Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

*Helena’s POV*

Even though I was never close to my mother, I still felt a somewhat empty feeling when I realised that she had passed. I felt so guilty when I found out that Charles had got me pregnant and it took me so long to eventually tell mum that when I did, I had a break down. She wasn’t happy at all and threatened to throw me out on the streets, so to protect my own dignity, I moved out and in with Charles. Thinking life would pick up from there, I had Bella and we were a small and happy family, deprived and living on the bones of our backsides, but we were happy.

Mum refused to come and see Bella and eventually moved away to London so that she had a valid excuse to not make regular visits. Charles got a job and managed to work 5 days a week and spent the other two days with myself and our young baby. Well, that's what I thought any way. Little did I know that he was a slimey creep lied through his teeth. I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, but that sick bastard had an affair and never actually went to work. He sold drugs on the side to pay for the baby and eventually couldn't handle it so he ran off without a word of warning. There I was, 15 and left with a 3 week old baby.

I remember trying to contact my mum to explain what had happened. It never worked though and finally after months of trying, I was able to arrange a meet up with her. She had a connection with Bella when they met and although they didn’t build on their relationship, they always seemed to get on well when they saw each other. That’s why I was so distraught when my mother passed, because Bella now only had me in her family as her father had disappeared and both of her grandparents were dead. Although I had managed for the past 16 years, I was now souly responsible for Bella.

But then there was Harry. He seemed like such a genuine boy and was so smitten with Bella. She never usually told me anything about boys, but now she only seemed to ever go on about Harry when I was at home. I felt awful leaving her when I had to travel up to London to see mum, but I had a strong feeling that Harry would look after her for me, and by the way things looked when I got home, he didn’t let me down.

After thinking all of this through in the car ride home from the funeral directors, I couldn’t have been more relieved to have pulled up on the drive outside our house. It was now extremely dark outside except for the dim glow of the streetlights. The house was in darkness and all of the curtains were drawn which made me think that Bella was visiting Harry’s apartment. I sighed realising that I was probably home alone again tonight when I really needed some company. I quickly got out of my car, paced up to the front door, unlocked it and allowed myself inside.

The house was extremely cold which meant that Bella had clearly not turned the heating back on when it switches off after 8pm. I dumped my bag, coat and keys by the front door before locking it and walking in the direction of the kitchen. To my disappointment, there was no note from Bella. I hated when she didn’t tell me where she was because there were always some scary men in our neighbourhood as it wasn’t the nicest of areas and god only knows what might happen. I was so shaken up after the incident with the intruder in our house when Bella left the door unlocked that I always checked up on her usually when she was out, whether she liked it or not. 

I decided to make myself a cup of tea and carry it up to bed. I slowly trudged up the stairs and to the landing where a dim light was coming from Bella’s room. Frustrated that she had left her light on again, I sighed and continued to her room to switch it off. However, upon entering the room, there was a strange atmosphere and I couldn’t understand why. The lamp on her far bedside table was still on and therefore I had to go to the far side of the room to switch it off.

Growing slightly more and more aggravated, I sighed again and continued to walk around the bed. And that’s when I saw her. Bella lay motionless on her carpet with a blade at her side. Her carpet was stained with the blood that continued to flow from her cuts that she had clearly deliberately made. I didn’t even know she owned a blade, never mind used one to harm herself. I was frozen to the spot with fright, not knowing if she was dead or even slightly alive. I screamed as loud as I possibly could but there was no movement from the limp but beautiful girl lying on the floor covered in her own blood.

I dropped the tea to the floor, scolding my hands and arms as I dropped it. I leapt forward and grabbed her. I didn’t care if she was dead, I needed to hold my baby in my arms. Thankfully, she was still breathing but her heart rate was minimal and she needed help, and fast. My whole body shook. I lay on the floor and cradled Bella in my arms. I pressed my fingers to the slashes on her wrists trying to increase the pressure in an attempt to stop them from bleeding and potentially save her.

I didn’t know what else to do, surely Bella would die in my arms if I didn’t call for help and I couldn’t be left alone without both my mother and daughter. I knew the one person that I would help me in this situation, and that was Harry. I needed to get Harry. I kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear “stay with me Bella, don’t leave me baby! I’ll be back, I promise” Feeling nervous, I unwillingly stood up and left Bella lying on the carpet in the pool of blood. I ran to the dressing table that was on the opposite side of the room where Bella’s phone lay rested upon it. I picked it up and scanned my fingers over the screen. The phone was locked and I didn’t know the passcode, shit.

Starting to panic further, I began to type in the most obvious attempts at the password. Her birth date? No. Her credit card pin? No. The date she went to see McFly? No. Running out of ideas, I began to rummage through the piles of paper that she had upon her desk to see if she had anything written down. I kept looking back at Bella who seemed to grow weaker and paler by the minute. I looked over at her bedside table which had her small trinket box that her father bought her when she was a baby on it. I don’t know what made me look in it, but I did. I threw the top off the box to the floor and inside was a small piece of light blue paper with the passcode “2 3 5 5” written on it in Bella's handwriting. Taking a gamble, I typed the number into the phone and surprisingly, it unlocked.

I quickly fumbled with the phone and began to scroll through her contacts when I saw “Harry.xx” Bingo. I pressed call and waited nervously as the dial tone rang out.

*Harry’s POV*

I was so angry at Bella, how could she have been so pathetic? Maybe it was because she was younger and immature. Maybe she just didn’t understand that fighting was my passion. It was always about her and she never really cared about what I wanted. Whatever it was, I was so done with her. I loved her and she threw it all back in my face. I couldn’t believe that she actually went into my bag without my permission. I know that she’ll eventually come running back, but that was it, I couldn’t be arsed with her anymore, surely I’d find someone just as good, if not better.

My phone began to ring. Feeling hesitant, I pulled it from my pocket and looked at the screen. I felt anger overcome me when I saw the one name that I really didn’t want to see flash up. Bella. Becoming annoyed that she was trying to either continue the argument or creep around me already, I pressed decline. Fuck her. I threw my phone to the floor and walked away, leaving a large and promiment crack across the screen of the device.

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