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You and Sam wake up and go get the twins and bring them downstairs to walk around. At Thai point the twins can walk by themselves and can say more then 4 words. You and Sam call a house meeting and tell everyone that you and Sam feel like your taking up to much room in the house and are thinking about moving out. The roommates disagree with you guys and they want to see the twins grow up and become their own people. Sam looks at you and you give him a look. He turns to the roomate a and tell them you guys will stay longer but at one point your not going to have enough room for everyone. Aaron stands up and says that there is actually going to be enough room because he's moving out. Everyone turns to him and asks why. He tells everyone that he needs to go back home and help take care of his family and that he's leaving in a month. Aaron also says that one of the twins can move into his room once he leaves so they can finally have their own space. You go over to Aaron and hug him saying thank you but you will miss him. Everyone else says they will end up missing him too.

A Month Later

Aaron is saying his goodbyes to everyone and is finally moved out. It's been 4 hours since Aaron left and you and Sam are standing in his old room wondering what to do. Colby and Corey start moving Emery's stuff into the room and your telling them where you want it. They put her crib against the wall in the corner and a chair in the other corner of the room. They grab an old pink rug that Colby had from Sam pranking him and put it in the middle of her room. You stick some butterfly's to the walls and some flowers. You decide to let Sam decorate Cole's room because he let you decorate Emery's. Sam goes into the room and leaves everything where it is but adds a blue/white rug and some stars and moons on the walls. You go in and look around and you love it. You kiss Sam on the cheek and he grabs his vlog camera. He turns it on and starts the into in the hallway with you. He tells the fans that he is sad that Aaron moved out but you turned his old room into Emery's new room so she can have her own space Sam walks in and shows them around and than heads over to Cole's room and shows them his decorating. He flips the camera over to you and zooms in on you to see your smile. You give him a playful punch and walk out. Sam turns off the camera and goes downstairs with you. He turns it back in when he sees the twins running away from Colby while he's pretending to grab them. He grabs Cole and tickles him making him laugh. Jake comes out of the kitchen and Emery runs over to him saying "Jake". He picks her up and spins her around saying "Simba". You look at him and laugh. Sam laughs behind the camera and goes over filming Jake and Colby spinning the twins around in circles. They laugh and giggle until Cole throws up on Colby again and he says "uh oh". You take Cole and say "yes uh oh" and laugh with Sam because he's never said that before. Colby goes and gets changed and comes back down to make dinner for everyone. You and Sam are holding the twins in your arms while they are eating. Colby calls everyone in the kitchen to eat so you and Sam put them  the twins in their high chairs and sit down with everyone. Corey takes a little piece of pizza sauces and let's the twins lick it off his spoon. You give Corey a look and he laughs at you. You decide to go up to bed early because you don't feel well. Sam gives you a kiss on your forehead and tells you goodnight. Everyone else is hanging out with the twins. 30 minutes later Sam goes upstairs to check on you and sees you sleeping because he was worried that your depression was back but now he knows it's not.

The Boy From Kansas (Sam Goldbach)Where stories live. Discover now