Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I was suddenly woken up by the cat jumping on my legs at the bottom of my bed. I shot up. Rubbing my eyes, I realised that my bed seemed a lot emptier than it did when I went to sleep last night. Harry had gone. I felt my stomach drop as I realised that my accusations about him leaving me were clearly true. Of course. Why would he want to mess around with a 16-year-old who clearly was not a patch on him. He could have probably any girl he wanted with his charming ways and gorgeous features. I sighed heavily and heaved myself up from the bed.

I wandered around my bed and caught myself in the mirror, spotting the gash on my neck, I remembered the events of last night and what had actually happened. Harry couldn’t have been all bad, after all, he did save my life. I rubbed over the cut gently with my fingers, brushing away the dried blood that was around it. How on earth was I to explain this to my mum? Only one way, the truth. I then realised that I was still wearing Harry’s hoody and remembered the caring gesture that he left me with before I drifted off to sleep, but for some reason I really didn’t want to give the hoody back. It gave me security and I didn’t want to give it back.

I eventually ventured downstairs, feeling disappointed that I was left alone when I really didn’t want to be. How could Harry leave me without saying goodbye, or leaving me a message? I walked into the kitchen where I was startled by a tall figure standing there. He was shirtless. His pale and tattooed skin on show. His head was bowed as he was scrolling through his phone as he leant on the work top. I couldn’t do anything but stare at him. He didn’t leave me after all, he clearly cared for me. I cleared my throat, making him jump.

"Good morning beautiful” he said. I shyly smiled before walking over to him. I pressed my hands against his bare chest and looked up into his eyes. He was staring down at me with a loving expression spread across his face. He kissed me on the top of my head which made me blush and pulled me in closer to a warm embrace. The heating was off so the room was cold but Harry’s bare skin made me feel so warm. I don’t know what came over me, but feeling Harry next to me really did make me happy.

“Can I get you anything?” he asked, looking at my neck. I shook my head, still not being able to find the words to speak to this gorgeous figure stood in front of me. He just laughed. He picked me up and perched me on the counter top, standing in between my thighs. He showered my neck with kisses which really did make me blush. I felt like I was in a dream when I was with Harry, everything was happening so quickly.

“I thought you’d left me” I whispered into his ear. He shook his head, his curls falling over his eyes. “I won’t ever leave you babe. I’ll always be here for you. I will keep you safe.” The thought of Harry being there if I ever needed him made me smile. He seemed to be able to make me weak just at his words but I wanted to know how he truly felt about me. Was he really caring for me, or did he just want to look after someone so he felt dominant and powerful? I had no idea but I was in no mood to ask him just yet.

“I have a party tonight that I want to take you to. Fancy it?” he questioned. I sat for a second, racking my memory to make sure that I had no plans already. But why would I, on a Sunday night? I nodded my head as I had nothing to lose by going out with Harry and I really wanted to get to know him better anyway. This would be perfect. He smiled and hugged me tightly to show his affection for me. “Can’t wait” he mumbled.


I made sure that I looked good for Harry, as he was taking me to this party as his guest. I had another dress on which was black in colour with a lace bodice and a skater skirt at the bottom. I again, had my leather jacket on and a pair of black wedges. My hair was pulled up into a bun at the back and I put my entire make up on with a pair of fake eyelashes. I took the regular procedure to check that I had everything in my bag before turning the light off and leaving my room with the door closed. I proceeded downstairs where my mum was waiting for me.

“Don’t you look gorgeous!” she cooed, thankfully not noticing the gash on my neck that I managed to cover with make-up. She was dressed smartly in her work uniform which gave me the obvious idea that she had once again been called in. “Do you ever stop working?” I asked her. “We need the money Bell, I’ll work overtime to get just a scrap, we aren’t the richest you know.” I felt awful that she had to admit this to me but I took pride in giving her a warm embrace. “I’ll be home mid-morning tomorrow. Make sure you go to college on time if you’re staying out all hours tonight. Have fun” she kissed me on the top of the head and opened the front door for me. It was dark outside and the air was colder than the previous night. I stepped out of the door cautiously due to the massive heels that I was wearing. I looked up and there he was, waiting for me at the gate.

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