Million Wishes {NR}

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Y/N- 8

Plot- The avengers are taking down a hydra base when they find Y/N in one of the cells crying, Natasha feels bad and takes her in and eventually adopts her.

I had been taken from the shelter i was living at I'm not even sure how long ago.. it felt like years but it could have only been months. These been kidnapped me for no reason and forced me to touch these stones and said if i lived i was special. All i wanted was to get out of here and have somebody save me but i could only wish.

3 years ago
I had just been taken and pushed into a cell while i was heavily sobbing. "ты бы заткнулся!!" {would you shut up!!} the guard screamed at me making me jump as he slammed the door. I instantly curled up in a ball on the floor as i was just in shorts in a tank top when they took me since i was sleeping and it was chilly in Russia and there's not heat in this room.

I'm not sure how long it had been but i must had fallen asleep before i was awoken to somebody slamming my door open and harshly grabbing me definitely hurting my wrist. " Ой! Прекрати это больно!" {oh! stop it hurts!} as i tried to get them to let go off my wrist but they ignored my cry's and dragged me to a room and locked me in a wand looking thing in the middle holding a stone..

" Добро пожаловать. Прикоснись к камню, ты особенный." {Welcome. Touch the stone, you are special.} I gulp as i hear the voice through a speaker. What happens if i don't touch the stone?? i thought before i decided to move towards the stone. It was a yellowish color and it seemed to glow which was weird..

I reached my hand out and slowed touched it as everything felt different before i fell to the ground.

Present Time
Time doesn't seem to pass by in this place. Ever since i touched that stupid stone i got these weird powers. Now i can power things with my hands and it makes my fingers turn like a purple color, I can also teleport to places but only in my room as i'm not aloud out. I'm weirded out with my powers how did i go from an orphan to this person with these abilities..

I was sitting on the floor of my cell sulking as one of the guards had just came in and taunted me with food and then ate it in front of me. Fucking bitch he's lucky i can't control my powers or i would have murdered him. All of a sudden alarms started blaring loudly and guards racing everything screams.

" Мстители атакуют!" {the avengers are attacking!} i looked up and staring around confused on what was happening. Would i finally be free? "Забудь о ней, она может взорваться вместе со зданием!" {Forget about her, she might explode with the building!} I instantly started sobbing and hide away in the corner curled in a ball. I didn't want to die here. Sure i did at first but not anymore i want out with them if they get to leave why can't i?

I was pulled from my thoughts by a dash of red hair racing by my cell before they quickly came back and raised there eyebrow. " Oh my god.." she stood at the cell door analyzing me confused on why i was here. " Hunny are you okay why are you here?" I looked at her confused as i didn't speak any english i only knew Russian..

She quickly stared back at me before speaking into something on her ear? She opened my cell door making me panic and press myself against the wall. " Эй, все в порядке! я не причиню тебе вреда! Ты говоришь на русском языке?" {Hey, it's all right! I won't harm you! Do you speak Russian?} she asked calmly i quickly looked up at her. "Не делай мне больно.. Мне здесь не нравится." {don't hurt me.. I don't like it here.} i sobbed as she tried to calm me don't.

" Ш, милая, все в порядке, посмотри, почему бы тебе не пойти со мной. Мы с друзьями поможем тебе, хорошо?" {Sh, honey, it's all right, look, why don't you come with me. My friends and I will help you, okay?} I looked at her unsure as i sniffled before nodding. She quickly picked me up and walked out with me clinging onto her tightly. She walked towards this big ship thing?

She went inside i saw lots of other people making me nervous and play with her hair.. She sat down on a bench and sat me beside her and i didn't move an inch as they all stared at me. I started crying not liking all the eyes on me i had no idea who they all where on top of leaving the only place i'd really only knew. The lady quickly pulled me into her side to quiet me down.

" Эй, что случилось, любовь? Нет плача.." { Hey, what's up, love? No crying..} she whispered in my ear making me feel a little better. I looked up at her and pointed at the people. " Они все смотрят.." {they all watching..} i mumbled making her look up at glare at them.

" Stop staring at her your scaring the poor child." She scolded them. " But who is she Nat?" Clint asked. " Im not sure haven't asked her name yet. She's tired and seems malnourished. Bruce can you check her once we get back?" He nods as she thanks him. " Does she know english? I haven't heard her say one actually word?" Tony asked. Nat shook her head. " No i tried speaking English to her when i first saw her in a cell but she had no idea what i said so i take it she's from and born in Russia and was never taught English."

" Well what are we going to do with her." Wanda asked as she looked over at the half asleep girl. Nat looked down as they all looked at the two. " Well it looks like she likes Nat.. And Nat knows the most Russian out of us all." sam smiled as Nat looked up. " Hey i'm not opposed to the idea. I've always wanted kids." she smiled. They all laughed as they just watched the two the rest of the flight.

After the quinjet lands Nat carried Y/N to med bay to have bruce check her over. She laid her on the table as you immediately woke up and looked around. " Где я?" { where am i } you as you got worried you were back at hydra. " Все нормально. Ты у нас, Он позаботится о том, чтобы ты был в порядке и здоров." {Everything is fine. You are with us, He will make sure that you are well and healthy.} she smiled. You looked unsure before Nat reassured you she wouldn't leave. You nodded as she held your hand and Bruce checked you over.

" Alls well she seems to have had some past broken bones but she has powers it seems like. Healing powers? She's also malnourished so make sure to start off with small food and work up and lots of water." I just look at Nat confused before she chucked. " Вы обладаете целительной силой! Тебе нужно есть, я прослежу, чтобы ты ел больше. Но ты очень сильный!" {You have healing power! You need to eat, I'll make sure you eat more. But you are very strong!} I gasp and smile. " У меня тоже есть целительная сила! Я также могу телепортироваться и телекинез!" { I have healing powers too! I also teleport and telekinesis.} I smile as she looked at me confused.

" What did she say?" bruce asked. " She also can teleport and has telekinesis like Wanda on top of healing powers." Bruce looks amazed. " woah! She could be helpful in the future when she's older!" Nat laughs and smiled.

" Итак, милая, как тебя зовут?" { so honey, what's your name?} nat asked as all the others watched. " Y/N" i sheepishly smiled. " Pretty name!"

" Детка, ты хочешь остаться здесь с нами? а я могу усыновить тебя?" { Baby do you wanna stay here with us? Can i adopt you?}Nat asked. My smiled got huge as i asked, " Как моя мама!" {like my mom!} She chuckled and nodded making me squeal and hug her while nodding. " Да да да!" {Yes yes yes!} i yelled as Wanda chucked and the others looked confused.

" She said yes you knuckle heads." Wanda said shaking her head as the others smiled.

Written- June 7, 2023
Published- June 20, 2023

I write this earlier in the month so i'm sorry if there's spelling errors🥲. Anyways i used google translate for all the russian as i only know like 3 words thanks to duolingo and wattpad stories.

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