Oh y/n...

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Sam walked into your room and his mouth fell open. He didn't know what has happened to you. You look at him in the doorway with tears in your eyes. He rushed over to you and hugs you tight because he didn't know how to react. You end up telling Sam what happened to you and you can't hold back your tears anymore so you just cry in his arms. Oh no darling I'm so sorry' Sam says. You just keep crying in his arms while he rubs your back and try's to help you calm down. Sam decides to pick you up so your legs are wrapped around him and your head is in his neck. He carries you to the couch so you can watch tv together and cuddle. You end up letting Sam pick what to watch. He picks the show "The Rookie" so you can both have a good laugh and see some police action. You end up calming down and snuggling into Sam's chest.

3 hours later

Sam looks over to you to find you asleep on his chest. He takes a photo and sends it to Colby. When are you gonna ask her out man -Colby. I will soon- Sam. Okay good you better man I can tell she really likes you. As your sleeping on Sam's chest he examines you and sees what happened. He looks at your casts on your arm and leg and decides he's going to have you stay with him so he can help you get better for a while.

An hour later

You finally start to wake up and you realize that your still laying on Sam but your head is on his lap and he's playing with your hair. You turn your head and look up at him and he gives you a big smile. You give him a smile back and turn your body the other way. As your trying to turn over your body hurts so you make a painful noise making Sam get a worried look on his face. He decides to get up and grab you some pain meds to take. When your taking the pain medicine he brings up the idea of you staying at his place for a while with him so he can help you get around. At first you disagree and don't want to be a burden to him and the other boys but he tells you that they won't care and he wants to help take care of you. You agree and Sam gives you your crutches. You slowly follow him into your room and tell him what draw to grab a bunch of pjs out of for you to bring along. You also have Sam grab your water bottle from the kitchen and then head to the elevator. When you get to Sam's car you get in and he puts your crutches in the backseat for you. It takes 10 minutes to get to Sam's house form your apartment so you didn't have to be in much pain because of the light outside. Sam pulls up in the driveway to the front door and goes to the back to grab your crutches. He opens your door and give them to you by helping you stand up first. He grabs your stuff and you both walk to the front door. Sam opens the door and realizes there's nobody home so he pits your bag down and takes your crutches to lean then against the stairwell. He picks you up bridal style and brings you upstairs to his bedroom and puts you on his bed. He pulls the blankets out and puts them on top of you. You ask him if he's sure about letting you stay in his bed and again he said he's fine with you being there with him. Sam flies downstairs and grabs your crutches and bag and bring them upstairs. He places them next to the bed so it's easier for you to reach. Sam tells you he's running out to the store for a little while but he'll be back soon and to text him if you need anything.

Sam's POV

I walk out of my room shutting the door so y/n can hopefully get some rest because she looks exhausted. You text the Trap House group chat and let them know y/n is in your room and she's pretty banged up so just to let her rest unless she needs something. You grab your keys and walk to the car. You hope in and drive to the toy store to pick out a stuffed monkey and some roses to try and make y/n feel better. You also decide to ask her to be your girlfriend since you have feelings for her and don't want to get up loosing her.

Y/n's POV

Sam left to go to the store and I've been watching tv in his room until I hear a knock. You tell the person to come in and it's Colby. Hey Colby. Hey I brought you a few ice packs for your body cuz Sam told me you were in pain. Thx Colby I appreciate it you say. He hands you the ice packs and closes the door behind him walking out. About 40 minutes later the door opens and Sam walks in holding a stuffed monkey and roses for you.

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