Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

It had now been a week since I had last seen Harry and I was in fact missing him. He had forced his way into my life and all of a sudden he had just disappeared again but somehow, I believed that he would be back. I didn’t know whether it would be necessary to go round and see him or whether he would eventually come back round to see me but I decided to leave the situation well alone for the time being. In the past week, I had been back to college and told all of my friends about Harry and what had happened with the intruder in my house. They all seemed worried but the gossip soon spread around the college for days.

My mum also noticed the giant slash around my throat and even threatened to ring the police about the attack, but once explaining to her about Harry, she decided it was probably best not to, in case Harry was sent to jail for his violent actions. So overall, an eventful week. I couldn’t believe it had been over a week since I met Harry but I already felt lost when he wasn’t around.

I strolled downstairs to find my mum sat at the kitchen table with her laptop open looking quite distressed. “Are you okay?” I questioned. But she remained silent, as if she hadn’t heard me. “Mum” but still no reply. I went over to her and her gaze met mine. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at me. “What’s wrong?” she shook her head, clearly not able to reply. “I have to go” she quietly spoke. Go where? What was she on about? I continued to look puzzled as she dropped her head down to look at the floor.

I put my arms around her in a warm embrace. She clung tightly onto my arms. It took a few minutes before she looked up to me and whispered “It’s your Nan, she’s not well” she spoke. “She’s had a fall at her house and I need to travel up to London to make sure she’s okay. They say they don’t know how long she’s got left.” I looked away from my mum, not being able to meet her gaze for much longer. I had only ever met my Nan when I was younger as it was such a long distance. I had no problem with my mum leaving to go and see her; it was just for how long that worried me.

I nodded my head as my mum looked back at me. “It’s only for a week at the minute Bell, but if things get worse, I could end up staying for longer. How do you feel about that?” The average teenager at this point would be glad to rid their parents so they could have endless parties in the house whilst they were alone, but for me, I was completely different. “Of course, you have to do what you have to do” I replied to her. I felt nothing but sympathy for my mum. My Nan wasn’t the most supportive when my mum found out she was pregnant with me and she wasn’t interested in keeping in touch with us anyway. But considering my Granddad had died well before I was born and my mum, like me, had no siblings, my Nan was the only family she had left. She gently kissed my cheek and stood from the table. She quickly glided up the stairs and persisted in packing a case for her things.


As I waved my mum goodbye, I felt quite alone and didn’t really know what to do with myself. I could call all of the girls up and get them over for a girly night in. I could order a takeaway. I could even dance around the whole house naked. But the one thing I really wanted to do was see Harry. I didn’t want to seem too eager to him but I didn’t want to seem like I wasn’t bothered that he hadn’t tried to contact me all week. I was stuck, and I really didn’t know what to do.

Still stood at the front door, I took my phone from my pocket and scrolled through the messages that I had received that week. Amber. Mum. Jenna. O2. Ellen. Harry. He was last on the list since it had been that long since he had last text me. “Goodnight beautiful, speak soon. xx” the last message from him read. I glided my thumb over the screen, not really sure what to do. I typed into the message box “Hi, not heard from you all week. You okay?xx” but quickly deleted it and locked my phone again before slipping it back into my pocket and closing the front door.

I slumped onto the couch in the living room but didn’t bother turning the TV on. I just lay there in silence, staring at the ceiling. Why couldn’t I get Harry out of my mind? The one thing that was bugging me the most was something that Harry had said when attacking the figure in my house. When conferring about “last time” a girl named “Grace” was involved and apparently taken away from Harry, which triggered the darkness to come out in him. But who was this Grace? And why was she taken away? And would I end up like her, that’s why Harry is being so distant? I couldn’t decide whether I was thinking too deeply into it or whether there was a common link between Grace and myself.

Also, Harry had mentioned doing something “ten times worse” to the figure lying on the floor before telling him that next time he will “finish him off” which made me shiver. Harry was practically implying that he was going to kill somebody and that really made me quite frightened of him, but at the same time I couldn’t help but becoming instantly more and more drawn to him. I was so confused.

I pulled my phone back out of my pocket and began to text my manager at work. “Hi, any shifts available tonight, could do with the extra cash x” I sent the message and just moments later got a reply saying “Come in from 5 til 9 x” At least I had something else to now occupy my mind instead of puzzling thoughts about Harry and his dangerous side.

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