A Life for an Entire Planet

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This is it, this is where all three storylines intersect, the autobots, the military and the decepticons, ENJOY.

A helicopter flies to an unknown location and inside we see the three teens, Sparkplug, Simmons and the commandos. Buster tries to talk to Spike but he shuts him down. Sparkplug is more forgiving of Buster and tells Spike to talk to his brother. "Fine," he says "$&#* you."
Buster gives up and Sparkplug looks at the two solemnly.
Spike notices Chip and Carly looking out the windows in awe and he is surprised that he is able to see Hoover Dam. He never knew he'd ever be able to see it as they land.
All of the humans walk out the helicopter and they see Bumblebee being dragged inside by Sector 7 soldiers. Chip looks sadly at him being taken away but he knows Simmons won't give in.
Secretary Keller and Tom Banachek then step out to greet the humans. They introduce themselves and Sparkplug is honored to be meeting secretary Keller, though he wishes he weren't in handcuffs. Keller nods and tells the humans to come with him to give him some information on what they know about the aliens. Spike defiantly tells him "I'll do it, only under a few conditions."
"Young man, you are in no place to be making demands right n-"
"First of all, you get these handcuffs off of us."
"....Fine, anything else?"
"Her criminal record, all of it, gone."
"We can make that happen, are you done?"
"Yeah, the yellow robot, we want him back."
"That's not happening, we need it for tests."
"Then I guess we can't give you the info you need."
Keller sighs. "We'll work something out."
"Great, where do we start?"
"Follow me," Tom says.
Chip and Carly thank Spike for doing that for them and he tells them not to mention it.
"So we're cool?" asks Carly.
"Just don't lie to me like that again."
They all go inside and we see Soundwave talking to Firenze and it is revealed Firenze has been hiding in the Sector 7 vehicles this whole time as a radio and is now en route to find Megatron. Soundwave dispatches Laserbeak to go look for Ravage and he does so. Soundwave then transforms and sneaks off the pathway.

We then fade to the autobots talking about what they should do, "We can't just leave him to die, and become some human experiment," says Hot Rod.
"And what about the three humans we have grown to care about, we cannot just leave them," exclaims Prowl. Hot Rod nods at Prowl.
"Why should we even care, we just came here to find the Allspark in the first place, DIDN'T WE!?" says Ratchet.
Optimus ponders everything the others have said and says "Bumblebee has been one of our most loyal allies and friends, and the humans have not forsaken us, so why should we forsake them. But, Ratchet does have point, we only came to this planet so we could look for the Allspark, and now we have it, one life for an entire planet," Optimus looks at the coordinates to the Allspark and says "I still very much regret my decision to ship the Allspark off of Cybertron, though it was better than letting it fall into the hands of Megatron, but at what cost? But, if given no choice, I WILL destroy the Allspark if it means protecting all of you, for without sacrifice, there can be no victory."
"But Optimus, our home..." says a deeply disheartened Ratchet.
"Maybe Cybertron was doomed all along, but do not worry old friend, I will do everything in my power to make sure that does not happen. Ratchet! You will accompany me to retrieve the Allspark, Hot Rod! Prowl! You will save Bumblebee and the humans."
They all nod in agreement.

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