Infiltration Part 1

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We then cut to Westover High School, where we see a boy giving a presentation to the class, his name is (of course) Spike Witwicky. He is doing it on his grandfather, Archibald Witwicky.
He says, "In 1899, Archibald went on a trip with some of his buddies to the Antarctic, when they were there however, the dogs ran to a specific area and Archibald followed, but he fell in the ice. When he was found, he was blind and kept saying stuff about an iron giant. He also kept drawing all these strange symbols. Many believed he was crazy, I'm honestly one of them, but some believed he was actually telling the truth, nothing is known about where they are today."
He then goes on to show them some newspaper articles and pictures of his grandfather, also showing off his glasses with a strange marking on it.
The bell rings and everyone leaves, Spike's teacher is mildly impressed by his work but is happy about the amount of effort he put in and gives him an A-.
Spike is ecstatic to hear this, and runs out of the room towards his two friends Chip Chase and Carly Spencer (Chip can still walk on both legs in this rewrite until a later date) and tells them that he got an A-. So that means he's able to finally get a car if his dad honors his promise.
They are both happy about this and tell Spike to keep them posted, as they walk outside, Spike sees his dad and promises them he will.

We then transition to a helicopter landing in a military base in the jungle, many soldiers step out, including the commandos, Epps, Donalie, Burke, Figg and their leader, Buster Witwicky (that's right, not Lennox, Buster). They are all greeted by general Morshower, who congratulates them on a successful mission.
It is then revealed that Buster and his team have been going on special missions to obtain information and take down this secret enemy that has been infiltrating the U.S for two years now.
General Morshower then gives the men clearance to leave and have some rest before the next day's training. They then leave and go to their own personal quarters. In Buster's, we see him looking at a picture of him, Spike, their dad and his wife and three year old daughter. Buster says, "One day, I'll come home to you guys, that's a promise."
In the dead of night, we then cut to a lone armored car driving in the jungle towards the base, it is identified by the military and General Moreshower asks patiently "Please identify yourself." No answer. "Please identify yourself." He raises his voice a bit. Nothing. "Please identify yourself or we will destroy your vehicle!" Silence.
It is then shown that there is a decepticon insignia on the car.
General Morshower then orders some of the soldiers to get ready to fire at the vehicle. They ready their weapons, "FIRE".
They all shoot at the vehicle but all their shots just bounce off the vehicle until it transforms into a giant robot.
It's the decepticon intelligence officer, Soundwave. He then goes on to murder all of the soldiers, horrifying General Morshower, who commands all the soldiers to evacuate the base.
Once Soundwave makes it to the base, he just lays waste to it. Completely decimating it with his sonic boom blaster. He continues to kill more and more men until he finally gets to the place where all the information is being kept and begins to download it until he has everything.
When he is finally done, he destroys the last remaining soldiers and completely blows up the base, transforms back to his vehicle mode and drives away from the raging fires. General Morshower and a few other officials managed to survive and get away, but to their knowledge, no one else survived.

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