Overprotective {NR}

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Y/N- 8
Warnings- ?

Plot- Y/N wants to go over to a friends house for a sleepover but when she asked her mother about it, Nat shuts her down and says it will be to dangerous.

I was so happy! My best friend invited me to sleepover! I've never gone to one before so i was really hoping mom would let me go. I raced out of my last class of the day saying goodbye to all of my friends as i went outside searching for my moms car but not finding it. I let out a sigh as i knew she usually doesn't pick me up but i could only hope right. I looked around till i say a familiar flash of brown hair making me smile.

I raced up to him engulfing him in a hug. " Hey kiddo how are you? Was school okay today?" Uncle Tony asked as he ruffled my hair. I laugh as we walked over to the fancy sports car he drove her. " It was okay! I had an amazing day as always." I look up at him as we got closer to the car. " Uncle Tony why doesn't mom ever get me?" i sigh. He shakes his head and put his hand on my should. " Hunny you know your mom is a busy woman. She works a lot but she would if she could."

I smiled sadly as we climbed in the car and started the drive to the compound. Once we arrived i climbed out and went inside to search for my mom. Uncle Tony went off to do his own thing probably in his lab.

I ventured off around the compound searching for my mom getting " Hellos" " Hey mini Romanoff!" and " how was school Y/N?" here and there from the random team members littered throughout the compound. I smiled at the all continuing my walk to the one place i knew my mom would be. Her office. It's usually the only place you'd find her and she'd be in there till 8pm.

I softly knocked on the door rocking back and forth on my heels before i heard my moms voice. " What do you want?! I said i was busy." she yelled through the door making me sigh. I didn't bother answering and just walked away to my room. When she's like this, she's all about work and will most definitely not want me to have a sleepover..

I sigh as i walk into my room closing the door and putting my bag down. I flop down on my bed laying my head on my pillow as i pull the covers over me. Maybe i'll have a sleepover someday. Maybe in my dreams.. Eventually i drifted off to sleep after a hard day of school.

Nat's POV
I was sitting in my office working on some back assignments Fury had been getting on my ass about not doing when i heard a knock. I groaned, I had already told everyone that i was not to be disturbed i needed to get these done! " What do you want?! I said i was busy." i yelled through the door as i write down things on the sheet. I never got a reply or even a person barging through the door making me raise my eyebrow. " Hello?!" i asked as i got up and walked to the door.

I open it to see nobody making me wonder why they even bothered me in the first place if they were just going to leave. I huffed and walked downstairs to see the team scattered in the Kitchen While Wanda was making something. I grumbled to myself as i walked down while shooting a glare at them all. Wanda was the first to loin up at me and smile at me till she saw my glare and immediately looked down. I felt bad but they all knew not to get on my bad side and this meant one of them did.

I stop in the doorway as they all look up and Wanda continues her cooking. " Woah what happened? Did something die in your room or something is that why you look like that." Tony laughs making me glare at him more. " Stark i will shoot you i swear to god." he immediately shut up and put his hands up in surrender. " Hey! i did nothing." he defends.

" Who knocked on my office door then walked away and didn't even say anything? I told you all i was busy and not to disturb me!" i grumbled at them mad that i was now more behind on my work. They all looked around confused before Tony looked down. " Uh Nat.. We were all down here only one person went upstairs." he says as he rubbed his head.

" Yea well who did i'll smack some sense into them. you all should know better than to disturb me while i'm busy by now." Wanda finally walked over which i hadn't even noticed till she was beside me. " Nat. You won't want to smack the person once you find out who it is." she sighs as he pats my shoulder. I glanced at her as she took her arm away. " Really? Why not." i scoffed.

" Because the only one that went upstairs was Y/N. Natasha she wanted to talk to you about something that happened to her at school that made her happy! Are you really going to smack her?" Tony raised his eyebrow as i looked down. What could have happened at school? Was she hurt. Did she get a good grade in something? Or something worse? " I'll be back!" i yelled as i ran out of the room to go see if my daughter was okay. I needed to see why she needed to speak with me.

I walked in her room to see her sleeping making me smile softly as i walked over and sat beside her. She stirred and looked up at me before jumping into my arms. " Mom! I have to ask you something!" she squealed happily as she held me. I laughed as i kissed her head. I pulled away and looked down at her. " What up love?" She looked down before letting out a breathe.

" Mom.. Can i go to a sleepover. Please!" i looked at her she looked so happy and excited but i can't let her. There's so many dangerous people in the world and things that could happen and i can't protect her if i'm not there. " Baby i'm sorry but no." She whined and pushed away before standing up. " Mom! But why not! All my friends are allowed why can't i go."

I sighed as i grabbed her arms. " Baby i know you want to but there's a lot of dangers and dangerous people due to moms job they could easily find you. And if mom isn't there i can't protect you and i don't want you getting hurt!" She sighs and she leans against me. " I know you want to protect me mom but i won't be in danger please let me go!"

I groan as shake my head. " No Y/N your not going. End of discussion your 8 once your 18 your aloud to do whatever but not yet. Maybe in a couple years you can have a sleepover." She stomps her foot before she lets out a huff. " Your too protective mom but i love you." I laugh. " I love you too Y/N. Now let's go see what Aunt Wanda made for Dinner." She smiles before darting out the door making me laugh as i chased her leaving my work for later once again.

Written- June 11, 2023
Published- June 11, 2023

Srry for not posting! I got busy with work and family stuff :)

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