Welcome Home

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You and sam are enjoying a day outside sitting in the sun when you're thinking about what you're going to get Colby for his birthday today. Sam says that he will go and get his a record player and some of his favorite records. You turn and give him a kiss on the cheek when you feel something. You stand up and see water running down your leg onto the ground. You look at Sam and tell him your water broke. He looks at you and runs inside panicking. H eyes for everyone to come downstairs. Everyone comes down asking wats wrong until they see you in pain. Sam tells them your your water broke. Everyone looks at you in shock and Sam is panicking. Corey tries to calm Sam down while Colby helps walk you out to the car Devyn and Jake go go get the baby bag and your bags for the hospital and put them in the car. Sam and Corey walk outside and Sam hops in the car with you and drives away. The roommate are at home waiting for the news. You and Sam have been in the hospital for about 6 hours and then you give birth to Cole and Emery. Emery is 6 pounds and Cole is 7 pounds. After you rest for a while you wake up and Sam sits on the bed with the twins. You are holding them. Sam takes the camera out and films you calling the roommates and family. You FaceTime your mom first showing the babies and she screams and cries until you calm her down. She says she's going to come visit you both soon to see them. After you talk to your mom, Sam FaceTimes his family to show them. He mom answers, she starts crying and runs over to everyone else to show them the twins. everyone is smiling and crying and saying how adorable they are. You then go onto your phone and FaceTime Devyn. You have the camera pointed at you and ask if she can get everyone together because you had the twins. She runs downstairs and gets everyone. All the roommates are in the camera and you flip yours. they are all cheering and saying they can't wait for them to come home. Jake says that they look more like you than Sam. Sam says "God dang it and looks at you". You look at Sam and laugh because you know Jake is right. You tell them that they are letting you go home tomorrow and you both will see them soon. You hangup the phone and jus sit in the hospital bed with Sam and the twins admiring them. Emery ends up sneezing 3 times and you can't believe how cute that was. You tell Sam that you can't believe they are actually here and it doesn't feel real. He looks at you and kisses you saying he knows. They are the quietest little babies in the world. You take pictures of Sam holding both of them and am takes pictures of them sleeping on your chest together. You then go to instagram and post the pictures. The comments were heartwarming and funny at the same time. Some of them were. "I can't wait to see them grow up" others were "Daddy Sam is such an aesthetic" and a lot of them were congratulating you both. You give the twins to Sam to put them down so you can get some rest. 

The Next Day

You and Sam are finally pulling into the drive way with the twins. You take them out in the carriers and bring them inside. You both pick them up out of their carriers and bring them upstairs to Corey and Devyn's room. You slowly open the door and walk in with the. They see you and run over and you put them in their arms. They is on their bed with them and can't believe how adorable they are. You and Sam tell them they you're going to get the other roommates while they are holding them. You walk to Colby room and Sa walk to Jake's room to get him and Tara. You all walk into Corey's room and they walk over to the bed looking at them. Tara looks at them and looks at Jake saying she wants one and then laughs. Jake starts walking backwards out of there and then walks back in laughing. Devyn gives Cole to Colby and says "this is your uncle Colby who you are named after. As soon as Cole is in Colby's arms he opens his eyes and smiles. Everyone looks at Colby and smiles. You tell Colby that he's already Cole's favorite and he can tell. Sam looks at Colby and tells him that the twins are his birthday present from you and Y/n. He says that this is the best present he could possibly get. 

The Boy From Kansas (Sam Goldbach)Where stories live. Discover now