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When we cut back to the humans, we see Firenze following them, killing anyone who sees him. The humans are escorted into a room where we see the frozen form of a decepticon.
"Megatron," says Spike in awe.
"You mean NBE-1?" says Simmons.
"What, no, that's stupid. His name is Megatron, that's what the autobots call him. He's the leader of the decepticons." Chip interjects.
"Do you actually have the gall to disrespect me like that?" says Simmons, raising his voice a little.
Tom raises his hand to call off Simmons and says, "'Megatron' was extracted from the arctic short after your grandfather was believed to be crazy, he made one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time."
Sparkplug is baffled by all this and Spike says, "Wait, wait, hold up. Isn't keeping him just standing there incredibly dangerous, he could break out at any moment."
"Kids these days, never understand anything. We have him stuck in cryogenic stasis and even if he did break out, we have all the tools we need to end him right away." says Simmons, sure of himself.
"I agree with the child, you are risking the lives of this entire country just because you think you can take on a gigantic robot which is part of a species that takes missiles just to incapacitate a dog sized robot." says Keller.
"General please, we know what we're doing, how do you think we captured that yellow robot? Now follow us." says Tom.
They are taken to a room where we see a gigantic Allspark being held and tested on by the Sector 7 scientists, its blue aura shining brightly.
"It's beautiful." says Carly.
The Allspark is still in perfect condition, and still radiating energy.
"We've had this in our custody even before NBE-1, it's what generated all the power we have now." says Tom.
"That's what the autobots have been looking for." says Spike in awe.
An alarm rings and the base's lights turn red, Simmons is told that the robotic cat has broken out.
"You said that if we handed him to you, he'd be locked up for good!" exclaims Keller.
Tom says that they can still salvage this and tells them to go to the weapon room.

Firenze takes advantage of all the commotion and goes to the room Megatron is kept and kills all the people operating the controls.
He plays with a few buttons until he able to deactivate the power in the whole room, temporarily turning off Megatron's cryogenic prison.
In the dark, a pair of red eyes glow menacingly, as the backup power activates and his cryogenic prison turns back on, but it's too late as Megatron is freed, "I am MEGATRON!"

Once they get there, many soldiers are evacuating the building and gearing up. Simmons gets a call and he's told that Megatron has just been broken out. Spike tells Simmons, "You need to get Bumblebee, NOW!"
"Don't tell me what to do kid!"
"Why not, all you've done this whole time is mess everything up!"
"Everything was fine until you and your robot friends showed up!"
Spike gives Simmons a death glare and Simmons shoves Spike out of his way. "I'd say you give him his robot back. Agent." says Buster defiantly.
"Are you really giving ME orders!"
"Out of my way Wittickity."
Buster forces him onto a Sector 7 vehicle and says, "It's Witwicky." cocking his gun at his face but another soldier aims at his head, Epps aims his gun at his head. It then turns into a standoff between Sector 7 and the rangers, Sparkplug even gears up and helps the rangers, shocking Spike.
"Better do what they say Simmons, losing really isn't an option for these guys." says Keller.
"Wanna lay the fate of the world on the kid's Camaro, that's cool."

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