Chapter Twenty Three

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Okay, this chapter is really dramatic. I don't mean to cause offense by any of the topics that arise in this chapter. It's quite distressing butit's in the nature of the story, sorry! Hope you enjoy it and continue to read and share with people! x

Chapter Twenty Three

I flexed my muscles in the mirror, smiling at the results of the steroids that I had been taking for just about a week. Proud of myself for bulking up I was feeling more powerful than ever. “You look amazing mate, Stan doesn’t stand a fucking chance against you!” Paul said with a smile beaming on his face. I nodded my head “who would stand a chance against me?” I asked, flexing my muscles again. “Trust me, after the fight, you’ll have girls falling all over you, you won’t need that girlfriend of yours” he laughed. “She’s not my girlfriend mate, but I like her!” I admitted. “Being smitten isn’t attractive Haz, you’d have such a better image if you were associated with some slut with massive tits!” He laughed.

I didn’t want some ‘slut’, I wanted Bella. She was perfect and I really loved her. These past few weeks of knowing her had really opened my eyes to love and helped me to control my anger. Our relationship was growing, and I was still contemplating on how to ask her to be my girlfriend. We shared everything together and have practically grown inseparable. But she still didn’t know about the fight that was taking place at the end of the week, and I still didn’t know how to tell her.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and her name flashed up on phone. “Take it that’s your girl eh?” Paul questioned. Feeling myself go red, I turned to my locker to pack up my bag without even answering. He laughed and quickly exited the room. I dumped all of my things into my bag and knowing that the changing room was empty, I took the opportunity to lock the door and take my dosage of steroids. I took the needle from the side pocket in my bag and inserted the correct amount of fluid into my tensed pecks. Feeling fully revitalised, I dumped the drugs back in my bag before swinging it over my shoulder and heading towards the car park.

I drove to Bella’s house and pulled up on the kerb outside, gazing into her window. She always left her curtains opened and danced around to the radio. I couldn’t help but laugh as she shook her hips in booty shorts that she had bought yesterday. She had an amazing figure and I became engulfed in watching the gorgeous girl cheekily dance around her room to her favourite songs. I eventually picked up my bag and continued to walk up the path and towards her door.

Bella’s mum wasn’t home, she was visiting the funeral directors ahead of her mum’s funeral which was in just two days time. To my relief, the door to the house was locked so I had to knock on it and wait for Bella to answer. After opening the door and letting me in, she locked it once again before turning round and cheekily winking at me. I picked her up onto my back and ran up the stairs with her giggling loudly into my ears.

In her room, I set her down gently on her bed. “I missed you” I whispered sexually into her ear. “Oh did you now?” she laughed. I nodded, and then kissed her on her forehead. We engaged in a passionate kiss as she allowed my tongue to enter her mouth. I then stood up and gently began to tug at the small shorts she was wearing. “You’d look better without these” I spoke. “Maybe I would, but you stink and are in desperate need of a shower!” she said sarcastically. I grunted and picked the shower gel and deodorant out of my bag before leaving the room and continuing to her bathroom across the landing.


I let the warm water run over my skin for a while before taking one of the crystal white towels off the radiator and wrapping it around my hips so that my upper half was still on show. Looking at myself in the mirror, I grinned at the muscles that were continuing to grow in my body. I quickly flicked the light switch off and gathered my clothes up in my arms before going back to Bella’s room.

The cheeky grin that I was wearing was quickly wiped off my face when I returned to the room. Bella was sat on the bed with the needle and small bottle of steroids in her hands. Her face was hung and pale with tears streaming down her face. “What are you doing?” I shouted as I attempted to snatch the drugs from her small hands, but she pulled them away just in time so that I couldn't get them. “No, the question is what are you doing Harry?!” she screamed back. “What the fuck were you doing in my bag Bella?!” my voice continuing to get louder.

She shook her head. “I thought I’d be cute and take your t-shirt out of your bag and wear it for when you got back after your shower, but instead, I find these? What the hell is going on?” she spat at me. “I don’t care what you thought would be cute, don’t got in my bag” I shouted in her face, snatching the bottle and needle away from her and throwing it aggressively into my bag. I had never been this angry with Bella before, how could she be so creepy and root through my bag without asking me?

“Harry why are you taking drugs?” she whispered, anger still in her voice. “I have to” I quietly spoke. “No you don’t!” she screamed “Tell me why you’re taking them, now.” I shook my head, I couldn’t tell her, she’d leave me and not come back. She stood up so our eye line was equal. “Tell me or you’re gone and you’ll never come back” my heart sank at her words but anger continued to build inside of me. Why was I this angry? It couldn’t be the steroids, they were helping me, not making me worse.

“Harry!” she screamed at me. “Okay!” I shouted back “I have a fight on Friday night with a guy called Stan” Her face turned pale at my words, her eyes becoming teary. “You don’t fight though?” she questioned quietly. “Yes I do, I take part in the UFC and I have a fight on Friday!” She shook her head, not being able to process what I was saying. “But why do you need steroids?” her voice hitching in her throat “surely if you’re good enough, you should be able to take him on as it is?” she continued. “He’s in a higher weight class than me” I sighed. She turned white with fear.

*Bella’s POV*

How could he not tell me that he fought? Especially after my nightmare last week. Maybe he was an insensitive prick that didn’t really care about how I felt. “You can’t Harry, I don’t want you to” I whispered. I took a step forward and attempted to hook my arms around his neck but he stopped me, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from him. “I don’t care what you want Bella, this is for me” he grunted. I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.

“Harry, I don’t want you to get killed, if he’s bigger than you then surely you’re in danger?” I questioned, forcing the tears back that were threatening to spill over my lashes. “I won’t get killed!” he shouted at me “do you really think I’m that weak Bella?” I shook my head. I certainly knew he wasn’t weak, but I didn’t want my nightmare to come true. I felt sick with the thought of Harry being in danger and getting hurt.”Harry, this is so dangerous! Steroids can kill you!” I had clearly hit a nerve as his actions seemed to be uncontrollable.

He picked me up and threw me against the wall making me squirm in pain. He gripped my wrists tightly and pressed me firmly against the wall. “I can look after myself Bella. Don’t try and stop me because I don’t want to hear it. I will fight on Friday and I want you there. If you don’t, then I take it that you don’t really care enough to be with me” he spoke in his low and husky voice. “Of course I fucking care Harry! But I’m not watching you get beaten to death” I said firmly to his face. His grip around my wrists tightened. “Fine then, fuck you!” He spat before squeezing my wrists one last time, making me drop to the floor and cry in pain.

“I don’t give a shit anymore Bella, you’re ridiculous!” he shouted as he pulled on his t-shirt and shorts. “Forget it, I don’t need you!” he continued. I sobbed uncontrollably and he picked up his bag and stormed out of my room. I heard the door slam shut before I collapsed into a quivering heap on the floor. I was alone and I’d lost Harry. He was out of control and I never wanted to see him again.

I looked down at my reddened wrists that had been caused from Harry’s anger. There was only one way to solve this problem. I forced myself up from the floor and went over to my draws on the opposite side of the room. I rummaged around before finding a sharp razor blade. I took hold of it and began to violently slash at my wrists, not able to control the cries that were coming from my mouth. The tears that were rolling down my face were landing on the fresh cuts, making them burn with pain. The blood just continued to flow from the deep cuts that marked my wrists.

I continued to slash at them until I felt myself becoming extremely dizzy and lightheaded. I looked down at my wrists one last time before collapsing and blacking out completely, dropping the blade to my side as I fell to the floor.

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