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We open on a lone gigantic yellow ship, heavily damaged and speeding dangerously fast, being chased by several purple jets, shooting at the ship. Inside the ship we see five autobots trying their best to keep their ship airborne while also evading decepticon forces.
The autobot leader, Optimus Prime says, "Prowl, how far are we?"
The one called Prowl says, "Not too far, but the Ark isn't going to last too long if those decepticons stay on our tail."
"Ratchet, how much damage has the ship taken?"
"We've lost one thruster and much of the Ark's exterior."
"How far are we able to go?"
"If we keep going at the rate we're at, with decepticons chasing us, not far at all, but if we get rid of them, we'll get close enough to enter Earth's atmosphere and try to safely land somewhere."
"So there's still a chance."
"Not a very big one."
Optimus ponders this and says, "Bumblebee, Rodimus, try and help Ratchet to keep the ship intact."
"Where will you go Prime?" says Rodimus.
"To get rid of those decepticons."
Optimus then runs through the blast doors that lead to the door that opens to let you outside the ship. He then stares down all of the the decepticon jets shooting at the Ark, Optimus then dons his energon axe and his ion blaster, going on to jump off the ship to the decepticon army.

Optimus uses the lack of gravity to his advantage, flying after the decepticon drones, destroying them all, either slicing them up with his axe or blasting them to oblivion with his blaster.
Optimus destroys the last drone and flies back to the Ark, but he notices a large shadow above him, looking up to see the gigantic decepticon mothership, The Nemesis. Optimus bolts inside the Ark and shouts, "AUTOBOTS, FALL BACK, FALL BACK, GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN TO EARTH!!!"
Ratchet then activates the last thruster the Ark has left to the maximum and the autobots make a quick escape.

In the Nemesis, Starscream is having a tantrum, being angry that they let the autobots get away, telling every drone in arm's reach to activate the Nemesis to full speed, while Soundwave, the decepticon's intelligence officer, just stands there, coldly. Starscream turns back to him and tells him to send more drones to kill the autobots, but Soundwave says they don't have enough and must preserve energon for themselves and not to build more drones just for canon fodder. Starscream tells him he sounds like Shockwave. Soundwave just walks away. Starscreams screams in annoyance, looking down at the Ark, condescendingly.

The Ark finally reaches Earth's atmosphere on September 17th, 1984, Mission City, and begins to heat up, Ratchet does his best to steer the Ark towards an uninhabited area like a mountain or ocean. He is eventually able to turn it towards an ocean and the Ark crash lands, splashing water everywhere and causing huge waves.
Optimus congratulates Ratchet on a job well done and asses that they are low on energon and must go into stasis lock until the time is right, Rodimus volunteers to act as the autobots' spy on Earth. Optimus is grateful and says farewell to the young scout as he and the others enter stasis pods and freeze inside of them, remaining still for a long time. Rodimus looks sadly at the others one last time before he exits the Ark, leaving it there at the bottom of the ocean.

Aaaaand, title:

Transformers 1: The Reimagining Where stories live. Discover now