4 Months Now

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You're about 4 months along now and just got back from getting a bunch of ultra sound pictures of the baby. You and Sam don't want to know the gender yet so you've decided today is the day to tell the roommates. You get up out of bed and look at yourself in the mirror. Sam comes over and puts his hands on your bump and kisses your neck from behind. You put on a sweatshirt so the roommates don't notice the bump. You and Sam go downstairs and put the ultrasound pictures on the fridge and walk away without looking suspicious because this is how you are telling them. You go back upstairs and pose in the bathroom mirror to take pictures of your bump for instagram so you can release them right before you post the video. The only ones in the house that don't know are Corey, Aaron, Jake, Tara. You and Sam go downstairs after taking pregnancy announcement pictures and go hangout in the tv room. You see Corey walk into the kitchen with Devyn. Devyn makes eye contact with you guys and points to the fridge and smiles without Corey noticing. Corey goes over to the fridge and turns the vlog camera on facing away from it. While doing his intro he notices it in the camera and turns around. he looks at it and his eyes go wide. Corey starts yelling "WHO THE FUCK IS PREGNANT. EVERYONE COME INTO THE KITHEN NOW'. The roommates all come into the kitchen including you and Sam. You try not to struggle a little bit while getting off the couch. Corey is still vlogging trying to figure out if this is a prank. He makes the 3 females that are there in the house to speak up. You all say that you don't know were that came from. Same face is red and he starts laughing. Corey zoomed in on sam's face and told him to speak up and expose who in this house did this. You look at Sam and take your sweatshirt off so you bump is showing. The guys look at you and Sam and start yelling. Sam takes the ultrasound pictures off the fridge and holds them. You tell the guys you put them up there this morning around 10 am and now it's 5 pm and nobody noticed. You start laughing at them. They run over and give you guys a big hug. They are all excited to be uncles. Tara and Devyn are excited to be aunts. They all say they'll help you out with the baby. You look at Sam and ask if you should tell them. They look at your confused. You look at them and tell them that your showing a lot for 4 months and that you guys will definitely need your help since there not just one baby. They look at you confused and Sam says it's Twins. They looked shocked and Corey turns his blog camera around and yells into it with excitement. Devyn hugs you crying because she had a feeling about this but didn't say anything. After 4 hours of celebrating you feel nauseous so you get up and run to the bathroom and throw up. Sam comes in  and holds your hair up for you. After your done throwing up you decide to go to bed early because you don't feel well. Sam is at his computer editing the pregnancy photos to post on your shared account and Corey gave him a part of the blog to put on the Instagram.

Sam's POV

You post the photo of you holding y/n's stomach with your head in her neck and the part of Corey's flog of telling the roommates there's 2 babies on the way. After 30 minutes there's 100,000 likes and 30,000 comments about it. Some of the are in shock and crying and others are being completely rude and disrespectful. You don't care though because your having kids with the love of your life and that's all you need. The roommates even comment that they are exited to babysit/ be aunts and uncles. It makes you tear up that this is really happening with your life right now because you still can't believe it. Y/n is snuggling up to you while your sitting on your bed on your computer. You decide to go on Amazon to get matching stuffed monkeys for the babies since y/n has one. You think it'll be adorable to have matching ones with their mom. You go to your instagram story and post the pictures of the babies ultrasound pictures with a hear next to them and than go to bed.

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