Sassy girl {NR}

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Y/N- 8

Plot- Y/N has been spending a lot of time with Kate and her aunt lena while her mom was on a mission and when she came back Y/N was being really sassy towards everybody.

Moms been on a mission for the last month. So she had me staying with Aunt Lena since she didn't want me staying with all the guys at the compound since they don't really know how to take care of a child and would probably forget about me. So she had Aunt Lena take care of me at her apartment and we went on adventures everyday with Kate and her dog Lucky! She also eats Mac and Cheese so much!

" Aunt lena hurry up or mom will throw you over the roof for being late!" i yelled at her making her groan. " good gosh i hate you some times even if your my neice." Just then Aunt Lena let out a hiss as Kate smacked her. " Ouch. What the hell!" i laughed and watched the two as the bickered about why Kate hit Aunt Lena.

" Would you two stop bickering and act like adults for 2 minutes! Now get up and let's go!" i demanded as i grabbed the keys and left the apartment hearing their grumbles as i left.

As we pulled up at the compound i got out and slammed the car door which made Kate glare at me. " Y/N don't hurt my car!" she glared at me. " Yea yea! go kiss your girlfriend and leave me alone." I rolled my eyes as i raced off to go annoy my favorite little scientist.

I ran into the lab to see Tony messing with his suit as things were flying around the lab. I instantly jumped on his back and he yelled and swatted me. I squealed as he spun around i circles trying to shake me off as i active his suit. " woop.." he groans as i get off him and hug his waist. " Hey Uncle T! i missed you and your science lab." he smiles and stops his suit.

" So what's up kid? You waiting for your mom?" I nod as i sit down and watch him. " Well she was on the jet last i talked with her so she'll be back soon!" he smiled as i nod.

I continued to just sit and watch him till i got bored. " You're really boring! I'm going to go and and see the others bye now boring old man!" i yelled as i walked out. " Y/N!" i heard him yell as i giggled.

I walked into the kitchen to see Thor eating pop tarts and Loki glaring at him making me laugh. My two favorite gods! Even though mom doesn't like that i talk to Loki cause 'they are a bad influence.'

I walked over to the two and quickly hugged Thor and once he noticed it was me he smiled and squeezed me so tightly i thought my eyes were going to pop out! " Thor i need to breathe!!" i squealed making Loki laugh as Thor let me go. " How's my favorite little midgardian?" " I'm good! I've been with Kate and Aunt Lena for a month! It was the best!" i giggle.

" Well if you had a good time that's what matters! Your mom comes back today are you excited?" Thor asked as i nodded. " Yep! I missed her so much and Wanda! There's so many boys here." They both laughed as i rolled my eyes. " Well enjoy your pop tarts! I'm going to go annoy Uncle Clint!" They nod as i walked off.

It took me a while to find my uncle i checked everywhere in the compound and the last place i found him was the vents of course! I giggled as i creeped up behind him. " BOO!" I yelled as he jumped and hit his head. "Fucking hell
Y/N.." he mumbled as he rubbed his head.

I giggled as i hugged him. " I missed you Uncle Clint i'm sorry for scaring you i just couldn't pass up the offer!" i mumbled as he laughed. " It's okay hun. Why are you in the vents? You know your mom doesn't like you up here." he raised his eyebrow. I smiled, " but mom isn't here now is she? So i can be up here!"

" Y/N you know damn well she will know that you were up here. She just has that sense." I roll my eyes and laugh. " Yea yea whatever. I'm going to go find some food see you later!" i smiled as i left the vents.

I had been in the kitchen eating a sandwich talking with Kate when wanda walked in and sat beside me. I squealed and hugged her making her laugh. " I'm happy to see you as well." Wanda hugged me. I pulled away and looked at her. " Is mom back yet? I mean i'm sure she is since you're here.." she laughed and nodded. " Yep she's back a couple of the others grabbed her before she could follow me in."

I groan, " Of course they grabbed her. Let me Guess Uncle T or Uncle Clint?" Wanda nodded meaning them both as i scoffed. " She's been gone a month and they wouldn't even let her see me first! I will beat them up!" Wanda raised her eyebrow at my attitude. " Well Your aunt also pulled her away too so i'm not sure if it was something serious or if they just needed to speak with her. But i'm sure she will be right over with you as soon as she is done." I just nodded not really wanting to talk anymore.

About 15 minutes later Mom walked in and immediately looked at me as my head was on the table. " Y/N." she sternly spoke making me look up. " Mom!" i yelled as i got up and ran over to hug her. I pulled her in for a hug as she hugged me back. " I missed you too love but we need to talk. Come on."

Mom walked with me to her room as she closed the door i sat on the bed. " So what's up?" i asked. She sighed as she came over and sat beside me. " Everybody has been telling me that you've had an attitude with them or been really sassy. Is this true Y/N?" she asked as she looked at me. " I don't have an attitude mom." i scoff as she raised her eyebrow.

" Who even told you i had an attitude and was sassy?" i asked as i rolled my eyes. " Y/N don't roll your eyes at me. It was Lena, Clint, and Tony. They said you were having an attitude and being sassy." i sighed and looked down. " I didn't mean too mom.. I just was doing what Aunt Lena taught me." She looked at me before it clicked that her sister taught me how to be sassy and to have an attitude.

Mom groaned and rubbed my shoulder. " I'm sorry любовь i should have known that it was Lena. Maybe the guys would have been better to leave you with." {love} mom sighed. I giggled as i laid my head on her shoulder. " But no more being sassy okay? and no more attitude." i nodded as i let out a yawn.

" Let's take a nap любовь." {love} mom says as she kissed my cheek i giggled and nodded and we laid down. I cuddled into her side as she played with my hair it didn't take me long to fall asleep but it never did when i fell asleep with my mom. This was our usual routine after her missions talk about what we missed while she was gone then tap a nap. It wasn't much but it worked for us and i loved it.

Written- June 27, 2023
Published- June 28, 2023

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