Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Him. The tall figure that I was watching just an hour ago. My breathing increased rapidly as I started to panic. My mind was flooded with ideas on what I should do. The knocking was growing louder and louder as the door began to shake with the power beneath his pounding fist. I had nothing to do but go to the door and confront the stranger about to break the door down. I reluctantly looked in the mirror to see the mess of blonde hair that cascaded over my shoulders and my large brown eyes staring back at me. I sighed and tucked the hair behind my ear before making my way over to the door.

Unwillingly, I took the keys that were hung on the hook beside the door and unlocked it. My heart race increased as I pulled the door open to see him stood there. His head was down as he leant with one hand against the wall of my house. He was still wearing his dark tight jeans, white converse and dark grey hoody with the sleeves rolled up but the hood was now down, revealing a mass of dark brown curls that fell over his face. His skin was fairly pale but his arms had quite a few tattoos that I could see due to his sleeves being rolled up.

My heart stopped as our eyes connected. Bright green orbs stared at me as I could feel my stomach drop. Such beautiful eyes. Our gaze was soon broken as I nervously looked to the ground. “Hi, I’m Harry” his husky voice spoke as I looked back to his face. He smiled, revealing his dimples as my cheeks flushed a violent pink colour. “Bella” I replied. He nodded his head as if he was impressed by my name, but I don’t see why, I hated my name, it sounded too old-fashioned for my liking.

The silence between us was deafening and the beautiful boy stood in front of me just stared. “Are you okay?” I choked, trying to break the awkwardness that I clearly felt. “Yeah. I saw your mum leave this morning, so thought I’d come round and introduce myself” His voice echoed in my ear. He was so effortless and that made me even more attracted to him. “If you need me, I’m in flat 18 next door, don’t be afraid to come by.” He said as he winked at me, revealing his dimples again. I nodded, not quite sure what to say and Harry stood up straight, his height towering above mine.

I really didn’t know what to do but stare at him as he looked me up and down again for the third time. He backed away, biting his lip as he looked into my eyes. My stomach did a flip as he persisted down the path of my house to the gate. He opened it and stepped through before turning round and securing it. “Oh, and yes, I did see you this morning” he said with a wink. My face again, growing more and more pink as I bowed my head to avoid any further embarrassment.

He turned to walk away, his head dropped as his curls fell over his face again as he smiled. I violently closed the door and shoved my back to it before sinking to the floor in a heap. The cat appeared down the hall and purred as she came towards me and sat next to me. I groaned as I strained myself from the floor back to my original sitting position on the couch with the television on.

My phone buzzed on the table as I received a text message. I checked who it was before picking it up to reply. Amber. Amber had been my friend for as long as I could remember but I don’t know why because we were completely opposite. She was a confident person who was never afraid to make a fool of herself, especially in front of boys whereas I was a lot more reserved and had very little, if any experience with boys whatsoever. “Party at mine, 7pm tonight. Loads of boys coming so make sure you wear something nice. See you there! X”

I breathed a sigh of relief and replied “I’ll be there. X” Just what I needed. I hadn’t been to a party in months and it was a great way to get out of the house since I was going to be alone all day anyway. Although I wasn’t interested in finding any ‘fit’ boys at the party, I still wanted to make sure that I looked like I’d made an effort. I turned the television off before wandering back up the stairs and turning the shower on full blast.

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