bedroom. You start taking things that you want to bring to your new home. As your packing so things up your mom walks in surprised to see you because you didn't tell her you moved back home near her*

Your Mom: Y/n. What are you doing here!

Y/n: I decided to come home and surprise you

Your Mom: Thank you. I missed you so much

Y/n: I actually have another surprise for you too

Your Mom: What is it

Y/n: I got a place near by. I'm moving back home

*Your mom gets exited that your back home. She hugs you very tight and doesn't let you go for a while. You finish taking the stuff from your room and put it in your car. You say bye to your mom and drive to your new place. On the ways you almost drive past this dirt road you used to go in that leans to an abandoned building. You decide to park on the side of the street and go walk to the building. It look you about 15 minuets to walk there. You go inside and go to one of the fallen down parts of the building and sit on the ledge. You pull out a watermelon vape and 2 bottles of beer. You put some music on your phone and your just thinking about the good times you used to have here with your friends before you all moved away. You have been sitting there for about 2 hours until you see someone walking towards you in the distance. You notice he has dirty blonde hair and he's average height for a guy. You turn your music up while hitting your vape so he notices you. He stops in his tracks looking at you and smiles. He walks into the building and walks up to you*

Sam: I haven't seen you around here before. Who are you

Y/n: I'm y/n. Who are you

Sam: I'm Sam. Are you from around here

Y/n: Im originally from here but I moved to Florida for college and now I'm back because I dropped out

Sam: Yea I didn't go to college too. It just wasn't going to be my think ya know

Y/n: Yea I understand that

*You offer Sam a beer and he takes it. You both sit there talking about Kansas and realize you were both in some of the same classes and everything. You both end up talking for hours and hours u till the sun is starting to set. Sam walks you back to your car so you get there safe and then he gives you with number and you drive off. Ass your driving to your new place across town you can't stop thinking about him. You thought he was so cute and caring. He even knew about your favorite spot you liked to chill at when you were a kid. When you got to your new place you brought everything inside and decided to set up your bed so you could sleep*

The Boy From Kansas (Sam Goldbach)Where stories live. Discover now