Infiltration Part 3

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After that, we fade to a secret compound located in the middle of the ocean, the U.S defense base. We then see an old looking man, the secretary of defense, John Keller, general Morshower by his side. They walk into a room full of people who work as higher ups in the U.S defense. He addresses them all, saying "In the past few months, we have noticed that all of our most vital information has been hacked and stolen, some of it contains some of our most top secret plans to defend ourselves from any invading enemy forces."
Everyone starts to murmur amongst themselves, secretary Keller says "Enough! The most recent raid had been at a secret military facility in the jungle, general Morshower here will explain more." The general nods and addresses everyone in front of him, "Only yesterday, our base in the jungle was raided and destroyed, to our knowledge, only I and a few others survived, we were attacked by a giant transforming robot."
Excitement stirs amongst the crowd, the general raises his hand for silence and everyone stays incredibly still, waiting for any other little bit of information.
"We have some photos of the robot, though." He then turns on the big screen and shows some very blurry images of Soundwave, but you could see him clearly enough, there was even a short video of him using his sonic blasts.
This was all they needed to know what they were dealing with, an alien invasion, and they had to act fast.

We transition to a shot of Spike and Chip driving in the sunset to Carly's house, once they get there, Carly looks at the engine and is very surprised at how advanced it is, "Nothing like I've seen before, like it's alien, sort of."
"That's what I thought, but what would Bobby Bolivia of all people be doing with a car like this?" Chip and Carly both look at Spike in a point of view shot. "Look, I'll ask my dad." They all hear explosions outside, they go out to see two fighter jets flying over them, one blue and grey, one purple and grey.
They both transform into the decepticon seekers, Skywarp and Thundercracker. Spike asks, "Am I losing my mind?"
"No human, but you will lose your life." says the ever threatening Thundercracker, aiming his missile at the three teens, "WHERE IS RODIMUS?!"
They all hear a loud beeping noise and the car drives out of the garage rams into Thundercracker, transforming into the red and yellow autobot scout as it lands, Rodimus.
Skywarp then goes on to fight Rodimus in a one on one awesome action scene, as Rodimus tries to use his surroundings to his advantage while also keeping the humans safe and cracking jokes to annoy his adversary. Thundercracker eventually joins the battle and helps Skywarp to heavily beat Rodimus into submission, this action scene is here to show how hard it is to face two seekers at once, showing why they are so elite.
Every time the autobot gets the upper hand on one, the other shows up to tip the scales in the favor of the decepticons.
Rodimus eventually gets Thundercracker out of the way for a while and proceeds to focus his attention on Skywarp, beating him up until he is finally able to subdue him, causing him to try a cheap shot on the humans, which forces Rodimus to destroy him by taking one of his missiles and plugging it in Skywarp's chest, blowing him up by shooting him with his mark 1 forearm blaster.
Thundercracker then tackles him into the air and holds him to eye length. "Where is Optimus Prime and the Ark!?"
"I'll never talk."
"Very well then."
Thundercracker then gets ready to kill Rodimus, but he takes out his wrist blade and stabs Thundercracker's thrusters twice, causing him to drop Rodimus and fly up in the sky uncontrollably.

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