Kittens! {SJ}

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Y/N- 6
Rose- 10
Cosmo- Fetus

Plot- Y/N and Rose really wanted a cat and beg everyday for one till Scarlett and Colin finally give in and bought one. But they had an unexpected surprise.

" Mama please! I promise i'll be a good girl!" I whined as i sat at the kitchen table while we all ate dinner. She sighed and shook her head while she continued to eat making me angrily stab the food. 'I just want a kitty! What is so bad about a kitty?' i thought to myself. I'll try again tomorrow till she says yes..

"dada.." I smiled innocently but on the inside i was going to rope him into my plan. " Yes sweetheart what's up?" he asked as he picked me up and set me on his lap as he watched Tv. " When can we get kitty?" he sighed and looked at me.

" We have talked about this already Y/N. You aren't getting a cat, why can't you get a fish or a rock?" he blankly asked i tried my hardest to make myself fake cry but it didn't work so i just kept pinching myself really hard till i was crying. " A r..rock? Why don't you love anymore!" i fake sobbed as i got off him and ran out of the room.

After the incident with my dad I went to Rose's room so we could come up with a way to have mama buy us a kitty! Rose and I had wanted one for so long now and mama was so close to getting us one till she got this big belly she calls my brother? I don't understand it honestly..

I sighed as i laid on the floor like a starfish and Rose spun in her chair. " So how should we make them get us a cat?" Rose smiled. I sighed and shook my head. " Sossy i don't know! I tried everything. I've told dada he doesn't love me anymore, tried begging mama, and brought a random kitty home! It never works.." She giggles and stood up before gasping.

" I know! Why don't i talk with Colin and you just keep begging Mama i'm sure she will give in. Give her your best puppy dog eyes and your lip pushed out and look like your about to cry." i giggle and nod. " That might work! Kitty time is ago! But what will you talk with dada about?" I question. " Oh just how a cat is the best thing to ever happen to us and that's why we deserve one and if he doesn't get us one he may never see us happy again.." she smirks making me smile. " Let's go get a kitty!"

Rose went to talk with dada while i went to butter up mama into getting a kitty. She's more stern now that she had that big belly but she is always crying or wanting to be touching or cuddling me it was weird. I didn't mind cuddles though especially mamas cuddles they are the best!

I walked into Mamas room to see her sitting up again the headboard book in hand while her other hand rubbed her stomach. I smiled and climbed up in the bed beside her as she immediately looked at me and pulled me in for a cuddle making me giggle. " Hey love. Dad told me about earlier.." she mumbled in my ear making me sigh. I didn't want to start off like this but oh well. I got the fake tears started and looked up at her as i saw the hard shell she had put out immediately break as she cupped my face.

" Hey love what's wrong?" she cooed and brushed away my tears. I sniffled and laid my head in her neck shaking my head. " Mama. I really want a kitty. Why don't you guys want me to have kitty.. do you not like me anymore? do you like your big belly more.." i whisper as i give her puppy dog eyes and push out my bottom lip.

She sighed and shook her head. " No no love! We love you so much and we always will. It's just cats can be a lot of work and we will never love your brother more than you hunny. You'll all be loved the same." I whined and looked at mama with the best puppy dog eyes i've ever done and fake tears streaming down my face.

" Just one kitty please mama! I promise ver to be bad girl again or ask for another pet." She sighed before looking at me. She kissed my cheek and nodded. " Okay love one cat. Just one! We can go to the store in an hour to get everything we need for it before we go choose one from the shelter okay?" I smiled and nodded before hugging mama.

" Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Youre the best mama ever! I love you so much." she giggled and hugged me tightly put my hands on her belly which made something inside her belly kick and i squealed and climbed off mortified. " What's wrong love?" she asked worried. " There's demon in your belly mama! Get it out!"

She chuckled and shook her head. " Oh no hunny. That's the baby! He probably felt your hands on my stomach and kicked you. He does the same thing to me and Dada when we touch my stomach." I raise my eyebrow at her unsure. " But why does he need to kick me i didn't do anything to him?"

She shrugs, " no sure love he just does it. Now let's go get ready and get Dada and Rose." I smiled and raced off the bed and out of the room to go find the others.

We had just gotten back into the car after some shopping for cat things which dad wasn't to happy about when mama said we were getting a cat but mama shrugged and said 'They wanted a cat and it's just one it's fine.' which made him grumble and mama shoot him a glare.

" Mama mama! We go get kitty now?" i squealed excitedly. She chuckled as she buckled me into my seat and Rose buckled herself. " Yes love we going to get the cat now. Now settle down okay?" i nodded as mama closed the door and climbed into the passenger side. Dada started the car before driving off to the shelter me basically jumping in my seat the entire way as Rose played her tablet.

After we had arrived at the shelter Dada stayed in the car with us much to our dismay while mama went inside to find the perfect family cat and do all the paper work. We had sat in the car for about 25 minutes while Dada played his phone and Rose and i played on our tablets before we saw mama walking out with a white kitty in her arms against her stomach i instantly screamed making both dada and Rose groan.

" Y/N inside voice!" dada sternly told me. I nodded and apologized as mama opened the door and got in the kitty letting out a small meow. " Mama! I want to hold it!" she shook her head as she kept the kitty on her belly.

" No love let me hold her till we get home okay? She's scared and i don't want her hurting you." she smiled. I nodded as dada pet the kitties head making me wish we could teleport home.

When we got home mama went in first as dada grabbed the bags from the store as i grabbed the cat bed and raced into the house making them laugh. I saw the kitty on the floor looking around. I smiled and looked at mama who nodded. I bend down and let the kitty smell my hand before she rubbed against.

" Mama she's soft!" i giggled as i picked her up. She cuddled in my arms as mama set her cat bed in the living room and dad put cat toys around the floor and set up the food and water dishes in the kitchen. Rose ran over to me and took the kitty making me whine but mama gave me a stern look basically telling me 'let her have a turn with the cat.'

" Mama kitty needs name!" i explained. She laughed and nodded. " Well love why don't we all choose and name and write it on a piece of paper and put it in a hat and the first paper to be pulled out will be her name!" Mama i nodded as mama went to get some paper.

We had all wrote down our name choices. Mama decided on angel, Dad decided on Noodle, Rose decided on snowy, and i decided on Star. Mama then folded the papers and put the in the hat before mixing them up after they were all mixed she pulled out a paper and opened and smiled.

"Well everyone id like you all to meet Star!" mama smiled as she held the kitty in her arms. I squealed and clapped. " I choose that name!" Mama laughed. " Well it's an amazing name Love!"

It had been about 2 months that we had Star now and mama noticed that she was acting different. " Baby leave Star alone okay she looks like she wants to be alone." Mama told Rose. Rose nodded and kissed the cat as she walked away old to her small meows making all of us look over from our spots on the couch where we were having family movie night.

" Mama? That sounds like lots of kitties!" i giggled as i got up. Mama rolled her eyes jokingly and got up as well as we got up and went over to Star only to see..

" KITTENS!!!" I yelled making both mama and dada groan. " This. This is why i don't do cats.." dada grumbled as he walked away making me giggled as i watched the kitties. " Mama there's a lot!" I explained. She nodded and looked over. " Yes love there is. We aren't keeping them i hope you know that.." I whined but nodded trying to think of a plan on how to keep all them.

Written- June 26, 2023
Published- June 26, 2023

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