Sleepless nights {SJ}

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Rose- 12
Cosmo- 4
Y/N- 10 months old
Warnings- None

Scarlett's POV

It was around 10pm, I had put Y/N to bed at around 8pm so she will be down for the rest of the night hopefully. Just within the last week Colin and I got her onto the routine of sleeping throughout the night and getting up around 7/8am which works for us. Sometimes she will wake up in the middle of the night or early morning if she needs a diaper change or is hungry but usually she sleep.

Colin and i were snuggled up on the couch watching some random show that was on tv. I yawned as Colin played with my hair. " Love i think it's time for bed your tired." he chuckled kissing my head. I nodded getting up as we walked upstairs to our room. " I'll be right in let me check on the kids first make sure they are all okay." He nodded kissing my head, " ok Scar don't be to long i need my cuddles!" i laughed waving him away as i walked over to Roses bedroom to see if she was still asleep.

I pushed open her door softly to see her passed out on the bed her blankets crazy everywhere making me laugh. I go over fixing them on top of her as i tuck her in and kiss her head. " Night Rosie love you." i whisper. I leave closing her door going to Cosmos rooms i see his night light peeking out from under the door making me chuckle he makes Colin check every night that there is no monsters under his bed that will eat him then we have to make sure both his nightlights work to scare any monsters away.

I walk into his room quietly seeing him sleeping quietly on his brand new race car bed be had just bought him a month ago that he loves. He's holding onto his stuffed dog he's had for ever while letting out little snores making me smile. Definitely his fathers child i giggle to myself i bend down in front of him kissing his check. " I love you Comso."

I leave his room closing the door quietly before going to my last destination. The baby's room, Y/N the quietest noises wake her up so i have to be extra cautious with her.. I softly open her bedroom door seeing her cuddled in a ball suckling on her pacifier while her lullaby plays on a crib. She fights sleep really bad so the main thing we have to do is let her cry herself to sleep and set her lullaby on.

I walk into her room walking her sleep. She's an adorable baby but she hates sleeping and she's teething right now too so she is missable. Which makes us all missable. I blow her a kiss before making sure the baby monitor is turned on so i can hear her if she wakes up and going back to my room.

I see Colin pouting on the bed making me laugh and i go over to the closet. " What's wrong babe?" i raised my eyebrow at my husband. " You took 20 minutes to check on the kids.. that means i lost 20 minutes of cuddles." he frowns. I laugh shaking my head as i grab my tank top and shorts before changing.

" Colin stop looking at me like that." i scold my husband as i climb in the bed. She smiled and pulled me into him to cuddle me. " What i can't help it when i have a very beautiful wife and she changes in front of me." I look up at him before giving him a quick kiss, " i love you now go to sleep i'm tireddd." i whined. " okay love."

We eventually fell asleep cuddled up together Colin rubbing my back and me laying on top of me basically, but hey as long as we're both comfortable.

I was woken up to movement and swearing. Making me confused as i tried opening my eyes. I tried feeling for Colin but he wasn't in the bed making me shot up cause Colin's always in the bed unless he has work but it's still dark out so where did he go? Just then i heard his voice on the baby monitor.

" Hey hunny, I know your a baby but daddy's tired and would really love to sleep so could you please go back to sleep?" i heard him question our daughter. I heard shuffling either he picked her up or was putting her down?

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