Y/n's Story

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You wake up on the couch in the tv room without Sam there. You take your hoodie off leaving people able to see your arm wrapped and go look for Sam. You found him in the kitchen making dinner for the two of you. You go up behind him and put your head on his back. He turns around and sees that you took off your hoodie and sees the blood filled bandages on your arm. You ask Sam if we can re-wrap it and he takes your hand and brings you into the bathroom. You slide up on the counter and unwrap your arm and throw the bandages away. Sam washes your arm off for you and re-wraps it. He then lifts your sad looking face up and kisses you. He pulls back and sees a sad looking smile on your face and his goes away. Sam walks back into the kitchen to cook while you go into the bar room to get some alcohol to drink. You find a bottle of vodka and take a few shots till you feel it. You than put it back and go into the kitchen and sees Sam putting the food on the counter. He looks at you and realizes your drunk. He tries not to make it obvious that he knows. After you eat you tell Sam your going to bed so you go upstairs. Sam then goes upstairs 30 minutes later and slowly opens his door and sees that your actually sleeping so he goes and knocks on everyone's doors and tells them to meet in Coreys room since it's the farthest from his.

Sam's POV

You bring all the roommates into Corey's room to talk to them. They ask if you talked to y/n yet. You tell them that you we're going to but she walked into the room drunk and then went to bed. You also tell them that her bandages had a lot of blood on them and you were worried. Colby says that he'll try and talk to y/n in the morning because he knows what she's going through. The rest of the roomate s said that they'll keep an eye out on her without her realizing and you agree. You leave Corey's room and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. You go under the sink to get some shampoo when you see the razor blades in the cabinet with blood in them so you give them to Corey to get rid of and go back to your shower. You get out and get ready for bed and go sleep.

The Next Morning

The next morning you wake up and turn over to see Sam still asleep. You decide to get up and get dressed since you wanted to go out and get coffee at Starbucks. When you walk down the stairs you see Colby so you walk over and ask if he wants anything. He says no but wants to talk to you first. You think he's being suspicious or doing a prank on you or something so you just sit down next to him.

Colby's POV

You start talking to y/n about what happened "So I know that I'm probably the last person your going to want to talk to about what's happening but I know what your going through. I went through the same situation not to long ago actually". You pull up your sleeve and show y/n the faded scars you have on your wrists and she just looks at you not knowing what to say. You also tell her that you drank to feel numb and try and black out whenever you were conscious. You ask her just to tell you what's happening with her because you know what she's going through and she can trust you.

Y/n's POV

You look at Colby in shock and sadness that he used to do what you've been doing for years. You start telling him why your happiness is slowly dying. You start off by telling him that you were always hated on as a kid and now with all the hate comments in Sam's videos are getting to you and then you go on to tell Colby that your bipolar and your depression just gets really bad at times in your life and you don't know why because you have been taking medication and now your thinking you need a different dose now. Colby understands and thanks you for trusting him enough to tell him. You decide to go upstairs and wake up Sam and tell him what you told Colby. You wake Sam up and he's wondering what's wrong so you reassure him that nothings wrong and you just want to talk to him. He sits up in bed and you decide to sit in his lap with your legs wrapped around him. you put your hood up over your hair and start tearing up while you fill Sam in. When your done telling him you start crying really hard and he wraps you in his arms and thanks you for telling him and that hell always be there for you whenever you need him and at anytime durning night/day.  

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