Interview {SJ}

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Y/N- 3 Months old
Cosmo- 5 years old
Rose- 12 years old

Scarlett's POV
" Are you sure you should go tonight? I mean Y/N is still so little and you know how clingy she is to you." Colin sighs as i kiss Y/N head and watch as she suckled on her pacifier. I looked up at my husband with a soft smile.

He had been worrying for the past 3 days about me going to do this interview since i'd only had Y/N 3 months ago and we never told anybody but friends and family. But i need to promote the new movie as it comes out soon and it's what's best. I'd rather not leave my daughter either but she will be okay for an hour or two with her dad.

" Colin it will be okay i promise. I need to make she we promote the movie enough so i don't get yelled at for skipping interviews." he lets out a soft sigh. " Plus you can always put a wig on a tape a picture of me to your face if she wants me so bad." i shrug making him shake his head dramatically.

" Scar i love you dearly, but i will never wear a wig and tape your face on mine even for our daughter!" I laugh. i feel our daughter moving in my arms so i softly hand her to Colin." Here babe, I need to finish getting ready. I have everything were it usually it." he nods as he holds our daughter close to him as i peck his lips then her head. I make my way upstairs to finish getting ready.

After i arrived at the interview, i had to deal with some paparazzi and fans outside which was okay i guess. I don't mind signing autographs but paparazzi gets annoying. Security escorted me inside before leading me to my room and telling me i had around half an hour. I nodded as they closed the door. I pulled out my phone once i noticed it was ringing to see Colin was calling me? Hm i only left like half an hour ago weird. I quickly answered the call.

S:Hey babe what's up? everything alright with the kids?

C:Yea it's just Cos keeps asking when you'll be home, Rose wants to go to a friends house for a sleepover tonight, and  Y/N is really fussy and won't let me put her down.

I let out a small laugh.
S:Well i don't go on till about half an hour so i probably won't be home for two hours tell Cosmo that. As for Rosie tell her she can go to that sleepover but not till i get back home and i want to know whose house she will be at. Uh yea and Y/N.. She's most likely tired have you feed her yet?

C: I'll tell them both that. Um no i haven't feed her. Do you have any breast milk anywhere?

S: Yea babe i do it's in the fridge if she drinks it all there's more in the freezer like always. Do you not listen- You know what never mind. If she drinks it all and you need to use the one in the freezer put it under lukewarm water to unthaw it. But make sure it's not frozen or to hot.

C: Okay i'll try that. Thanks scar see ya it when you get back. I love you!

S: See you once I'm back. I love you too Colin.

I hang up the call with a small chuckle. You'd think with the amount of times he's watched Y/N so i could run to the store, get rose from place, or other things he'd know where the milk was but he still doesn't. Hell it's been the same since i'd had Cosmo and that was Five years ago.

I was pulled from my phone as i heard a knock at my door. " Come in!" i called as i saw a younger lady peak her head in with a small smile. " We are ready for you if you could follow me please!" she says kindly. I nodded as i got up and followed her out of my room.

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