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The autobots and Sector 7 drive to an unknown location but a jet flies above them and a police car drives up behind them. It's Blitzwing and Barricade.
Blitzwing shoots missiles at the autobots and Prowl transforms going to fight Barricade. They attack each other, Prowl trying his best to hold back Barricade. Hot Rod also transforms and jumps onto Blitzwing. He takes out his blaster and starts shooting at Blitzwing until he crashes to the ground and transforms into a tank, aiming at Bee but Hot Rod blasts him as he fires leaving him critically injured and the autobots go back to driving away with the Allspark. Prowl barely takes down Barricade and drives away with everyone else.

The autobots and Sector 7 finally make it to an open field where they get ready to ship the Allspark off of Earth when they transform and see a jet flying towards them.
"Where's the rest of the reinforcements?" asks Buster.
"Those aren't reinforcements, IT'S STARSCREAM!" Prowl exclaims. "TAKE COVER!"
He picks up a Sector 7 vehicle and uses it as a shield to block Starscream's missiles but it fails and the car explodes, killing many Sector 7 agents in the process.
Starscream transforms and looks at everyone menacingly.
"You can't take us all on alone Starscream!" Hot Rod shouts.
Starscream smirks and Soundwave, Blitzwing, Thundercracker, Barricade and many decepticon drones come and stand menacingly behind Starscream.
"You were saying?"
The autobots and the agents get ready for a big fight.

The three teens are hidden away from the battle as the fight rages on, much to their dismay. Buster, Sparkplug and Simmons are with them, trying to protect them from the decepticons.
"No way, I want to fight! I want to help the autobots!" Spike says defiantly.
"It's too dangerous! You can't! You're too in over your head Spike!" Buster retorts.
Spike realizes Buster is right and decides to give in.
Back with the autobots, they're not doing very well. Getting absolutely destroyed by the decepticons. Hot Rod tries his best to hold his own against the drones when he gets tackled to the ground by Thundercracker. He says to him, "You killed my brother, so now I kill you!"
"Not so fast!"
Thundercracker is so surprised hearing Bumblebee's voice behind him that he gets caught off guard and Bee takes advantage of this by kicking him in the face.
Hot Rod then attacks Thundercracker, locking each other into a thrilling fight, while Starscream and Soundwave watch from afar.
Prowl is locked in battle with Barricade, having an exchange clueing is in to their past as good friends.
"You could've been a decepticon! We could have established order in Cybertron! TOGETHER!"
"I'm no criminal, like you! And I'm no traitor!"
"I did what I had to do!"
Barricade tries to kill Prowl with his energon pistol but Bumblebee comes in to save him by kicking Barricade in the back. They then take him on together, beating him and Prowl gets ready to kill him. But Bumblebee holds him back,
"You know that's not what we do here."
Prowl nods and goes to help Bumblebee take on the drones. Ratchet destroys many drones with his blow torch and EMP blaster.
He starts to get tired and almost gets killed by a drone when a missile fires at it from Thundercracker accidentally shooting it because Hot Rod redirected the missile at it. Ratchet shoots at him with his EMP blaster. That's two down and three to go.
Blitzwing comes right on cue and fires at them both but Hot Rod shoots him and knocks him out for the count. Starscream decides enough is enough and flies down to kill the autobots. With a big battle going on in an open field, it sparks a large fire. Starscream and Soundwave take on the autobots with the drones and all the agents are wondering where the Air Force is.

In a backup Sector 7 base, secretary Keller and general Morshower are trying to contact the Air Force. They were able to survive the flooding of the base since Optimus saved them. They try to make a call to the Air Force but can't get through.
They realize that they're being watched and look to their side to see Laserbeak watching them. Keller pulls out a rifle but Laserbeak starts firing at them. They dodge the robotic bird's gunshots. Morshower orders Keller to keep trying to contact the Air Force and he takes Keller's rifle and starts shooting at Laserbeak, knowing he won't kill him but only distract him.
He keeps on firing and firing at him but nothing works, Keller finally establishes a connection with the Air Force and orders them to go help the autobots and the Sector 7 agents. He then hears the horrible sound of Morshower dying and he also dies to the robotic bird.

The autobots and the Sector 7 agents are finally able to get the upper hand on the decepticons until they hear a loud sound above them and see a big cybertronian jet above them and the autobots are filled with dread as it transforms into Megatron who stares at everyone menacingly.
He starts shooting and shooting, murdering and heavily injuring many Sector 7 agents. Sparkplug and Simmons decide to go and help out to fight the decepticons, Buster tries to stop him but Sparkplug is too stubborn and Simmons just wants the glory.
"You have to let us help now! Or else dad's gonna die!" Spike exclaims.
Buster sighs, "Dad's gonna kill me for this."
He gives the three teens some gear and tells them to stay safe. They all run out and go to attack decepticons. Megatron fires at the autobots and goes after Bumblebee, thinking he has the Allspark when Hot Rod actually does.
Megatron fires at Bumblebee and he falls to the ground. Barely moving. "Where is it, scout?! WHERE IS THE ALLSPARK?!!!"
"Ha, I fooled you. You're a fool...Megatron." Megatron picks him up and rips him in two. Screaming in rage as he does so. Hot Rod sees this and shouts "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Megatron turns to him but then hears a loud honk from a truck and sees Optimus Prime driving up to him and transforming. Saying, "Megatron! At the end of this day, there shall only be one outcome. ONE SHALL STAND AND ONE SHALL FALL!"
He then fights Megatron. The titans clash in a ferocious battle. Megatron notices Hot Rod with the Allspark and almost decides to follow him, but decides to focus on defeating Optimus.
Starscream takes it upon himself to go with Soundwave to retrieve the Allspark. Hot Rod tries to transform and drive away but he is shot and down on the ground. Spike runs to him shouting, "HOT ROD!!!"
He runs to him and pleads for him to stay alive and he finds the drive to keep on going, knowing he has to protect Spike. He then faces off against the decepticons along with Prowl and Hot Rod gives Spike the Allspark. It shrinks in his hands and Spike runs with it.

Megatron is close to beating Optimus and says, "You could never defeat me Prime, you know that."
"As long as still I have a spark, I will never stop trying."
Megatron still ends up beating him and goes to focus his attention on Spike and the Allspark.
He corners Spike on the edge of a cliff. "Is it fear or courage that compels you boy?"
"The autobots have given everything to save my world, so why not do the same for them?"
"You see? We both want to restore Cybertron! So why not give me the Allspark?"
Spike sees the Air Force coming to him, but when he tries to give them the Allspark, Megatron destroys all the jets, murdering them all.
"Give me the Allspark, boy. I will not ask again."
Spike decides that he has no choice but to jump off the cliff to not let Megatron get the Allspark. As he falls, he realizes he did not think this through until he is caught by Hot Rod and brought to the ground. Soundwave fires on them with his sonic boom and Hot Rod protects him, getting badly hurt in the process. Hot Rod says, "No sacrifice, no victory."
Megatron jumps down menacingly next to Soundwave and Starscream until they hear Optimus arriving and firing at the decepticons. He takes down both Starscream and Soundwave, leaving only Megatron. Optimus, knowing he won't defeat Megatron, tells Spike to give him the Allspark and plunges it into Megatron's chest.
Megatron feels a surge of power going through him, too much power. He screams in pain as he removes the Allspark from his chest and orders all the decepticons to retreat. Optimus stares up at Megatron escaping until he is out of sight and Optimus lowers his guard.
He looks at the opened Allspark with two shards removed from it. It closes again but it glows faintly as it has lost a lot of power.
Optimus looks at the shards and gives one to Spike while keeping one under safe keeping with him. Ratchet presents Bumblebee's body to him and Optimus mourns him.
"You were a good soldier, an excellent warrior, and an even better friend. I hope to give you the proper burial that you deserve, Bumblebee."
Now, without a home, the autobots decide to live on Earth until they are able to go back home. We then get a scene reminiscent to this:

(Just without Sam and Mikaila on top of Bumblebee, instead it's Spike, Carly and Chip sitting on Hot Rod).

So what did you think of it? Did you love it? Did you hate it?
Sorry if some things don't make sense in this chapter, I'm just too tired to reread all of this. Also sorry for skipping over scenes that develop characters and their relationships.
I'll try to do better for

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