Autobots and Humans

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We cut back to the military storyline where we see secretary Keller, general Morshower and Buster talking with the mysterious man.
"My name is Tom Banachek, I'm an official from a secret organization called Sector 7-"
"Never heard of it," interjects Buster.
"That's why it's called a SECRET organization, anyway, me and my people have heard about your alien problem, and we think we can help."
"How did you even know about that, this has been completely confidential information." says Keller, not really trusting Tom.
"We'll deal with that later, how can you help us?" says Morshower, wanting to end this threat once and for all.
"We have acquired all the resources necessary to fight a threat like this, we have been waiting for something like this to happen for a long time. Especially after we discovered NBE-1."
"What's NBE-1?" asks Buster.
"A secret robotic organism we have locked up that we are certain is related to your problem."
"So where are these resources?" asks Morshower.
"How about I show you."

We then transition to the autobots and the humans driving to Spike's house, with Spike in Rodimus as he insisted on escorting him who had also recently informed everyone that he had decided to change his name to Hot Rod, Carly in Prowl because Carly insisted on going with him and Chip in Bumblebee as they were the only two left aside from Ratchet (who much preferred not having a human inside of him) and Optimus.
As they are driving, the autobots begin to become acquainted with the humans (specifically Hot Rod, Prowl and Bumblebee). Chip asks Bee many questions about Cybertron and what it was like, and Bee says "It was amazing before, but now you could never recognize that, it's just a barren wasteland now."
"So this Allspark will help you restore Cybertron?"
"Maybe...but as long as Optimus believes it will, I believe."
On Carly's side of things, she's teaching Prowl all about human customs and culture, "Wait, so you are forced to go to a place where you are locked up for hours and you have to learn stuff you don't need in life."
"That's school."
"That's absurd."
"Tell me about it."
"And I have noticed that many trees are being cut down and woods being burnt."
"Yeah, it happens a lot here, it sucks, but we can't do anything about it."
"I'm sure I could persuade the people responsible to not do it again."
"That would be awesome!"
In Spike's point of view, we see him talking to Hot Rod about how he ended up on team prime. "I sort of just started out as a scout like Bee, but I wanted to prove I was ready for the big leagues, so I kind of sort of snuck on board the Ark when it was leaving Cybertron in the final days of the war. I tried to stand out and show Optimus I'm not just a rookie, but Prowl is always getting in my way, and he's so annoying."
"I know the feeling, I always feel like I'm in my brother's shadow. He's always better than me in everything that I do. Even in school, my teachers keep comparing me to him, and don't even get me started on dad. You know, it's nice being able to talk to someone who really gets it, you know?"
They finally reach Spike's house and the humans step out and Spike tells them to keep quiet because his dad'll blow a fuse if he sees them.
Spike asks Hot Rod to lift him up to his room and tells Chip to make sure the autobots stay hidden while Carly comes with him. Chip nods and Hot Rod escorts Carly and Spike up to his room where they sneak in and look through his room for the glasses.
The autobots then decide as they wait, they ought to stretch their legs and transform. Chip then notices them talking privately in an entirely different language, an alien language.

Chip tries his best to understand what they're saying but he can't

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Chip tries his best to understand what they're saying but he can't. They look like they're in an argument.
We get to switch to the autobots' point of view where they talk about if they should trust the humans or not. "I think we should just use them to get the Allspark and leave, without the decepticons knowing we were ever here. And even they do end up destroying this planet, it was going die sooner or later because of these hu-maans." says the ever impatient Ratchet.
"I dunno, these guys are pretty cool, it would be unfair if we just left them in the hands of the 'cons, besides, they already know we're here." says Hot Rod.
"The humans seem to be a fascinating species, I say we stay so that we may get to know them better and help them to deal with the decepticons' impending invasion." says Prowl.
"What, you think we can trust them? They could be calling people right now who will take us in at a moment's notice!" exclaims Ratchet.
"If that happens, we will not hesitate to move on to plan B, but I have hope that we can trust these people just as they have trusted us." Optimus finally speaks up, his voice makes it crystal clear that their discussion is over.

Spike and Carly try their best to look for the glasses but have no luck, as they are searching, Spike hears his dad's voice calling out to him, "Spike! Is that you in there?"
"No!" says Spike, realizing what he just said and facepalms.
"You know it's past curfew right?"
"It is?! I never knew, time just flies by when you're a teenager like me!"
"That's it, I'm coming in!"
"Wait NO!" Spike and Carly both shout together.
Spike locks his door, "Spike, why's the door locked? THERE ARE NO LOCKED DOORS IN MY HOUSE!"
"Really? I never knew,"
"Yes you did, and who's in there with you?"
"What do you mean?"
Sparkplug loses his patience and after a while, takes the door off its hinges. He walks in and is surprised to see Carly there. She's trying to block the windows so he doesn't see the autobots.
"What do you mean, I bring her and Chip here all the time."
"Ok, so where's Chip? God, I would've never had a situation like this with Buster,"
"You'd be surprised." says Spike, trying his best to salvage this situation.
"What do YOU mean?"
"Oh nothing."
As they are talking, Carly is trying her best not to break out in laughter.
"So how long has this been going on?"
"You and her."
"DAD!!!" exclaims Spike and Carly blushes furiously in the background.
"Ok, jeez, I get it, no need to get so defensive, wait, Carly, step away from the window."
"I'd rather not."
"She'd rather not."
"Step away NOW, that's an order."
Carly reluctantly moves away from the window and reveals the autobots and Chip to a dumbfounded Sparkplug.
"See dad, I didn't come with just Carly."
"Not now, just not now."

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