Sector 7 Part 2

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As the cars drive to an anonymous location, Simmons interrogates the two teens, "How did you know about the alien life forms?"
"What life forms?" asks Spike.
"The robots, we have intelligence that you have been in contact with five of them, how do you know them, where are they?"
"We don't know any aliens, if we did, we'd have called you, wouldn't we?"
"Don't lie to me kid, many men braver than you have died because of this threat, you know that?"
"The autobots would never do that!"
"Autobots their called, huh?"
"What, I never said that."
"Oh, wanna act like you don't know anything huh? Well maybe your little criminal girlfriend'll know."
Spike notices Carly hasn't said a single word the entire ride.
"Carly, what haven't you told me?"
She looks as white as a ghost.
"Oh, you didn't know? Her and her scumbag of a father stole car parts and sold them on the black market."
"That's why I know so much about cars, eventually I had to turn him in because he started killing people, I was only 10 Spike! I didn't know any better."
Spike looks at her, dumbfounded. "You kept this from me and Chip for years!"
"This is why I didn't tell you, I knew you would react like this."
"Of course I'd react like this, why would I have to hear it from some hobo in a suit instead of you!"
"Alright, that's it, shut up! Now!" interjects Simmons.
"My friend's will come for me you know?" says Spike bitterly.
"Yeah, I'm counting on it."
"What do you mean?"
"It's all part of the plan kid, don't wor-"
The car is crashed into by Hot Rod who transforms into robot mode and roof is ripped off by Bumblebee. Spike and Carly hop out and Chip gives them a warm welcome, but he can see that they seem to not be talking to each other. "Fill me in later I guess."
The autobots surround Sector 7, they try shooting at the autobots but Ratchet magnetizes all of their guns and Prowl aims his guns at them. Spike says, "I'd like you to meet my friends, the autobots."
Optimus stares down Simmons and scares him into submission.
"All in a day's work I guess," Hot Rod exclaims.
"Don't get too excited Hot Rod," says Prowl.
"Why shouldn't I, they're completely outmatched."
"Are we now?" Simmons interjects, "NOW!"
A whole lot more Sector 7 vehicles show up, this time a whole lot more weaponized with electricity powered guns on top of the vehicles and the men run out with laser rifles, among them are Burke, Donnelly, Epps and Buster.
Spike is both surprised and ecstatic to see his brother, likewise with Buster and they both embrace each other lovingly. Buster shakes hands with Chip and Carly. Spike asks, "Bro, what are you doing here!?"
"I'd like to ask you the same thing." Buster says, "I'm here on business, need to stop the end of the world."
"ACTUALLY?! OH, HEY EPPS!" Spike waves at him.
Epps waves back.
"Alright, so now that you're here, how 'bout you talk some sense into that Simmons guy and tell them that those guys are the good guys." says Spike.
"No can do, we have to take them in."
"What do you mean? They're the good guys!"
"There's a lot more to this than you understand Spike, THEY have friends who killed Figg!"
"Wait, Figg's dead?"
"Yeah," Buster looks solemnly at the ground.
Spike says, "I'm sorry about Figg, but they are the good guys, there are others who are the bad guys, the decepticons. Those are the guys you should be worried about!"
"An alien robot is an alien robot!"
Buster pushes Spike out of the way and aims his gun at Hot Rod but Spike pushes him out of the way, causing him to miss. It then turns into a brawl between the humans and the autobots.
The autobots are surprised their actually being hurt by the gunshots so they decide to try and escape.
They all transform but Bumblebee stays behind to save the three teens. He is too slow to get away from the agents and gets captured, being tased and bound to the ground. Chip exclaims, "WAIT, LOOK, HE'S NOT FIGHTING BACK, HE'S NOT FIGHTING BACK, LEAVE HIM ALONE, PLEASE!!!" Bee looks solemnly at Chip, saying sorry, knowing he can't save them and the humans are also arrested.
They are greeted by Simmons, who says, "It's nice how things turn out huh?" Spike looks at him angrily. Buster says, "I'm sorry Spike, it had to be done."
Spike doesn't even look at him.

The autobots watch solemnly as Bumblebee and the humans are taken away. Hot Rod says, "Prime, we can't just let them take Bee and the humans, we have to save them!"
Optimus says, "I have sworn never to harm humans, and I will continue to uphold that promise, it seems they have weapons far beyond any of us, the best we can do now for ourselves, for Bumblebee, and for our new allies, is to have patience and wait for a better time to rescue them."
We then move away from the autobots and see that Soundwave was watching it all go down and follows the Sector 7 vehicles to their base.

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