Scare {NR}

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Y/N- 5 Months Old

Request by @EveAngela9 —

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Request by @EveAngela9

Nat's POV

I groaned as i heard small cries coming through the baby monitor making me roll off Bucky. He sighed and rolled me back over to him cuddling me again making me laugh. " Bucky! Y/Ns up i have to go get her." i said as i rolled out of his grip make his eyes open. "It's too early!" he grumbled as he sat up already knowing when our daughter was up it meant so so were the both of us.

" I know. I know but she's a baby she has no sense of time now stop complaining." I laughed as i left the room to go grab the infant. I cracked open the door to see her laying in her crib crying making me smile as i walked over picking her up. " Hey ангел. Sh it's okay mamas here." {angel} i cooed as i held her to my chest. I grabbed her pacifier before walking to her changing table to change her outfit and diaper.

After she was all changed i picked her up carrying her to the bedroom as she laid her head on my chest and played with my hair. I walked into the room to see Bucky laid against the headboard half asleep still as he looked up at us immediately smiling. I sat down in my spot as he grabbed Y/N making her snuggle into him.

" There's my favorite little girl!" he smiled at her as she looked at him making me raise my eyebrow. " Do i not exist?" i questioned as he laughed making Y/N shift finding a new spot to lay. " Sorry. Sorry. you both know i love you guys." he smiled as he kissed our foreheads.

Y/N sat up after a few minutes and reached over for me making me smile as i grabbed her. I thought she wanted to snuggle with me so i snuggled with her which just made her let out a whine and try pushing me away. " ангел what's up?" {angel} i questioned. She pulled on my shirt while whining. " Nat i believe she's hungry and does not want cuddles." Bucky chuckled making me glare at him. " Yea i got that part."

I pulled my tank top down before unlatching my bra and guiding Y/N over towards me since she had a grumpy look on her face making me laugh. She immediately latched on and placed her hand on my hair to play with it. " She seems quiet today don't you think? Usually she makes noises." Bucky looked at me worried. I shook my head, " I think she's fine remember Buck She's a baby they don't need to make noises all the time." he just looked at me unsure.

" Hey i'm sure she's okay she's always been more quiet like you but she has her moments where she's loud." i laugh as he nods. After about 20 minutes Y/N pulled away so i latched my bra and pulled my shirt back down as Y/N snuggled back into me. I always loved how snuggly she is.

" Let's go make ourselves something to eat Nat. She looks like she may fall asleep again." Bucky chuckled. I looked down to see in fact Y/N half asleep. I nodded as we got out of bed Y/N fuzzing as clung tightly to me making me rock her as Bucky popped her Pacifier into her mouth making her content.

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