Im sorry {NR}

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Y/N- 4
Alexis- 6

Hope this is okay! Request by @EveAngela9 —

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Hope this is okay! Request by @EveAngela9

Nats POV

Steve and i had two daughters. Y/N and Alexis, We loved the two dearly but ever since we moved out of the compound to get more privacy and just live a little more like a normal family the two  always fought and argued over simple things! They were quite silly things but they usually did it while i was driving which was dangerous when i had to look back to see what they were fighting about.

Steve still was Captain American as I was Black Widow even thought we weren't at the compound anymore. I had the occasional mission while Steve was always away barely being seen anymore i could tell the girls didn't like it and that's when the fights and arguments increased.

" Y/N. Lexi. Stop fighting and play on your tablets for momma okay??" i sighed as i looked back in the rear view mirror at the small children in the back. Alexis grinned happily grabbing hers as she tapped it as Y/N just looked out the window looking down at the ground making me shake my head.

Steve had yet another mission this had to have been his 5th one this month! I don't know maybe i'm just over reacting that's what he always seems to tell me when i bring up him being gone so much and that he has children to see.

I peek in the mirror again to see Alexis smiling as she does whatever on her tablet as Y/N just held her stomach and looked at the floor making me frown. She had been acting weird lately. Not fighting with her sister as much, always complaining of different pains and aches, and sleeping all the time. I didn't think it was normal usually four year olds are way more active and don't have that much pain. Or at least Alexis didn't..

I sighed as i pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. I hated hospitals but i needed to know what was wrong with
Y/N  i just had a motherly instinct something was wrong. I parked the car before getting out and helping Y/N as she watched me.

" Momma..?" she whispered making me look at her. " Yes lovey what's up." i smiled as she sniffled. " it hurts.. and i'm really tired." she cried as i sighed. I hated seeing her in pain and knowing that i didn't know why she was in pain made it worse. " I know hunny i'm sorry. Here we are at the Hospital to find out why it hurts okay?" she nodded as i picked her up her whining a bit as i held her, she definitely felt a lot lighter than i remember.

Alexis ran to my side grabbing my hand as i locked the car. I walked us in side before filling out some papers Y/N falling asleep on my shoulder as Alexis watched a TV in the waiting room. About half an hour later a doctor came out calling our names as she guided us to a room and had me set Y/N on a table. She woke up whining as soon as i moved her tears falling out of her eyes making the doctor look at her alarmed.

" Hey hey it's okay i'm sorry hunny did that hurt?" i questioned as she nodded wanting me to pick her up again. " Momma can't pick you up just yet lovey the doctor has to check you over.." she whined and watched the doctor walk over.

Alexis and I watched as the doctor did her examination of Y/N making Y/N let out little cry's as she was in pain and even the slightest touch or movement hurt. " Is it okay if we do a CT scan?" the doctor looked up at me a worried look in her eye. I nodded as she walked out of the room closing the door as i picked up Y/N.

" Momma is Y/N okay?" Alexis asked she looked at us. " Im not sure lexi but i hope so!" i smiled as she hugged me. " Me too! I love you Y/N i'm sorry i fight with you.." " Wove you too Lexi.." Y/N mumbled through a yawn.

The doctor came back in with a wheelchair as i placed Y/N in it before she was wheeled out making me sigh. Steve should be here this is his daughter but no.. Stupid compound and Stark. " Momma?" Alexis looks at me making me look down. " Yes sweetheart?" she fiddles with her fingers a bit before speaking.

" Did i do this to Y/N by fighting with her??" she questioned making me shake my head. " No no lexi. This is just well i don't know. But you didn't cause it okay?" she nodded as she laid her head on my shoulder. A few minutes later the door opens a doctor wheeling in Y/N and looking at me sorrowfully.

" Momma!" she whined as i picked her up. " Sorry lovey.." The doctor closed the door before setting across from me. " Well we found out what is causing all of her symptoms and pain.." I nodded for her to continue as she let out a sigh. " She has Stage 4 Leukemia. She may only have a couple months left to live. We can start her on treatments to try and help but with how advanced it is and how late it was caught it might not work.." the doctor says sadly as i just stared at her.

I had gotten the new 1 month ago that
Y/N had Leukemia. In that span i had started treatments but quickly noticed they just made her so much worse so we stopped them and decided we would let her live out the rest of her life that she had. It hurt to watch everything she had to go through the constant cry's because her body hurt, her not eating because she just couldn't, bruises forming out of nowhere, and then one day when i went to wake her up the cry's just weren't there..

I slowly felt my heart shatter into a million pieces i knew the doctors prepared Lexi and I for this since Steve was away for a Mission but when she said months i thought we had more than one with her. I sat on her bed stroking her hair as the tears slowly fell down my face before they got frantically worse. I pulled out my phone calling Steve to tell him the news before making arrangements for her funeral and her body.

It had been around 3 months since Y/N had passed away Lexi had taken it pretty hard she loved her little sister and to wake up one day and just not have a little sister anymore was hard. I had to explain to her that she'd always have a little sister she'd just not be on Earth anymore. Steve had been around a lot more now and apologized for the way he acted. I never truly forgave him because he missed so much..

We were currently in the car on the way to go shopping for some more groceries as i hummed a song. All of a sudden i heard something like a box and a small 'ow!' from the back set making me sigh. "Lexi. Y/N. I told you girls about fighting in the car." i warned as i kept my eyes on the road. "momma.." I looked in the rear view mirror just to see my one daughter making me remember everything that's happened recently.

" Im sorry sweetheart.." i sighed. " It's okay momma i miss sissy too." she smiled. " Hey why don't we go and visit her grave and set some flowers on it after we go shopping? How does that sound?" i smiled through the mirror as she grinned. " Like the best idea! I can't wait to see sissy again." she jumped in her booster seat making me giggle. 'oh i can't wait till i can see you again someday as well Y/N..' i thought as i continue the drive to the store.

Written- July 5th, 2023
Published- July 5th, 2023

I changed some things/added a little to make it longer and added in some cute things cause why not.

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