Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Work. Even though I had offered to do a shift tonight, it clearly wasn’t the best place I could be. I worked in a clothing shop in the middle of town. The pay wasn’t great but at least I had a job. The shop had been quite lively for the past hour with lots of teenagers coming in and out and buying different items from the store. It was beginning to grow a lot quieter when a large group of boys walked into the shop. I usually didn’t mind the stupid comments that they would haul across the shop to me but this time was entirely different.

I recognised two of the boys in the group. One of them was Ryan but the other one seemed oddly familiar but I couldn’t understand why. I quickly snuck off into the back room, realising that only myself and Louis were working in the store at the time and everyone else had gone home as they'd finished their shift. “Louis, there’s a group of lads out there.” He only laughed and shrugged, not noticing that I was clearly frightened. “Go on, get your legs out for em’ then they’ll leave you alone!” he winked.

I screwed my face up at Louis’ stupid comment and plucked up the courage to go back out into the shop. They instantly spotted me and started sniggering and whispering between them. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter and they continued to point and aim snide comments towards me. I stood behind the desk with the till on, hoping that this would be a fairly strong barrier between us. Looking at the clock, I only had half an hour left of work, which made me feel better about the lads being there.

Then they surrounded the desk. There was about 8 of them, all fairly tall with large muscles. I gulped. My chest rising and falling, quicker and quicker. “Haha, guess who lads?” Ryan spat. They all started laughing deeply, making me back away from the desk. I was clearly terrified of these boys but they didn’t really care. “The frigid little virgin” one of the other lads bellowed. I couldn’t call for Louis in case one of them came closer, I just continued to increase the distance between us.

They continued to spit repulsing insults at me but I tried to block out the sound of them by focussing on the door at which Louis would emerge from. But nothing. Suddenly, a blonde boy was pushed forwards to come face to face with me and my heart stopped. I couldn’t mistake those bright blue eyes anywhere. He was the intruder in my house. Shit.

He gave me an evil look through his eyes that pierced right through mine. He had a prominent scar right above his left eyebrow that led from the middle of his forehead, right to the base of his ear left. Last time we met I couldn’t see this as his hood hung too low over his face. I couldn’t move, like before, I was frozen to the spot. He smirked and began pointing and laughing at the scabbing slash across my neck. “Hey lads look! Mission accomplished!” they all began laughing which made me go redder and redder.

“Only next time, if your boyfriend comes near me, I will fucking kill him” I gulped at the thought of someone killing Harry. The rage all of a sudden came over me and I leant forwards so our faces were practically touching “well stay away from me then, or he’ll get you first” I spat back. I didn’t know what came over me but my actions couldn’t be controlled anymore. I felt brave, but I don’t know why. There were 8 of them and only one of me.

He got closer and closer to me which made my heart pound until I could hear it in my ears. “Watch your mouth you filthy slut. I’d be afraid if I were you. You don’t know what I’m capable of, you stupid bitch” he growled. “Oh yeah, I’d be scared if I were you, you know what Harry’s capable of. So do us both a favour and fuck off.” I didn’t know what had happend to me but the fact that I was practically spitting in this boy’s face was an achievement. Especially as he had me at knife point about to kill me just over a week ago.

“So I take it he told you what he did to me last time then? Well yanno what, I’d happily give him another fight if he wants one and maybe I’ll bring my gun next time” His words made me stop immediately. A gun. Harry had used a gun against this boy? No matter how evil he was, Harry should never have used a gun and the thought just made me sick straight to my stomach.

“Oi! What do you think you’re doing?” Louis’ voice echoed through the shop. He showed them all out and locked the shop up early before turning back to me. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost” he uttered. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard, and the fact that I was so attracted to Harry made me feel even worse. “What happened?” Louis tried to press out of me but I couldn’t speak, I was too shocked. Louis persisted on pushing me into the back room and locking the door whilst sitting me down and getting me a glass of water.

“You need to tell me what’s happened. Otherwise I’ll phone the police.” He urged. “Don’t” I spoke. I couldn’t bear the thought of Harry being taken into jail because of this. The boys were clearly trouble and I didn’t want to be associated with them or Harry at this point. “It’s Harry” I spoke quietly. Louis’ eyes became a lot wider. “What’s he done to you? Has he hurt you?” Louis gushed. “No, no! It’s nothing to do with me, but apparently he got in serious trouble with those lads and I’m scared they’re gonna hurt him, or me!” I whimpered.

Louis seemed taken aback by what I had just told him but he shook his head. “You know Bella, Harry’s no good for you. You must know his reputation for being a bad boy. He’s dangerous and if you’re not careful, it’ll affect you. He may seem big and strong and good looking, but you know what’s gonna happen if it carries on. You can’t be with him Bell, you just can’t!” he spoke.

I felt anger flood me as I stared Louis straight in the eyes. “No! You have no idea what is going on between me and Harry and you have no right to tell me what I can and can’t do. Stay away from us or I’ll tell Harry and then you’ll be in trouble” I quickly grabbed my bag and jacket from the coat room in the shop and left without saying goodbye to Louis, leaving him to lock up properly and finish the duties in the shop. But I didn’t care, I just needed to see Harry.

I was walking through town when I saw him. Waiting for me. Harry. He was wearing his dark skinny jeans and white converse with a black t-shirt and a grey beanie. He was stood on the kerb by his car with his arms folded waiting for me. I shyly smiled as I saw him, forgetting everything that had happened in the shop. “Hello beautiful” he said to me. He kissed me on the cheek and wrapped me in his arms in a tight hug.

“Hello stranger” I replied, realising that this was the first time I had seen him in a week. He shook his head. “Come on, let’s get off home” he said whilst guiding me over to the car and assisting me into it. As we pulled away, we drove through the town centre in the direction that I had just walked. I saw Louis banging on the shop window and shaking his head in anger. I didn’t care. I didn’t need Louis now that I had Harry back.


We pulled up outside the apartment block next door to my house. It was now really dark as it was past 9pm and the air was still cold outside. “Is your mum in?” Harry questioned and I realised I hadn’t informed him of her departure for London to assist my Nan. I shook my head and Harry silently smiled, revealing the dimples that I had missed. “Well come on then, I guess we’re staying at yours then” he insisted. I didn’t want to say no because I was so happy that I got to see him again.

He let me out of the car again and we walked up to the door before unlocking it and slamming it shut behind us. There was a weird atmosphere between Harry and I, but I liked it and it felt right. He clung onto my waist and turned me round before planting a soft, wet kiss on the tip of my nose.

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