3 years

269 10 0

Today is your and Sam's 3 year anniversary and you both were planning on celebrating but you got sick. Sam woke up 2 hours before you to go to the store and buy you some roses like that ones he's gets you every year. This year is different though because that's not the only thing he bought you. He also went and bought you a ring because he can't imagine a life without you. You don't plan on leaving bed all day because your sick so Sam thought this was the perfect plan to set everything up.

Sam's POV

You get in your car and drive to the store to buy some roses for y/n because they are her favorite. Then you go to the jewelry store and get a diamond ring for her so you can ask her to marry you. After an hour you finally find the perfect one and drive home. When you get home you go into the kitchen and see the roommates in there vlogging so you ask them if they can turn off the camera for a second so you can talk to them. Jake turns it off and you start talking.

Sam: As you guys know today y/n and I have been together for 3 years and I went out and bought her a ring


Sam: SHHHHH she's upstairs you gotta be quiet

Colby:*smiling* yo man I'm so happy for you

Jake: I already know I'm the best man

Aaron: Good for you man I'm going upstairs to play fortnight

Devyn: OMFG. Can I help her get ready without her knowing for what

Sam: I was just about to ask you to do that and have you say that I want to take anniversary pictures with her to post which is still true.

Devyn: okay so what time are you asking her?

Sam: when the sun is setting so about 2 1/2 hours

Devyn: okay I'll go get her up now

Devyn runs upstairs to get y/n up and ready. You and the boys go into the bar room and clear it out to set everything up

Y/n's POV

Devyn runs in the room and comes over to me telling me to get up. I tell her that I don't want to and she's starts pulling me out of bed onto the floor. You stand up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower because you smell bad. You wash your hair and do whatever you need to. You were in there for about 30 minutes so Devyn if banging on the door and tells you to get out. You walk out and into Sam's room and see dresses out on the bed for you l to try on. You ask Devyn what this was about and she tells you that Sam just wants to take anniversary pictures with you and he put her in charge of helping. You don't think anything about it because Devyn always helps you get ready. You first try on a dark red dress but you didn't like the sparkles on it so you put on a short/tight dark blue dress and you decide your going with this one because you love it. You go over to Devyn and Corey's room and sit at the makeup table so Devyn can do your makeup and hair. She puts your makeup on and starts straightening your long dark brown hair. It's been 2 hours and Sam is calling for you to come downstairs in the bar room. You slowly walk down the stairs and Devyn is following behind you with the clog camera. You walk in the bar room and see Sam standing there in a suit with a big light up sign that says "Marry me?" And rose petals all over the floor. You stand in the doorway and immediately start crying. You put your hands over your face. Sam walks over to you and walks you over in front of the sign. He gets down on one knee and opens the right box and says "y/n will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?" You look at him with tears in his eyes and say "Yes Sam I will". You guys kiss and he wraps his arms around you spinning you around and won't let you go. The roommates are cheering and yelling while they clog from different angles. After you and Sam let go, Colby takes the camera and take pictures for both your Instagrams. For yours is a picture of you and Sam kissing in front of the sign and another picture of your ring close up. Sam used a photo of him dipping you in front while kissing you and spinning you around. You guys celebrate and you open instagram to post the photos you caption it "Guess who's getting married". After 10 minutes you have hundreds of thousands of comments form people being happy for you both. You and Sam get a drink together and you start crying again because your so happy and in shock. Sam looks at you and smiles. He puts his hand up to your face and wipes away your tears and kisses you again. He leans his head over to your ear and whispers "I'm so happy your mine". You look at hi and smile. The rest of the night seemed like a blur to you because you ended up getting drunk and sleeping on Sam.

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