Babysitter {NR}

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Y/N- 10

Plot- Wanda is Y/Ns mom and has a mission, leaving Y/N with Natasha for the day, but Y/N insist that she is to old for a babysitter.


"Mom! why do i need to stay with her.. can't i just sit in a castle or something! i don't need a babysitter.." Y/N whined. "Y/N! your ten years old. that is to young
to be left in the compound while everybody is on a mission! It's either you stay with Natasha or get grounded. Which is it?" "Fine i'll stay with nat.." she whined as she pouted. "Good now i need to go you best be good for her!" "i will!" "i love you!" "love you too.."

"this is stupid i don't need a babysitter.." Y/N kicked rocks as she walked along the outside of the compound. "You know kid.. you mumble pretty loudly.." Nat laughed. "i do not! and i'm not a kid." "hm? what are you then?" "shut up. i don't need to tell you.." nat smiled looking at me amused. "hm you have quite the attitude.. maybe i should tell wanda.." "WHAT NO! ILL BE GROUNDED!" Y/N whined. "then you should be nice."


Currently i was sat on my bed watching tv when nat just walked in my room?! "hey you can't do that! this is my room!" she just shrugged?! "i'm the babysitter not you.. "what if i was dead or naked!" "you weren't so it's fine." nat shrugs pushing me over as she sits next to me. "what are we watching?" she asked as i just stare at her. "excuse me?" "i said what are we watching?" she repeating looking at me.

"you aren't watching anything!" "why not!" "because this is my room! my tv!" nat pouts before she smacks me with a pillow taking the remote turning on something as she lays down. "hey!" "shut up and watch it." I roll my eyes laying down. but not even 20 minutes in i realize it's a horror movie! "no! turn it off!" i whine looking around for the remote as she laughs. "it's not that bad!" "i hate horror movies!" "your such baby!" she laughed pulling me into her side. "i didn't say squeeze me.." "shut up."

About an two later i must have fallen asleep because i woke up to nat slightly moving which woke me up as i yawned. "oops sorry Y/N.. i was turning off the tv.." "no your okay. did i fall asleep?" "oh yea like right after you said 'i was squeezing you' " she laughed as i rolled my eyes. "good i missed all the scary parts. "oh no you didn't i paused the movie once i saw you were asleep.." i groan. "i hate you sometimes."  she shrugs.

"I'm hungry! your my babysitter feed me!" i laugh as i pushed her off the bed making her whine. "Y/N! i was comfortable!" "hm. to bad i starved.."
she rolled her eyes grabbing me pushing me to the floor. "ow! that's assault i'm suing you.." "i saw nothing!" i roll my eyes following her to the kitchen. as she looks throw the fridge. mhm! how about macaroni?"

"i'm allergic to cheese" "oh." "stupid." "shut up.. how about..Pizza?" "nat? that's cheese!" "she groans. "what does your mom feed you then?!" "chicken nuggets.."

She raised her eyebrow. "chicken nuggets?" "yes i love them shut up.." "okay okay i'll grab some from the freezer.." nat grabbed nuggets and made some putting them in front of me. "anything else?" "hm.. nope!" "okay good i need a nap your hard work.." she groaned walking away as i laugh eating my nuggets.

Not too long after i put my plate in the sink running to nat's room as i jumped on her making her groan and punch me in the arm out of defense as i groan in pain. "Y/N?! oh my god.. wanda is going to kill me using magic.." i giggle as i hold my arm. "i'm sorry.. i just wanted to be with you.. it's lonely with nobody here.." nat sighs pulling me down next to her. "i'm sorry i punched you. i don't do well with sudden movements. are you okay?" i nod as i cuddle into Nat's side. "yes. mom won't be once she sees this bruise.."

Nat groans. "sh. just sleeps we will deal with that later.." I giggle as i fall asleep nat holding me, okay maybe i wasn't to old for a babysitter..

Written- August 11, 2023
Published- August 11, 2023

Sorry for not posting, been busy with work and getting ready for school again.👊

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